Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1214 Demonic Corpse! (2 updates)

"Thank you very much, senior."

Ling Feng curled his lips, took the elixir, swallowed it, and said with a smile: "It is indeed a nine-turn calming elixir. It can not only calm the mind, but also enhance the power of spiritual consciousness to a certain extent. Yes, thank you, senior." !”

Entering the cabin, there were a large number of demon corpses scattered inside the cabin.

Everyone cautiously avoided the demon corpse and finally entered the interior of the ship.

"After bypassing the demon corpse outside, it will be easier to handle inside. Please follow me!"

The other people also secretly breathed a sigh of relief and began to look at their surroundings.

The entire cabin was severely corroded by seawater, but there seemed to be a faint layer of light that shrouded the entire hull to prevent seawater from intruding into it.

It seemed that even though it was damaged to this extent, part of the warship's magic circle was still functioning.

Mrs. Zhuqu didn't say any more and continued to lead the way, but her expression seemed to be much more relaxed, and there was even a scorching light in her eyes, giving people a very strange feeling.


At some point, Lan Yuhuang had already approached Ling Feng and asked softly: "Fat man, do you think there is anything wrong with that old woman? Is she really here to hunt for treasure?"

"Oh?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "What does Miss Lan think is the problem?"

"Hmph! Stop pretending to me!"

Lan Yuhuang glared at Ling Feng. In her opinion, the bald Sword Emperor was just a reckless man, and Shui Wuhen was too treacherous. The only person she could trust was probably the fat man Long Fei.

"There's something wrong."

Ling Feng used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the voice and said calmly: "I think that Mrs. Zhuqu has no intention of taking us out again. Otherwise, with the character of the Bald Sword Emperor, once he leaves this place, he will definitely settle the score with Mrs. Zhuqu. ”

"Yes." Lan Yuhuang nodded slightly, "Besides, I think she is too familiar with this place, and the familiarity is a little abnormal!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. From the looks of it, this blue jade phoenix looked carefree, but not stupid at all.

There was also Shui Wuhen, who kept looking left and right, obviously also paying attention to his retreat.

I'm afraid that only the upright guy like the Bald Sword Emperor was completely stupid and led by Mrs. Zhuqu's lead.

"Anyway, it's better to be careful!"

Ling Feng responded and said no more.

"Hey, Fatty, I feel like you are not a simple guy. How about we form a temporary alliance? If I encounter any situation later, you will save me once. Likewise, if you run into any trouble, I will save you once too!"

Lan Yuhuang continued to transmit the message.


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at Lan Yuhuang, but shook his head and said: "Sorry, I won't do anything that is not beneficial!"

"You damn fat man! Are you so confident?" Lan Yuhuang was so angry that her teeth itched.

Ling Feng took a step forward and just smiled lightly without replying.

"Asshole!" Lan Yuhuang cursed in a low voice, her pretty face turned red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "What's the worst, I can go back and sleep with you?"


Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. This Yi girl's style is really tough!

"How's it going? Are you excited?" Lan Yuhuang's eyes lit up, thinking that you, a damn fat guy, are really horny!

"Not moved."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and quickened his pace, too lazy to tangle with this woman anymore.

"Damn it!" Lan Yuhuang felt depressed, she was actually being despised!

"Damn fat man, stop here!" Blue Jade Phoenix clenched her silver teeth and said with her spiritual consciousness: "Blood jade silkworm! A blood jade silkworm!"

"make a deal!"

Ling Feng turned back and grinned at Lan Jade Phoenix. With his current level of cultivation, a blood jade silkworm could allow him to break through to the king level steadily. Even if he found nothing in this broken ship, just a blood jade silkworm would be enough. This trip is over.

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