Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1195 Yin Yang Stone! (3 updates)

"Hold...I'm sorry, this slave is also entrusted by someone else. Today, Mr. Murong Qianjun has reserved the place at Butler Murong's house. He has promised that no one can disturb him when he is selecting treasures, , can you wait a moment, otherwise this slave will not be able to eat and will leave!"

Before Ling Feng could speak, Yang Huanzhi immediately said with indignation: "He's just a housekeeper's son of a bitch, he's got a lot of airs! Girl, don't panic, who is our boss? He's just a Murong Qianjun. Don’t take it seriously!”

As soon as Yang Huanzhi said this, he immediately attracted several cryptic looks and attracted the attention of many people.

Ling Feng frowned. From top to bottom, there was really no good person in the Murong family!

Seeing the conflict between the two sides, it was about to break out.

Suddenly, a steward quickly ran up to Murong Qianjun, lowered his voice and said a few words in Murong Qianjun's ear. Murong Qianjun frowned slightly, and then looked at Ling Feng in surprise. After one glance, he snorted softly and said coldly: "Boy, you are lucky!"

After saying that, he hugged the two girls beside him and walked away directly.

"What are you pulling at?"

Yang Huanzhi snorted softly, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes. The so-called dog relies on human power, relying on the name of the Murong family, even his own ancestors were changed to Murong. This kind of dog really regards himself as a human being. .

"The less trouble, the better."

Ling Feng said lightly and continued upstairs with Tuoba Yan.


Seeing that the two sides finally did not fight, the steward of Tianbao Pavilion secretly sweated. Murong Qianjun was not easy to mess with, and people with Supreme Black Diamond Cards were also not easy to mess with!

If these two sides fight, the worst will happen to them, Tianbao Pavilion!

Not long after, Ling Feng and the others arrived at the 40th floor through the teleportation platform. Compared with the treasures on the ten floors below, starting from the 40th floor, they are generally sold to king-level powerhouses and even human emperor powerhouses. treasure, therefore, there are basically few people on this level.

Ling Feng wandered around aimlessly. Finally, a very ordinary-looking round stone came into Ling Feng's eyes, which made him slightly interested.

"This is the Yin-Yang Stone? A spiritual-infused treasure with Yin-Yang attributes?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Compared to the five-element soul-injecting treasures, the three odd-attribute soul-injecting treasures of ice, wind, and thunder are relatively rare. As for the yin-yang attributes, they are even more rare. It's too late to ask for help.

Now that you’ve met it, you can’t miss it in vain!

After all, when infused with spirit, it can improve one's own Yuanli attributes, which is also very helpful in loosening realm barriers.

"This young man has good eyesight!"

Behind the counter where the Yin-Yang Stone was displayed, an old man in his sixties stood. Seeing that Ling Feng actually recognized the object at a glance, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Senior is so complimentary."

Ling Feng bowed his hands to the old man, "This junior only sensed the occasional yin and yang energy emanating from it, so he guessed that this treasure is a yin and yang stone."

"Compared to the Shenyuan realm, little brother, your induction is quite good."

Ling Feng's courteous and courteous attitude made the old man's face become more cheerful. He smiled slightly and said, "Since you have recognized the Yin Yang Stone, you should also know that this thing is worth a lot of money, and it is not easy for me to get it. So. , Laochan is only used for exchange, no Yuanjing is collected! In the past, some people wanted to spend Yuanjing to buy Laochan's Yin Yang Stone, but he was also rejected. "

"Well, since the things belong to seniors, the rules will naturally be determined by seniors."

Ling Feng nodded without any objection.

"Okay, little brother, what treasure are you going to use in exchange for this Yin Yang Stone?"

The old man looked at Ling Feng with a smile, and he was somewhat expecting what treasure this boy would bring out in exchange for him.


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