Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1203 Nine Dragons Thunder Gangyan! (3 updates)


The corner of the Ice King's eyes twitched, and he took a deep breath. Finally, he flicked his sleeves, turned around, and shouted, "Let's go!"

Murong Qianjun glared at Ling Feng hatefully and ran out after the Ice Emperor.

Murong Zining snorted lightly and secretly remembered the name "Long Fei". If there was a chance, she would definitely teach him a lesson and let him understand that I, Murong Zining, must not be insulted lightly!

After the Murong family left, Ling Feng bowed his hands to Uncle Yang and said gratefully: "Thank you, senior, for your help!"

"It's a trivial matter, nothing worth mentioning."

Uncle Yang looked Ling Feng up and down, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "You kid, I didn't realize that your alchemy skills are so high!"

As he said that, Uncle Yang looked at the cheap donkey again, with a look of extreme surprise in his eyes, "The black donkey is a demon king level. Moreover, this body of dragon scales even has faint dragon horns. Boy, don't you It would be like using various rare elixirs to cultivate an ordinary black donkey and then forcibly raise him to this state!"

"Master Donkey, you are the Black Donkey! This divine beast is a divine beast! A divine beast!"

As soon as the bitch heard someone calling him an ordinary black donkey, he immediately got angry. No matter who the other person was, he would just curse him first.

"You bitch, don't make mistakes!"

Ling Feng quickly suppressed the donkey, but then Uncle Yang laughed loudly and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! It's interesting, it's really interesting!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Could it be that Uncle Yang was addicted to being scolded?

"I have never heard of a mythical beast that looks like a black donkey!"

Uncle Yang narrowed his eyes and laughed loudly.

"That's because you are ignorant!" The bitch hugged his hooves to his chest, his long ears swayed, and he looked arrogant.

"Even if I am ignorant."

Uncle Yang was not angry and smiled. Then he looked at Ling Feng and said calmly: "Little brother, the pill you swallowed just now is the Xuanhai Condensing Pill, right?"


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "The situation was urgent just now. In fact, at the last moment, the Xuanhai Condensing Pill I refined was just barely solidified, so I could only swallow it as soon as possible to refine the potency. If senior has nothing else to do, , I hope to retreat for a while first, and after refining the medicine, I will definitely come to thank you!"

"Haha, since we are going to visit, why wait until after retreat."

Uncle Yang laughed loudly, "Little brother, I will give you a blessing!"

As he spoke, Uncle Yang put his hand on Ling Feng's shoulder, and a hot breath flowed directly along Ling Feng's shoulder and traveled all over his limbs.


Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly and he felt a breath of strange fire.

As expected, this Uncle Yang could become a high-level alchemist, and indeed he had the help of the strange fire.

"The Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Flame can quickly break down the spiritual power in the pill into extremely small spiritual energy particles. At the same time, it will help you break through the realm barrier!"

Uncle Yang stroked his long beard and shouted, "Broken!"

In an instant, Ling Feng only felt that the realm barrier of the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm was crumbling in an instant, and those tiny spiritual energy particles were surging crazily from the cracks in the realm barrier. It was almost just a few blinks of an eye, Ling Feng. Feng's cultivation level actually broke through to the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm!

A feeling of relief came over him, and even the trauma caused by the explosion of the alchemy furnace just now healed almost instantly.

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng bowed to Uncle Yang, with a look of great excitement on his face. Not only did he break through to the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm with the help of Uncle Yang's Nine Dragons Thunder Gangyan, he even got a trace of the fire from the Nine Dragons Thunder Gangyan.

Perhaps this little bit of fire is meaningless to ordinary people, but to Ling Feng, who has practiced the "Flame Swallowing Technique", it is equivalent to a complete strange fire.

After all, the Flame Swallowing Technique only needs a wisp of fire to directly swallow the evolution.

Since Tun Yan was promoted to the third level, Ling Feng has not obtained new strange fire for a long time. Tun Yan has been out of food for a long time. This time he gets the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Flame, which will definitely bring him to the next level.

"My help is not without conditions."

Uncle Yang took the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Flame back into his body and said lightly.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "I am afraid that the only person who can penetrate the eyes of my senior is the one who has achieved alchemy. Senior, do you want me to help you refine elixirs?"

"You are quite smart!"

Uncle Yang laughed loudly and said, "They say pig heads and pig brains. Even though you have a pig head, your brain is really bright!"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, and cursed that damn Yang Huanzhi again in his heart: I believed in your evil deeds, and that's why I turned into such a ghost!

"Hehe, I always speak my mind outright, little brother, don't take it to heart."

Uncle Yang grinned and then continued: "Okay, since I have helped you refine the medicine, you can just follow me."

"Of course, senior, please wait for a moment."

Ling Feng thought for a while, and flew back to the other courtyard with the donkey. After changing out of the bloody clothes, he asked the donkey to stay and protect Tuoba Yan. Then he and Uncle Yang came to his house with peace of mind. place to live.

Not long after, Ling Feng came to a rather secluded valley. Inside and outside the valley, birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. What directly caught Ling Feng's eyes was a medicinal field full of spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs.

"Tianluo Golden Fragrance! Purple Phoenix Blood Wrap!... They are all rare and exotic species! Senior, you have really opened the eyes of this junior!"

Ling Feng gave Uncle Yang a thumbs up. Ling Feng had only seen many of the varieties in books before, but he never expected that Uncle Yang had collected so many spiritual flowers and herbs.

"Hehe, I'm surprised that you guys actually know them all!"

Uncle Yang stroked his long beard and felt that he had found the right person to ask Ling Feng for help.

Across the medicine field, there were several very simple bamboo houses ahead. Uncle Yang really had the demeanor of an outsider.

The entire valley is surrounded by magic circles. If Uncle Yang hadn't led the way, Ling Feng might not have been able to find this place.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng saw an old woman with gray hair standing outside the door in the small courtyard surrounded by bamboo buildings.

The old woman's appearance is well maintained. Although she has white hair, she has no wrinkles. She is dressed very plainly and looks very ordinary. But if you look closely, you will find that she is not an ordinary old woman, but a powerful human emperor. !

Moreover, his cultivation level is probably at least the third level of human emperor!

Seeing the appearance of the old woman, Uncle Yang's steps obviously stagnated. He sighed softly and said slowly: "Little brother, please wait for a moment until I send the old woman away."

"Um... Then junior, just wait here."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and thought to himself: Could this old woman be Uncle Yang's, madam?

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