Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1184 Enjoy it! (4 more updates)

Relatively speaking, the spiritual sea of ​​the powerful Human Emperor is vast and majestic, just like endless stars. Especially for a powerful person like Queen Huanxin who is proficient in refining gods, compared with ordinary Human Emperors, they have less control over the spiritual sea. To open up, it will be five times more extensive.

Ling Feng's consciousness entered this vast spiritual sea and almost got lost in it.

Fortunately, under the guidance of Queen Huanxin's spiritual power, Ling Feng gradually took control of his own spiritual power and was not fooled by Queen Huanxin's spiritual sea full of illusions.

"Your will is quite firm."

Queen Huanxin's voice echoed around her, and the entire spiritual sea was filled with her voice. In this world, she was the ruler.

No wonder she dared to open up the sea of ​​​​spirit to Ling Feng. Although the sea of ​​​​spirit is the weakest point of the monks, with the spiritual power of Queen Huanxin, if Ling Feng makes the slightest move, he can be killed in an instant. Complete suppression.

"The Queen's spiritual space is truly breathtaking."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, collected his mind, and began to imprint the inscription of the sixth dream rule into the spiritual sea of ​​the Queen of Fantasy Heart.

The whole process took about a quarter of an hour. Ling Feng finally exited the spiritual sea of ​​Queen Huanxin and breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

I am in the process of refining the gods, and I have just gotten a glimpse of it, but compared with the Queen of Huanxin, the difference is still too far.

"Thank you, little guy!"

Queen Huanxin opened her eyes slightly, floated back, and as the golden light flowed around her, she had led Ling Feng to another hall.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. In fact, Queen Huanxin's body did not disappear out of thin air. It was just that her mastery of the rules of dreams had reached the level of proficiency. Everything she saw in front of her might be true. Or maybe they are all fake, and only Queen Huanxin knows what is true and what is false.

"The Queen is too kind."

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Queen Huanxin. In fact, he had originally thought about imprinting all the inscriptions of the nine dream rules into Queen Huanxin's spiritual sea. However, in this way, the talent exposed would probably The Queen of Fantasy Heart must be frightened.

"The next three days, the hourglass of time, is yours to use."

Queen Huanxin snapped her fingers, and a huge hourglass as tall as a person suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Every grain of gold sand inside seemed to be shining with dreamlike brilliance.

"The hourglass of time is a top-quality sacred instrument belonging to the auxiliary system. If you inject your spiritual power into it, you will enter a special space within the hourglass of time. One year inside is equal to one day in the outside world. However, this time hourglass, after all, It’s just a sacred weapon, so anyone can only practice in the hourglass of time for three days.”

"You can now use the Hourglass of Time."

After Queen Huanxin finished speaking, her body suddenly became illusory, then turned into streaks of starlight and disappeared in front of Ling Feng's eyes.

"The queen is the queen!"

Ling Feng curled his lips. Every appearance and disappearance of the Queen of Fantasy Heart was so full of dreamy colors. She was indeed the "Queen of Fantasy Heart"!

Immediately, Ling Feng didn't waste any more time and directly integrated his spiritual power into the hourglass of time. The next moment, he appeared in a strange space.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng first took out the "Nightmare Heart Technique", and then began a long but short practice.

Three days passed by in a flash.

When Ling Feng came out of the hourglass of time, his whole aura seemed to have undergone some changes. Although it was only three days to the outside world, to Ling Feng, it was a real three years.

In the past three years, Ling Feng's beard has grown longer, and his body has become taller and stronger due to his practice.

The biggest change should be his eyes. It seems that if you look at them one more time, you will fall into an illusion.


The door was pushed open, and the maid Xiang'er was seen walking in from the door. She looked at Ling Feng with a smile and said softly: "Master Ling, please come with me to wash up."

Ling Feng smiled awkwardly. He hadn't taken a shower in three years. Although cultivators are not like ordinary people and do not attract dirt on their bodies, in the past three years, in addition to practicing hard skills every day, Ling Feng also practiced swordsmanship. Not a single drop was left behind.

I accumulate stinky sweat every day, and after three years, I can't smell good enough.

"Good work."

Ling Feng nodded and followed Xiang'er to the bath. He saw several maids half-kneeling beside the bath. When they saw Ling Feng come in, they immediately knelt on the ground to greet Ling Feng.


Ling Feng was stunned and turned to look at Xiang'er, "Miss Xiang'er, this is..."

"They, they are here to help you take a bath!"

As she said that, a hint of cunning flashed in Xiang'er's eyes, and she said with a smile: "Of course, if the young master has other needs, they will definitely not refuse."


Several black lines immediately appeared on Ling Feng's forehead, "Miss Xiang'er, it's no need, it's really no need..."

"Hehe, enjoy it, sir!"

Xiang'er cast a "you know" look at Ling Feng, then turned and left, not forgetting to close the bathroom door.

"Miss Xiang'er, you really don't need it!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched. This damn thing is too fragrant and exciting!

"Sir, my servant will help you change your clothes."

A maid on the right, wearing only a thin bra, twisted her soft waist, walked slowly to Ling Feng's side, stretched out her hand, and directly grabbed Ling Feng's waistband.

"I'll do it myself, I can do it myself!"

Ling Feng sniffed and felt something hot in his nostrils. He quickly jumped up and took off his clothes. Then before all the maids could react, he jumped directly into the bathtub with a "plop". .

"Master, you are so bad! You made my slave's clothes wet!"

The clothes on those maids originally only had a thin layer, but after getting wet, they felt thin and see-through.

Immediately afterwards, these maids actually took off their last clothes and jumped into the bath to serve Ling Feng.


Ling Feng completely vomited blood. If this battle continues like this, he will make mistakes!

The next moment, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and the maids suddenly fell into an illusion. They "saw" themselves serving Ling Feng to take a bath, but in fact, they were all just dreaming.


Seeing that the maids had all fallen into the illusion and stopped moving, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "It's finally quiet now!"

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