Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1191 You bastard! You are shameless! (3 updates)

"Don't look at it, don't look at it!"

Xiang'er quickly raised her jade palm to block Yang Huanzhi's eyes, and said angrily: "Huh, what's there to see?"

"Don't look, don't look!"

Yang Huanzhi sniffed and said not to look, but his eyes were darting all over the place. Brother Zhu's true colors were exposed.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Murong Zining quickly took off only her bra, her fair shoulders, slender arms, and her slender waist, all of which were exposed to everyone. In eyes.

The voices of abuse turned into countless gulping sounds, and each one of them even said silently in their hearts: Take it off, take it off! ! !

However, Ling Feng naturally would not take advantage of these guys. He snapped his fingers and lifted Murong Zining's dream.

Murong Zining suddenly woke up, but she didn't realize the difference between reality and dream. She thought she had stepped on Ling Feng's face, and laughed loudly: "Ling Feng, are you convinced this time?"

"I'm convinced, I'm very convinced!"

Ling Feng slapped the hand and said with a smile: "Miss Murong, don't you feel a little cool on your body?"


Murong Zining's pupils shrank, and she suddenly saw Ling Feng standing on the opposite side intact, with an incredible look in her eyes, "How could it be possible? You were obviously hit by my killing move and you can't move!"


Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on Murong Zining, and he chuckled: "Really?"

Murong Zining followed Ling Feng's gaze, looked down, and suddenly discovered that except for the last layer of obscene clothes, she was completely naked!


A shout of several million decibels sounded like it penetrated the clouds and split the sky.

Murong Zining suddenly realized that she had almost stripped naked in front of countless people!

The scorching gazes in the audience made her even more embarrassed and furious, and her anger surged wildly!


Murong Zining roared like an angry lion, immediately retracted the nine-color fairy silk, wrapped it around her delicate body, and then slapped Ling Feng hard with her palm.

"Are you coming again?"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, stepped forward with Xiaoyao's sword, and avoided Murong Zining's angry blow. He sneered, "Aren't you afraid that I will control you again? This time, I will make you take off all your obscene clothes!"

"you dare!"

Murong Zining's heart thumped. When she slowed down, she found a palm slapping her buttocks hard. A burst of burning pain, accompanied by a feeling of shame, swept through her heart.

"See if I dare!"

A sneer hung from the corner of Ling Feng's mouth, "If you are wise, let out the Tuoba smoke, otherwise, I will let all the geniuses in the inner sea feast their eyes today! Tsk, tsk, tsk, the most beautiful woman in Tianlan Sea, to be honest , I really want to see it too!”

"You bastard! You are shameless!"

Murong Zining was so angry that she almost vomited blood and was trembling all over.

However, her reason told her that Ling Feng could really keep his word.

Just now, I had fallen into Ling Feng's way without even realizing it. Who knows next time...

If Ling Feng really made her take off all her clothes in front of everyone, then her face would really be completely humiliated.

"Hmph, you provoked me first!"

Ling Feng stared at Murong Zining and sneered: "From the very beginning, I have disliked you. If you didn't dance in front of me, I would be too lazy to talk to you, but you want to catch Yan'er. Control me and tell you that you have found the wrong person!"

"Murong Zining, others will fall for your tricks, but I, Ling Feng, won't take the soft and the hard! You think you are some kind of aloof goddess, but in fact, in my eyes, Ling Feng, you are worse than the lowest bitch! "

Ling Feng's eyes were like two sharp swords, directed towards Murong Zining. For the first time, Murong Zining felt that she was so worthless.


Murong Zining was scolded by Ling Feng until she was speechless. It should be said that this was the first time she discovered that her "goddess" aura no longer worked!

"What are you!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, "Murong Zining, I will give you the last ten breaths to think about it. If you don't want something bad to happen, then you can do it yourself!"

"Chengnan...Chengnan warehouse!"

Murong Zining clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth: "I locked that woman in the warehouse in the south of the city!"

"You know what's going on!"

Ling Feng sneered, his figure flashed, and he flew directly towards the south of the city.

Murong Zining, wrapped in nine-color fairy silk, bit her lower lip and looked at the direction where Ling Feng disappeared, feeling mixed emotions in her heart.

Below, a series of eyes were staring directly at him, and someone was wiping his saliva while giving him an extremely lewd smile.

What's more, the body suddenly becomes excited, and then everything becomes boring. (Hehehehe...)

No matter how calm Murong Zining was, she couldn't cope with such a scene.

"Ling Feng, remember this! I will never let you go, never!"

The next moment, Murong Zining also spread out his body skills, and didn't bother to pay attention to the dead dog-like Murong Sui, and disappeared directly.

Seeing Murong Zining disappear, everyone took a deep breath. For a moment, they even felt that Murong Zining seemed to want to kill them all.

However, they were spared because Elder Tianyi was also there.

"Oh no, this is the first time I see Miss Murong showing that terrifying expression."

"Now I feel that Miss Murong is really a little bit aloof. Look at her striptease, she is very skilled!"

"Fuck, stop talking nonsense! But, just a little bit, you can see that...hehehehe..."

"That is to say, that damn Ling Feng didn't let Miss Murong dance for a while! He is simply a beast!"


A group of wretched and obscene animals also dispersed in twos and threes, but in their minds, they were still recalling Murong Zining's graceful and graceful figure.

At night, I guess I don’t know how many descendants I have to sacrifice...

Soon, Ling Feng arrived at the warehouse in the south of the city. Although there were two warriors guarding the door, they were easily knocked down by Ling Feng.

With the ability of infinite vision, Ling Feng quickly found Tuoba Yan.

At this moment, Tuoba Yan's body was tied up, and a rag was stuffed in her mouth. Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, untied the special rope on Tuoba Yan's body, pinched her tightly, and immediately pulled Tuoba Yan's body. Wake up with more pain.


Tuoba Yan cursed subconsciously, raised his hand and slapped it hard, but heard a familiar voice, "Yan'er, it's me!"

Tuoba Yan took a closer look and realized that it was Ling Feng who appeared in front of him.

Ling Feng grabbed Tuoba Yan's hand and saw that Tuoba Yan was not injured. Then he relaxed and said in a deep voice, "Sorry, I'm late."

Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth and gave Ling Feng a somewhat resentful look, but there was a hint of secret joy in his heart: It turns out that this guy also knows how to be nervous...

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