Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1189 I said, soon! (1 update)

As the Great Elder finished speaking, Murong Huang raised his sword with a sneer and pointed at Ling Feng from a distance: "Are you ready to kneel down and beg for mercy?"

Ling Feng stood upright and did not draw his sword. He just raised his fingers towards Murong Sui and said calmly: "Are you going to make me kneel down and beg for mercy with your mouth? Then you will probably call me daddy a few more times. I’ve always been a soft-spoken person!”


Murong Huang's face froze slightly, and he immediately roared, "Boy, you are looking for death!"


The void trembled, and a wave of air swept around Murong Sui's body, forming a violent wind with him as the center.

"I'll kill you with one move!"

Murong Huang didn't hold back at all, and as soon as he met his face, he used his killing move.

"Basteel Slash!"

In an instant, Murong Sui's figure disappeared from the ring, and directly attacked Ling Feng at a terrifying speed invisible to the naked eye.

Feeling the violent sword energy all over the sky, sweeping toward him, Ling Feng remained motionless, not even having the slightest intention of taking action.

"Is this guy so intimidated by Murong Sui's aura that he can't even move?"

"Thankfully he was so loud before, it turned out to be just a silver wax gun tip!"

"You can be as crazy as you like if you have the strength. If you dare to show off if you don't have the strength, then you are a fool!"

Everyone laughed, but only a few people could see that at the moment Murong Ai rushed out, a faint purple light flickered in Ling Feng's eyes.

The Divine Patterns of Heaven are condensed.

In front of Ling Feng's emperor's eyes, Murong Sui's weakness has been completely exposed.

The next moment, Ling Feng raised his hand slightly, and then, there was an extremely crisp slap in the face, followed by a "pop" sound, and then, Murong Sui's figure flew out upside down!


Murong Huang fell heavily off the ring, and the sword in his hand flew out.


A mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, along with a mouth full of teeth, not a single one left behind.

"I said it would be quick, but I didn't expect it to be so quick!"

Ling Feng shook his head, blew his slap lightly, and said with a faint smile: "Don't show off if you don't have the strength. You're too weak!"

"Ling Feng! You——"

Murong Huang struggled to get up from the ground and pointed at Ling Feng, trembling all over. The next moment, he was so angry that he fainted.


The audience in the audience felt as if their heads were short-circuited.

A king-level battle against a king-level strongman in the Divine Yuan Realm, but he was defeated miserably in one move!

Moreover, that was not an ordinary king level, but a strong man like Murong Sui who was known as a genius!

" is this possible?"

"One... one move to kill instantly?"

"No, the other party didn't even make a move, it was just a slap..."

"It's... too scary. That kid, is he still human?"

"Oh my God!"

Yang Huanzhi screamed strangely, turned to look at Xiang'er, and asked in a deep voice: "Sister Xiang'er, if you take action, how many moves will you need to deal with that Murong Sui?"

"If he falls under my illusion, one move will be enough. If he doesn't fall under my illusion, ten moves may not be enough."

Xiang'er also swallowed hard. Ling Feng's strength was more than ten times stronger than she imagined!

Not only the spectators, but also Murong Zining in the spectator seats could clearly feel her delicate body trembling slightly.

Murong Ai couldn't resist Ling Feng's move?

Only now did she realize how ridiculous her idea of ​​wanting Murong Ai to teach Ling Feng a lesson was.

This Ling Feng, his strength is incomparable to his level!

"What a wonderful game."

Elder Tianyi grinned, "Although, it ended a little quickly."

Murong Zi Ning's face suddenly felt hot. Although it was Murong Sui who was defeated, it was the face of their Tianhuang City that they lost!

"Murong Zining, where is your graceful demeanor and your composure? What, the aloof goddess, is she going to show her true face now?"

Ling Feng didn't show any sympathy for Murong Zining at all. He looked straight at Murong Zining and said coldly: "How about it, don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you are not convinced, you can come down and fight me in person. , if you win, the original conditions still count!"


Murong Zining forced a smile on her face, but everyone could see that the expression of this aloof goddess was so unnatural.

"Zi Ning originally didn't want to fight Young Master Ling in the ring, but since Young Master Ling has asked, Zi Ning can only do so reluctantly and compete with him. I hope you will show mercy!"

Murong Zining took a deep breath, and her figure flashed and landed firmly on the ring.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are really awesome. Even though you have reached this level, you are still so fake. You might as well change your name to Murong Jie."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "How about it, Miss Murong, I will make your city lose face. In your heart, you must be eager to cut me into pieces."

"Haha, a mere Murong Sui can't represent the face of our Tianhuang City!"

Murong Zining clenched her pink fist, and a nine-color silk ribbon slowly fell from her sleeve.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, this nine-colored silk was actually a treasure from heaven and earth!

"What a good thing, you are worthy of being the little princess of Tianhuang City!"

Ling Feng immediately realized that this nine-colored silk had a powerful protective effect, and with the treasure there, it was basically impossible for Ling Feng to get into her body, so he would not be killed instantly with one move like before.

She is indeed a scheming bitch, but...

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. He was planning to play something a little more exciting with this woman.

"Master Ling, are you ready? Then, Zi Ning is about to take action!"

Murong Zi Ning gave a sweet shout, and before she could finish her words, she took action directly. The immortal silk fluttering all over her body, and the terrifying Yuan Power, directly crushed Ling Feng down.

This woman is worthy of being a half-step emperor!

Ling Feng's figure flashed, he unfolded his free sword step, stepped back a few steps, the divine patterns of heaven condensed in his eyes, and he shouted coldly: "The universe is in chaos!"

Immediately, the reverse chaos force field enveloped Murong Zining. Murong Zining snorted and actually surrounded the nine-color fairy silk into a colored ball, forcibly blocking Ling Feng's reverse chaos force field. Isolated.

"It's actually possible to do this!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he took a high look at this woman. Putting aside her character, this woman was considered a talent.

However, since he is his enemy, Ling Feng will not show mercy.


Illusory inscriptions surged around Ling Feng, like several flying dragons, hovering around him. The next moment, with a few "swish, swish, swish" sounds, they all shot towards the colorful ball around Murong Zining.

"That is……"

On the high platform, Elder Tianyi's eyelids twitched wildly, "Isn't this the ability of Queen Huanxin? Could it be that this boy has already obtained the Queen's true inheritance?"

Yang Huanzhi and Xiang'er also exclaimed, "This method of entering dreams is a very high-level illusion. Once you fall into this method, you will be controlled by your opponent without knowing it, or even enslaved by your opponent!"

Even the Queen of Huanxin doesn't dare to leapfrog her level easily to cast this kind of illusion, because if it backfires, the consequences will be disastrous.

And Ling Feng, who was only at the eighth level of the Divine Origin Realm, actually dared to cross an entire realm to control Murong Zining, who was half a human emperor...

This courage is too great!

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