Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1185 The eighth level of the Divine Origin Realm! (1 update)

What Ling Feng didn't know was that in a hall not far from the bath, Xiang'er and Yang Huanzhi, the instigator of this incident, were staring at a light curtain, and within the light curtain was the scene of Ling Feng taking a bath.

"Let me go, Brother Ling is too tolerant. He has been trapped in the hourglass of time for three years, and yet he is not moved when he comes out to face so many beauties!"

Yang Huanzhi was completely dumbfounded. It turned out that it was he and Xiang'er who made a bet that Ling Fengfeng would not be tempted by those beauties, which resulted in the previous scene.

Who knew that Ling Feng could hold back!

"This is still a man!"

Yang Huanzhi was depressed for a while, and he would not hesitate to change it to himself!

"Humph, this is what you call a gentleman. Do you think they are all like you... you?"

Xiang'er's pretty face blushed slightly, she gave Yang Huan a hard look, and hummed softly: "You lost this time, one hundred thousand yuan crystals, can you bring it?"

"Hehe, sister Xiang'er, I owe it first, I owe it first!"

Yang Huanzhi leaned forward with saliva on his face, "Otherwise, I'll pay you with money and flesh, and make you miserable!"


Xiang'er spat lightly, too lazy to pay attention to this money-hungry guy. If he asked him to come up with money, it would be easier to chop him twice.

"Hey, I know Sister Xiang'er is the best to me."

Yang Huanzhi sniffed and saw Ling Feng in the light curtain, taking a shower without squinting. He couldn't help but smile: "Speaking of which, I think a man like Brother Ling with impeccable character and talent, this You are worthy of your sister!"

"Yeah, I think so!"

Rarely, Xiang'er also agreed. She glared at Yang Huanzhi and said, "A man who is not lustful is really harder to find than a three-legged toad!"

"Ahem, why are you staring at me? You are talking about my sister's lifelong events!"

Yang Huanzhi felt guilty, thinking that he hadn't been messing around with women these days!


Xiang'er rolled her eyes, retracted the light curtain in front of her, and said with her lips: "I won't mess around with you anymore. If the queen knows that you are teasing Mr. Ling like this, she will punish you!"

"Tch, my sister is a sharp-tongued person, and she won't be willing to punish my only brother!"

Before Yang Huan finished speaking, a cold voice suddenly came from his ears.

"Oh, is it so?"

This voice is not the Queen of Fantasy Heart, so who is it?


Yang Huanzhi jumped up immediately, his old face showing an extremely embarrassed look, "Sister, I... I was joking!"

"Hmph, brat, I'm going to punish you to go through the ninth level of fantasy today. If you can't get through the sixth level, you'll be banned from leaving the house for a year!"

"Ah? It's fatal!"

Yang Huanzhi immediately grimaced, "If you don't let me go out, how will my deception and abduction team develop and grow in the future!"

"Humph, now you know how powerful the queen is!"

Xiang'er snickered secretly, ignored Yang Huanzhi's look for help, and walked towards the Lingfeng bathhouse with cheerful steps.

On the other side, after Ling Feng washed away the sweat odor from his body, he touched the beard on his chin.

This big beard makes Ling Feng look a little more vicissitudes of life.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door, and then Xiang'er said, "Mr. Ling, have you finished washing?"

Ling Feng hurriedly jumped out of the pool, instantly activated the swallowing flames, dried the water stains on his body, and took out a clean piece of clothing. After putting it on, he opened the door.

At the same time, Ling Feng snapped his fingers, and the maids woke up from the illusion.

However, some of the maidservants had flushed faces and clenched their legs. Perhaps something embarrassing happened in their dreams, which was beyond Ling Feng's control.


The maids suddenly woke up and realized that Ling Feng was nowhere to be found in the bath.

After Ling Feng walked out of the bath, he immediately left this "place of right and wrong" with a look of embarrassment on his face.


Xiang'er was secretly amused. How could Ling Feng have such an expression when he was teaching Murong Sui and those guys a lesson?

"Well, Mr. Ling, I just made a little joke with you. Please don't take it seriously."

Xiang'er explained with a smile.

"It's better not to make such jokes in the future."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This was too exciting for his pure self.

"Not anymore."

Xiang'er narrowed her eyes and smiled, "The Queen is in retreat, so I can't receive you. I'm sending you out of the Tianhuan Palace on behalf of the Queen. From today on, Mr. Ling, you are the honored guest of our Tianhuan Palace. Whenever you want to come, you can come at any time as long as you hold this token!”

After saying that, Xiang'er took out another golden token with the word "Huanxin" engraved on it and handed it to Ling Feng respectfully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen, for me. With that, I will leave first."

Ling Feng nodded, bowed his hands to Xiang'er, and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

"Master Ling, please wait a moment!"

Xiang'er stopped Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Master, as an apology for the joke just now, let Xiang'er shave your face. Although Master Ling is quite handsome with a beard, he still has the same face as before. It looks more pleasing to the eye.”


Ling Feng touched the beard on his face and couldn't help but think of the cold-faced man Leng Jianfeng. He couldn't help but feel a chill all over his body. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Then there is Miss Lao Xiang'er."

About half an hour later, Ling Feng finally returned to the Xuehai Inn where he and Tuoba Yan stayed temporarily.

This departure lasted for four or five days. In total, Tuoba Yan should have completed his cultivation, and his cultivation level has directly broken through to the middle stage of the Divine Origin Realm.

Speaking of which, Tuoba Yan didn't know what kind of skill he had practiced, and his progress was ridiculously fast. Even though Ling Feng had constant opportunities, Tuoba Yan could keep up every time and hardly fell behind.

Yan Cangtian had told Ling Feng before that Tuoba Yan had a rare Xuanyin body. The reason why Tuoba Yan's cultivation progress was so amazing was probably inseparable from her physique.

"Haha, although Yan'er's cultivation speed is indeed terrifying, I'm afraid she will still be shocked by me this time!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. During the three years in the hourglass of time, Ling Feng not only cultivated the "Nightmare Heart Art" to a minor level, but most importantly, his cultivation level directly reached the eighth level of the Divine Origin Realm!

From the third level of the Divine Origin Realm to the eighth level of the Divine Origin Realm, this has exceeded the original expectations of the sixth level of the Divine Origin Realm.

Of course, the initial reward for passing the Queen of Illusion Heart test was just to borrow the time hourglass for one day.

With a trace of expectation, Ling Feng quickly went upstairs and opened the door.

However, the scene inside the door made Ling Feng's pupils shrink!

The house was in a mess, as if there had been a battle, but the traces were not obvious!

But Tuoba Yan had already disappeared without a trace!

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