Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1196 Uncle Yang! (4 more updates)

Ling Feng thought for a moment, took out a crimson stone from the space spirit ring, gently placed it on the counter, and said with a faint smile: "Senior, I exchange this object for the Yin-Yang Stone. What do you think, senior?"

The old man's eyelids twitched slightly, he held up the red stone and looked at it for a moment, then suddenly exclaimed, "This...could this be the Heavenly Refining Stone?"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "From the senior, the junior can vaguely smell a hint of medicinal fragrance. Although it is very weak, the grade is quite high. If the junior guessed correctly, the senior should also be an alchemist, refining the divine stone. The value of it may be slightly lower than that of the Yin-Yang Stone, but for an alchemist, it is completely different. Is the junior willing to exchange the Heaven-Refining Stone for the Yin-Yang Stone?"

"Hahaha! Exchange! Of course exchange!"

How could the old man refuse? He had received two Yin-Yang Stones in total, but he only exchanged one for them. As for the Heavenly Refining Stone, it was a thing from the heavens, something that could be encountered but not sought.

"Thank you very much, senior!"

Ling Feng bowed his hand to the old man. After all, he actually made a profit. It just happened that the old man was an alchemist, otherwise the deal might not have been successful.

"Bartering is nothing without thanks."

The old man took out the yin-yang stone from the counter. Sure enough, although the front was pitch black, the back was as smooth as jade.

One is black and one is white, one is yin and one is yang. If one's spiritual sense is not sharp enough, it may be difficult to recognize. This is the rarest yin and yang attribute spiritual object among the spirit-infused treasures.

The old man put the yin and yang stone in a jade box. Ling Feng hesitated slightly and stretched out his hand to pick it up.

But just as Ling Feng grabbed the jade box, an iron claw suddenly came from behind, grazed Ling Feng's shoulder, and nailed it to the jade box. A rude cold shout came from behind him: " Damn fat pig! Get your dirty hands off, this is what I like!”

Ling Feng turned around and saw that Murong Qianjun, who had left long ago, came back at some point and walked forward very arrogantly.

Behind him, the four stunning quadruplets followed closely behind, looking at Ling Feng and his group with playful expressions.

It's this guy again!

Ling Feng frowned. When he was on the stairs just now, he already wanted to teach this bastard a lesson, but he didn't want to cause trouble, so he let him go!

Unexpectedly, this guy is back again.

Ling Feng had sharp eyes and quick hands. He raised his hand and grabbed the jade box. He was locked in a stalemate with Murong Qianjun and said in a cold voice: "I have already paid for this item. It is mine. The one who should get out is you!"

Murong Qianjun clung to the rope tightly, trying to retract the iron claw, but found that no matter how hard he tried, the jade box would not move at all.

A trace of surprise flashed in Murong Qianjun's eyes, he glared at Ling Feng, and thought to himself: This damn fat pig still has brute strength!

However, Murong Qianjun obviously did not intend to give up just like that, and said coldly: "You pig, don't think that just because your family has some power, you can be arrogant in front of this young master. Don't you even look at where this is? This is a wasteland city. ! Those who know the truth, hand over the Yin Yang Stone!"

"What about the deserted city?"

Ling Feng didn't even look at Murong Qianjun. With a wave of Yuan Li, he directly shattered the iron claws. He put the jade box into the spirit ring with a calm expression and said calmly: "As far as I know, you are just a He is just the son of a guard dog of the Murong family. To put it bluntly, he is just a son of the Murong family. When do humans need to give way to dogs? "

"What did you say?"

Murong Qianjun suddenly became furious. He hated others using his identity to make comments.

Indeed, his mother was just a concubine of the Murong family and had no status at all in the Murong family. He was able to climb to his current position entirely due to his own talent.

I saw Murong Qianjun's eyes twitching, staring at Ling Feng fiercely, and said hatefully: "You pig, I think you want to die today!"

"A dog is a dog, and ivory cannot come out of a dog's mouth!"

Ling Fengli ignored Murong Qianjun and just turned around and nodded to the old man, then took Tuoba Yan and the two of them directly past Murong Qianjun and headed for the stairs.

(PS: I recommend a supernatural novel written by a girl: "Soul Ferry: Ghost Bridge", you can read it~)

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