Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1213 Nine Transformations Calming Pill! (1 update)

"Only this Nine Nether Tongxuan Sword in my hand can sense the flow of those sword energies and follow me closely, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Mrs. Zhuqu looked back at everyone and warned them again.

Ling Feng's eyes flickered, he glanced at the sword in Mrs. Zhuqu's hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

The sword held by Mrs. Zhuqu is equivalent to a talisman. If they want to come out safely, they must obey her orders.

However, Ling Feng soon discovered that his Emperor's Eye could also discern the trajectory of those sword energies. As long as he did not touch key positions, there would not be much danger.

Therefore, even without Mrs. Zhuqu to lead the way, Ling Feng could still rely on the power of the Eye of the Emperor to find a safe route.

Of course, Ling Feng would not expose this ability stupidly. He would just follow Madam Zhuqu's steps and move all the way towards the depths of the warship.

However, it was only a few hundred meters away, but these people felt as if they had walked for three days and three nights, and they felt indescribably tired.

"Okay, we'll be there soon."

Mrs. Zhuqu paused for a moment, smiled stiffly, and comforted the temporary companions behind her.

Shui Wuhen and Lan Yuhuang nodded hard and followed Mrs. Zhuqu cautiously. The atmosphere was extremely tense.

And the bald sword king was so nervous that his breathing almost stopped. The more he killed people, the more he was actually afraid of death.

Only Ling Feng, following at the back of the team, looked extremely relaxed. However, in this situation, no one had time to turn around and pay attention to him.

The group of people didn't dare to breathe, but fortunately, they finally arrived at a door without any danger.

Mrs. Zhuqu breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "When we get here, there is no sword energy formation inside. You can take a rest."

With that said, Mrs. Zhuqu came to the door and walked a few steps casually. There was no sword energy, indicating that the place was safe. She couldn't help but wipe her forehead. Although she was holding the Nine Nether Tongxuan Sword, she could avoid triggering the sword array. , but if the person behind her makes a wrong step, she will also be in danger of her life.


The bald Sword King, Shui Wuhen, and Blue Jade Phoenix all let out a sigh of relief. Only Ling Feng took the last step with a relaxed expression and stood in front of the bronze door with an indifferent expression.

"Young Master Long is worthy of being an alchemist. His spiritual talent far exceeds that of ordinary people. But there is no need to worry about making a wrong step."

Mrs. Zhuqu smiled lightly, thinking she knew the reason why Ling Feng looked calm.

"Humph, I'm afraid that this fat man is too fat and will miss important events!"

Lan Yuhuang snorted, obviously resenting Ling Feng for ignoring her along the way.


Mrs. Zhuqu thought for a while, then turned around and said: "I still have a few Nine Turns of Peace Pills here. In this warship, perhaps because the aura of injustice is too strong, there is something disturbing in the air. Strength, these pills, one for each person, just in case of any eventuality.”

With that said, Mrs. Zhuqu swallowed one first, indicating that the elixir was non-toxic.

The bald Sword King was the most upright, so he took a pill directly and swallowed it with a gurgle.

Lan Yuhuang, on the other hand, looked disdainful, took the pill, and hummed softly: "No one can play poison in front of my aunt!"


Shui Wuhen was the most scheming one. After hesitating for a moment, he saw that Blue Jade Phoenix also swallowed one, and then he took the pill with confidence and swallowed it into his belly.

"Master Long, what about you?"

Mrs. Zhuqu looked at Ling Feng and sent the last pill in front of Ling Feng.

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