Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1202 I will protect this person! (2 updates)

"Tsk, tsk, that fat man is probably going to be in bad luck."

"That's the Ice King. Even though the black donkey next to that boy is very powerful, if he encounters the Ice King, he will only die!"

"What a pity. It seems that the fat man is still a master of alchemy. The one who can refine such an elixir that induces changes in the celestial phenomena must be an alchemist of level five or above."

Countless pedestrians were watching the situation here from a distance, thinking that even the Ice Emperor had come forward, so the fat man might not be able to escape even if he had wings.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. The old man named Ice Emperor exuded a cold and bone-crushing feeling, which was somewhat similar to Yan Jinghong, but Yan Jinghong's coldness was compared to the person in front of him. It's just like a small witch.

This person is probably a high-level human emperor!

The black shadow flashed, and the bitch flew to Ling Feng's side, with a dignified look on his face as well.

A high-level human emperor must not be taken lightly!

"You brat, you've got a big problem."

The bitch whispered.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. He knew that the Ice Emperor was nearby. He originally planned to kill Murong Qianjun and his son, and then use Qian Jibai to change his face. By then, who would know that he killed Murong Qianjun and his son.

But plans often fail to keep up with changes. However, now that the matter has come to this, we can only fight with all our strength.

"Boy, you are very brave!"

At this time, the Ice Emperor on the opposite side stared coldly at Ling Feng and Jian Lu, looking up and down at this very strange pair, and said in a cold voice: "It depends on the owner to beat a dog. I am a member of the Murong family, how can I So easy to kill?"

"I will not offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will pay for it a hundredfold!"

Ling Feng glared and shouted loudly: "If Murong Qianjun and his son hadn't been aggressive, I would have no interest in paying attention to these mad dogs."

Murong Qianjun immediately burst into tears and said with tears: "Lord Ice Emperor, please don't listen to his nonsense. It was clearly this person who stole my Yin Yang Stone in Tianbao Pavilion. My father just came to persuade me. I hope he can If you can sell the Yin Yang Stone, you will be killed!"

"Hahaha! How ridiculous!"

Hearing Murong Qianjun's unscrupulous words, Ling Feng burst out laughing. This man's face was really thicker than the city wall.

Telling such nonsense with his eyes open, I guess even a cheap donkey can't be as cheap as him.

The Ice Emperor was certainly not a fool, and he also understood that Murong Qianjun's words were full of flaws, but so what?

The Ice Emperor snorted softly, his eyes like sharp arrows, pointed straight at Ling Feng, and said coldly: "If you kill me, the housekeeper of Murong Mansion, you must pay with your life! You can commit suicide, don't dirty my hands!"

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Murong Zining gritted his teeth, resisted the urge to vomit, stepped forward and whispered to the Ice Emperor: "Uncle Ice Emperor, although this person killed the housekeeper, he is probably A sixth-level alchemist, and his cultivation is not yet at the imperial level. The soul talent of an alchemist is generally far beyond that of ordinary people, and he is exactly the person we need."

The Ice Emperor's eyelids twitched slightly, he pondered for a moment, then looked at Ling Feng again, and said calmly: "Boy, our Murong family has always cherished talents. The grudge between you and Murong Qianjun can be wiped out, but you must agree to become our Murong family member." The chief alchemist has been working for my Murong family for at least ten years!"

Murong Zining took a deep breath and looked at Ling Feng's dignity, but she still had to force a smile, "This... Young Master..."

Murong Zining swallowed hard, bit her delicate lips, adjusted her breathing repeatedly, and then reluctantly accepted Ling Feng's earth-shattering appearance, and continued: "This condition can be said to be quite generous. To become our Murong The chief alchemist of the family, needless to say the salary, will also be respected by all the monks in Tianhuang City. If you need any materials, I, the Murong family, will do our best to provide them for you. "

"If you still hesitate, Zi Ning can give you three days to think about it. What do you think?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and gave a weird laugh. This Murong Zining was really hypocritical. Faced with his current majestic appearance, he could still smile and talk in front of him.

However, if she knew that she was the one who asked her to perform a striptease in public, what kind of expression would she feel?

"My name is Long Fei!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, a pair of soybean-sized eyes, and glanced at Murong Zining, pretending to be squinting, and even took a sip of saliva, deliberately disgusting Murong Zining and said: "You woman She is very beautiful, okay, there is no problem if you want me to make elixirs for you Murong family, but you must marry me!"

As he spoke, Ling Feng also patted the giant belly transformed by the Eight Desolations Body Training Technique. The fat trembled wildly, and Murong Zining was stunned for a while.


Murong Zining clenched her fists and said, "Master Long, don't go too far!"

"You want to eat swan meat too, you toad!"

Murong Qianjun shouted loudly and said quickly: "Lord Ice Emperor, this boy is a shameless person. He should be killed on the spot!"

The Ice Emperor's face turned cold, and he stared at Ling Feng coldly again, stretched out three fingers, and said word by word: "Boy, if you want a woman, the Murong family can provide it to you, but don't take Zi Ning's idea as soon as possible. I’ll give you three breaths to think about it, if you don’t agree, then go to hell!”



"Oh, what a loud tone!"

At this moment, a gray figure appeared in the sky again. An old man with a long beard fell from the sky and landed directly in front of Ling Feng.

This gray-robed old man was the old man who sold the Yin-Yang Stone to Ling Feng, Yang Shuzi!

Yang Shuzi glanced at Bing Huang and the others with disdain, and said coldly: "A sixth-level alchemist wants a woman, is it like a toad wanting to eat swan meat? I'm afraid you, a girl, can't afford it!"

Yang Shuzi snorted, looked back at Ling Feng, and laughed: "You kid, interesting! Really interesting!"

It turned out that the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by Ling Feng's refining of Xuanhai Ningshen Pill naturally alarmed Yang Shuzi. He had been observing in the dark until Bing Huang appeared, and he was ready to show up.

"It's Uncle Yang!"

"Oh my god, it turns out that this kid has Master Uncle Yang protecting him, no wonder he's so arrogant!"

"Master Uncle Yang is probably one of the few people in Tianhuang City who dares to challenge the Murong family!"

The people around started to talk, and were extremely shocked by the appearance of Uncle Yang.

"Master Uncle Yang!"

The Ice Emperor's eyelids jumped slightly, and he clenched his fists. He was quite afraid of Uncle Yang.

"I'll protect this guy!"

Uncle Yang stood with his hands behind his back, raised his eyelids slightly, and said lightly: "You can go now."

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