Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1217 Demonic Transformation! (1 update)

"What a poisonous woman!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, "Uncle Yang is your senior brother. You almost killed the Jiugong Sect back then. Ten years later, you still want to kill your last senior brother?"

"As long as I can save my husband, everything is worth it!"

Mrs. Zhuqu has completely lost her rationality and turned into a puppet willing to be enslaved by monsters.

Ling Feng shook his head, snorted softly, and said coldly: "Mrs. Zhuqu, no matter how insidious you are, I am weak and unwilling. Do you think you can use the power of divine consciousness to open that soul seal better than me?"

Mrs. Zhuqu, however, laughed strangely: "You don't need to worry about it now. My master has great magical powers. He can manipulate you to release the restrictions with just a flip of a finger."

At this moment, the grimace formed by the black smoke spoke again and sneered: "Bring him here, you have done a very good job, I have waited ten years in vain! Hahaha, wait until I break out of the formation. , the Fountain of Youth is yours!”

"Thank you, Master!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhuqu was immediately overjoyed, bowed again and again, and grabbed the weak Ling Feng with one hand.

But at this moment, the hatch at the back was kicked open by someone, and the people who broke in were the Bald Sword Emperor, Shui Wuhen and Lan Yuhuang.

"His grandma's!"

The bald sword emperor suddenly started yelling, "Damn old woman, you are indeed playing dirty tricks!"

" is this possible!"

Mrs. Zhuqu's pupils suddenly shrank, she stared at the three people with a look of astonishment, and exclaimed: "You have obviously been poisoned, and you should be locked up in the cabin at this moment!"

"Don't you know that poisoning can be cured? You look down on high-level alchemists too much!"

Ling Feng sneered, and suddenly stood up under Mrs. Zhuqu's extremely surprised gaze, with a playful look on his face.

"It's that time!"

Mrs. Zhuqu's eyelids twitched wildly, "You sold them the elixir!"


The bald Sword King grinned widely, "Damn old woman, thanks to brother Long Fei this time, otherwise I would have fallen into your trap!"

It turned out that when Ling Feng sold the elixir to the Bald Sword Emperor and others, he added detoxification ingredients to the elixir, and also told the three of them about Mrs. Zhuqu's evil intentions through spiritual transmission.

It's a pity that although Ling Feng guessed that Mrs. Zhuqu had bad intentions, he didn't know that she actually reached a deal with the ancient monster in the broken ship!

Mrs. Zhuqu stared at Ling Feng fiercely, gritted her teeth, but soon relaxed.

"Even if you are not poisoned, so what, it's just more effort!"

Mrs. Zhuqu snorted coldly, and then shouted: "Master, I can get rid of them all soon!"

"Hmph, if you don't succeed enough, you will fail more than you do!"

The sealed monster snorted coldly, and its ferocious grimace turned into black smoke again and penetrated into Mrs. Zhuqu's body.

In an instant!

An evil aura slowly spread out, with Mrs. Zhuqu as the center, exuding a thick rancid aura that swept across.

Ling Feng jumped up and stood among Lan Yuhuang and others, looking at the scene in front of him with a solemn expression.


Mrs. Zhuqu let out an extremely painful cry, and her body began to undergo extremely strange changes.

Her flesh and blood continued to tear apart, and her figure quickly grew taller. In an instant, she was already two feet away!

Immediately afterwards, her old and thin body actually sprouted long scarlet hairs. As her body continued to twitch, her originally human limbs strangely turned into animal claws full of long hairs.


Finally, with an extremely terrifying roar, Mrs. Zhuqu finally transformed into a monster.

Not only the hands and feet turned into beasts, but even the face turned into a green-faced and fanged monster!


Mrs. Zhuqu, oh no, I should say that monster, stretched out an arm with sharp claws, and lightly scratched the cabin, leaving obvious claw marks on the indestructible bulkhead. .

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