Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1190 Kneel down and lick your shoes! (2 updates)

The inscription of the dream rules quickly enveloped Murong Zining.

The next moment, it seemed to have disappeared, and there was no trace left.

Murong Zining, protected by nine-color fairy silk, came to Ling Feng with a cold light flashing in her eyes.

She has changed her mind now. Perhaps Ling Feng's outstanding soul talent can indeed help her in the Sea of ​​Miracles. However, such an unruly boy is far more dangerous than useful.

After weighing the situation, Murong Zining had already decided to kill Ling Feng.

Anyway, the entire audience was shouting and shouting to kill this man on the spot.

The colorful ball formed by the nine-color fairy silk suddenly opened, and thousands of sword energy shot out from it, all shooting at Ling Feng. The half-step Human Emperor strongman struck with all his strength, and its destructive power was so terrifying.

Ling Feng unfolded his movement technique, and at the moment when Murong Zining exploded with all his strength, purple light flashed in his eyes, activating the Nightmare Heart Art.

The inscriptions of the dream rules that had originally disappeared, took advantage of the moment when the nine-color fairy silk was opened, and all flowed along the center of her eyebrows and poured into her spiritual sea.

The method of entering dreams is successful!

Immediately afterwards, Murong Zining's body became stiff. In her spiritual world, she might be beating Ling Feng back steadily, but in the outside world, Murong Zining was like a puppet on strings. Standing still, motionless.

"It finally worked!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. This woman was indeed difficult to deal with. She was protected by the most precious treasure of heaven and earth. She was even more difficult to deal with than an ordinary human emperor.

However, after falling prey to Ling Feng's dreaming method, no matter how powerful she was, she could only let Ling Feng slaughter her.

Because her consciousness had fallen into an illusory dream, and Ling Feng had directly controlled her body without her even realizing it.

"what happened?"

The audience in the audience were all dumbfounded. Murong Zining, who was so aggressive just now, actually stopped moving?

"Miss Murong?"

The onlookers called out several times, but saw that Murong Zining had no reaction at all, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Boy, what on earth did you do to Miss Murong!"

"Bastard! Let Miss Murong return to normal!"

A burst of curses came from the audience. In the spectator seats, Elder Tianyi slapped the table and said coldly: "Asshole, the competition is still going on on the stage. Why are you so noisy? Don't you know that this is just an illusion?" The Queen’s way of falling into a dream?”

Elder Tianyi's voice was not loud, but it fell in everyone's ears very clearly.

Everyone's eyelids jumped wildly, this boy actually learned the dreaming method of Queen Huanxin!

Could it be said that he has really obtained the true inheritance of Queen Huan Xin?

On the stage.

Ling Feng looked at Murong Zining in front of him, with a cold smile on his lips, raised his finger slightly, and sneered: "Murong Zining, aren't you a goddess above me? Today, I will let you tear off this layer. Hypocritical mask! Kneel down!"


Without any hesitation, Murong Zining knelt directly in front of Ling Feng, with even a hint of pride in her eyes.

In her dream, she had trampled Ling Feng under her feet, but she didn't know that in the real world, she was already kneeling in front of Ling Feng.

" is this possible!"

Those inner sea geniuses who regarded Murong Zi as a goddess were furious. This Ling Feng actually dared to make their goddess kneel down!


Ling Feng ignored those ignorant idiots and ordered again: "Come here and lick the soles of my shoes!"

After hearing the order, Murong Zining walked to Ling Feng on her knees step by step. Then, she actually held Ling Feng's shoes, stuck out her tongue, and started licking them without hesitation.

"Hahaha, have you seen it, the so-called goddess?"

Ling Feng kicked Murong Zining out, but Murong Zining crawled over again on her knees and wanted to continue licking Ling Feng's soles.

Ling Feng felt happy in his heart, what kind of goddess?


If you dare to take advantage of me, you are looking for the wrong person!


"Damn boy!"


Those who regarded Murong Zining as the lover of their dreams were furious and almost jumped on stage to teach Ling Feng a lesson.

However, even Murong Zining was controlled by Ling Feng. If they went up and were controlled by Ling Feng's dreaming method, wouldn't they also follow Murong Zining and lick the soles of her shoes?

What's more, there is an elder Tianyi in the audience seat, suppressing all parties.

How dare they make mistakes in front of the powerful Human Emperor.

"Oh My God……"

Yang Huanzhi was completely dumbfounded. Seeing Murong Zining crawling around, hugging Ling Feng's thigh and licking the soles of his shoes, the corner of his mouth twitched, "Brother-in-law really doesn't know how to cherish a woman's beauty! But..."

Yang Huanzhi chuckled and continued: "However, the most beautiful woman in the Tianlan Sea, who is so high above the world, actually knelt down to lick her own shoes. She seems to be quite happy!"


Hearing the roars of those inner sea geniuses, Ling Feng smiled coldly and nodded, "Okay, licking the soles of shoes is really not interesting, so let you see what you want to see! Your goddess is doing a striptease in front of you. !”

Ling Feng snorted coldly. He hated those guys who grabbed the people around him to threaten him. Murong Zining definitely touched his reverse scale.

The dragon has reverse scales, and you will die if you touch it!

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. He stared at Murong Zining and said coldly: "Come on, do a striptease! You can't stop until you strip naked!"


The audience in the audience went completely crazy, "You bastard, you lunatic!"

" are so shameless!"

Amidst the scoldings of countless people, Murong Zining actually started to twist her waist, and then she really started to take off the gauze on her body. Starting from the nine-color fairy silk, bit by bit, piece by piece, Soon, her white and tender shoulders were exposed.

"Holy crap! Boy, if you tarnish the goddess like this, you will be punished by God!"

A round-faced man cursed loudly, but his eyes were fixed on the exposed spot of Murong Zining without blinking.

"You bastard, how could you do this! I don't want to see it! I don't want to see it, I can't taint Miss Murong!"

Another thin, monkey-like young man ostensibly reached out to cover his eyes, but left a gap to stare at Murong Zining's fair skin and swallowed hard.

"Fuck! Boy, you are provoking everyone! Oh, so white! No, I said it wrong! I'm so angry!"

"Damn it, tell Miss Murong not to stop! No, tell Miss Murong to stop!"

Although each of these animals cursed fiercely, their eyes were very honest. This is probably what the so-called hypocrites are.

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