Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1194 Murong Qianjun! (2 updates)

Yang Huanzhi snorted and cursed: "Can the Murong family be so arrogant?"

Thinking about Yang Huanzhi, he also had a transcendent status in Tianhuan Island. To make a fortune, he had to rely on deception and deception on his own, but in Tianhuang City, a person named Murong could be so awesome?

The monk sighed helplessly: "Actually, strictly speaking, this person is not from the Murong family. This dragon carriage belongs to the housekeeper of the Murong family. The guy on the dragon carriage is actually the son of housekeeper Murong. The name is Murong Qianjun!”

"Murong Qianjun's clan was originally named Cao. Later, because of his great contributions to the Murong family, the head of the Murong family decided to change his surname to Murong."

"Humph, it turns out he's just the son of a watchdog. That's the dog's son!"

Yang Huanzhi looked disdainful and snorted coldly. The monk was startled and turned away quickly, not daring to have anything to do with this group of people.

"In this deserted city, a dog from the Murong family dares to walk sideways like this. It seems that the power of the Murong family cannot be underestimated."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, but he was not necessarily afraid of the Murong family.

The Murong family is not easy to mess with, and I am not a fuel-efficient lamp either!

"Let's go and check out the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce first!"

In the inland sea, due to the special climatic conditions, many rare and exotic species may grow that cannot grow inland. Some of these elixirs have quite good effects on cultivating spiritual consciousness and making breakthroughs in cultivation.

After three years of training in the hourglass of time, Ling Feng had reached the peak of the eighth level of the Divine Origin Realm, but he encountered a bottleneck at this level. No matter how hard he practiced, he could not break through.

Ling Feng knew that this was because he had swallowed essence blood beads before and forcibly broke through the ninth level of Shenyuan realm, and because of the side effects of chaos reincarnation, his realm had fallen crazily.

After all, his foundation has been affected to a certain extent. If he wants to break through to the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm for the second time, it will be more than ten times more difficult than the first time!

Therefore, we must use some spiritual flowers, spiritual herbs, or spiritual things.

Tianhuang City is undoubtedly several times larger than Tianhuan Island. It is densely populated and prosperous like a dream, with all kinds of shops.

Not long after, Ling Feng and the others came to a luxurious commercial street. The entire street belonged to the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, and there were all kinds of shops in it.

There is a luxurious pavilion in the center with more than sixty floors. It is said that there is a large auction house on the top floor. A large auction is held every month, and some very rare treasures are auctioned.

Ling Feng searched through the ordinary shops and found that there was nothing he needed. In the end, he could only go directly to the largest shop in the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, called Tianbao Pavilion.

If you don't find what you need in Tianbao Pavilion, you may have to try your luck at the auction.

Soon, the three of them boarded the tall building. From the 30th floor to the 50th floor, all the exhibition halls on the 20th floor were all properties of Tianbao Pavilion, which showed its strong financial resources.

When they arrived, there were many monks coming and going inside, all looking for various materials. Ling Feng and his group also walked inside. When passing by the door, Ling Feng discovered that the dragon chariot that was running wildly on the road just now , surprisingly also stopped at the door.

Ling Feng didn't take it seriously and just entered it directly. Through the elevating stairs, he was directly teleported to the twentieth floor.

As soon as she entered the door, there was a pretty maid. Yingying walked forward. Seeing Ling Feng's "respectable face", a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, but she restrained herself well and immediately put on a smile. Yingying stepped forward and said, "Guests, may I ask if you need anything."

Ling Feng felt depressed for a while, damn Yang Huanzhi, he had to give himself such a disgusting look!

However, the effect seemed pretty good. At least, when all the women saw him, they didn't bother to take a second look. Even if Murong Zining stood in front of her, she would definitely not recognize him.

Ling Feng coughed dryly, changed his voice to a somewhat shrill voice, and said slowly and slowly: "I need some spiritual flowers and herbs for breaking through to the king level, or something to inject spirits."

"Are you able to break through to the king level?"

The maid smiled lightly and said: "This kind of treasure can only be sold in places above the 40th floor. It is very expensive. Several guests can go upstairs to look for it. However, before that, you may need to provide proof. If Without a million yuan crystals, I’m afraid some of you are not qualified to go up.”

Her answer seemed polite, but in fact she had a hint of arrogance.

Ling Feng secretly laughed in his heart, Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce was still Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, but she was just a maid, but she actually developed a sense of superiority.

However, Ling Feng naturally would not argue with a maid, so he took out a VIP card and said calmly: "Is that enough?"

"Gold VIP card?"

The maid's pupils shrank slightly, revealing a look of astonishment. She was obviously just a warrior in the Divine Origin Realm, how could she have such astonishing wealth?

But soon, the maid gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "Guest, you... you are still not allowed to go in. We have regulations here. Yellow... gold VIPs are not allowed to enter above the fortieth floor."

Ling Feng frowned. Seeing that the woman was hesitating, she was obviously making things up and deliberately making things difficult.

Even gold VIPs are not allowed to go up to the 40th floor. The entrance fee to your house is quite high!

Even the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce headquarters in the Tianbai Imperial Capital does not have such ridiculous regulations!

Ling Feng snorted coldly, slapped the Supreme Black Diamond Card on the table, and sneered: "Don't tell me, the Supreme Black Diamond Card can't go up. I didn't know that there are other things on top of the Supreme Black Diamond Card." What a higher VIP level.”

The maid's eyelids twitched wildly again, and she almost fainted from fright.

Supreme Black Diamond Card?

What a joke, in the entire Tianhuang City, only the head of the Murong family, Venerable Huanghai, has a supreme black diamond card!

Could it be that this fat man is actually the son of a super family from the mainland?

The maid's face turned pale with fright, and big beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. Who could take out the Supreme Black Diamond Card? How could a little maid like her be offended, not to mention her? Well, even the person who told her to do this couldn't bear it!

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