Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1218 Join forces to defend against the enemy! (2 updates)


Ling Feng, Lan Yuhuang and others' eyelids twitched wildly. They didn't expect that Mrs. Zhuqu would turn into such a human being and a ghost!


The monster transformed by Mrs. Zhuqu let out an extremely ferocious laugh, and stared at Ling Feng and the others with a pair of blood-colored pupils.

"Even if you are not poisoned, so what?"

With a roar, the monster immediately turned into a black shadow and attacked the bald Sword King who was closest to him.

Except for Ling Feng, everyone else has lost their use value to him and will become his blood food to help him rebuild his body.

"Grandma is a bear!"

The bald sword emperor's eyelids twitched wildly. How could he dare to be careless? He mobilized all his energy and clashed with the monster. A terrifying brute force followed the blade and went against the trend, directly tearing off the sleeves on his arms. Exploded.


With a loud bang, the blood vessels on the Bald Sword Emperor's arm exploded one by one, and blood flowed out. The sacred sword in his hand also fell to the ground with a "clang".

No one could have imagined that the demonized Madam Zhuqu would be so terrifying!


Lan Yuhuang grabbed the bald Sword Emperor's shoulder with one hand and pulled hard. Only then was he able to save the bald Sword Emperor. On the bald Sword Emperor's chest, there was also a claw mark with bone visible.

If it had been half an inch deeper, the Bald Sword Emperor would have died.

"Damn it!"

The bald Sword King was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He didn't even bother to say thank you to Blue Jade Phoenix, and rolled to the side. His entire right arm was useless. He could only use less than 50% of his strength at most.

Ling Feng's expression also became extremely solemn. The strength of the bald Sword Emperor was the second level of the Human Emperor. He was almost instantly killed when he met him.

This kind of strength is too terrifying.

"Jie Jie Jie... Since you are in a hurry to die, let me kill you first!"

The monster transformed by Mrs. Zhuqu rolled her eyes and stared straight at the Blue Jade Phoenix. With a roar, it immediately turned into a black light and shot towards her like lightning.

"I will fight with you!"

Lan Jade Phoenix waved her hands, and a dense layer of flying insects flew out from nowhere, forming a barrier of insects that shrouded Mrs. Zhuqu.

"These soul-eating insects can devour spiritual power of any attribute. You monster, you should die!"

Blue Jade Phoenix released those flying insects without any effort, and actually managed to block the monster's attack.

However, the next moment, the monster opened its mouth and sucked in all the densely packed "soul-eating insects" into its belly.

"Hahahaha, it's delicious! It's delicious! Let's have some more!"

The monster waved its claws and not only swallowed them crazily, but also used its claws to continuously grab the soul-eating insects in the air and send them crazily to its mouth.

" is this possible?"

Lan Yuhuang's eyelids twitched wildly. The soul-eating insect that she had spent countless efforts to cultivate was actually eaten by the monster as food!

"The physique of Mrs. Zhuqu is no longer that of a human being. She has become a demon spirit. Your soul-eating insects can devour demonic power, elemental power, and even the power of qi and blood, but what is inside Mrs. Zhuqu's body is... The demonic energy of the extraterrestrial demon!”

Ling Feng stared at the monster and said loudly: "Blue Jade Phoenix, take back all your soul-eating insects quickly, otherwise, after devouring these insects, the monster's power will become stronger again!"

Lan Yuhuang's face turned pale with fright, and she quickly withdrew the soul-devouring insect formation. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she hurriedly said: "Damn fat man, what should I do now?"

At this moment, she was completely confused, completely forgetting that she was a human emperor, while Ling Feng only had the Divine Origin realm.

"While that monster hasn't fully adapted to this body, we can work together to kill it. There's still a chance!"

Ling Feng flew to the side of the Bald Sword King, took out a row of golden needles, and stabbed directly into his right arm, forcibly suppressing his injuries.

Next, we need the Bald Sword King to join forces.

"Grandma is a bear!"

The bald Sword King cursed loudly, stretched out his hand to take back the sword that fell on the ground, and said coldly: "Boy, how can you cooperate?"

Lan Yuhuang also quickly moved closer to Ling Feng, looking at the monster in front of him solemnly, with her heart almost in her throat.

At this moment, the monster discovered that the soul-eating insect was gone, and a pair of scarlet eyes flashed fiercely, "It's gone, then it's your turn!"

The ferocious gaze made the scalps of Ling Feng and others go numb. Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said to everyone: "The monster's right rib and left shoulder each have a weak point. If you attack the weak point, you will naturally be able to deal with it." It causes harm."

"Shui Wuhen, you attack from the front. With your water spirit body, even if you are injured in the front, you can weaken the damage to the greatest extent. Bald Sword King, you use your body skills to continuously go around and find opportunities to attack the monster's weaknesses. Blue Jade Phoenix, You use your poison to find a way to inject it into the monster's weakness, and use the most powerful and poisonous poison!"

"As for me!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, the divine patterns of heaven condensed, and he uttered a sentence coldly, "The universe is in chaos!"

In an instant, everyone felt that the world was upside down, yin and yang were reversed, and the whole world was completely chaotic. The next moment, it was completely back to normal.

The next moment, Ling Feng's voice rang in everyone's ears, "This is one of my abilities. It can interfere with that monster for about a quarter of an hour. You guys must fight quickly!"

"This ability is amazing!"

The bald Sword King laughed, waved his sword, and was the first to rush forward.

Then, Shui Wuhen also turned into a pool of blue liquid and moved closer to the monster.

Lan Yuhuang stood beside Ling Feng, controlling the poisonous insects, waiting for opportunities to move.

"Tiangang Sword Qi!"

The bald sword king roared loudly, and his figure flashed around the back of the monster, slashing it down with his sword. There was only a "bang" sound. Under the interference of the reverse force field, the monster thought that the attack was coming from the front. He raised his hand to resist, but felt a sharp pain coming from behind him.


The monster roared, stared ahead with a pair of bloody eyes, and attacked crazily.

Shui Wuhen relied on his special physique to keep circling in front of the monster. Even if he was accidentally hit, he could immediately turn into a pool of liquid to minimize the damage.

When the monster was thrown into chaos by Shui Wuhen and the Bald Sword Emperor, Blue Jade Phoenix also continued to release various Gu insects, attacking the weak points of the monster.

Time passed bit by bit, the monster's movements slowed down bit by bit, and the poison of the Blue Jade Phoenix finally began to take effect.

"Haha, it works!"

Feeling that the monster's power was weakening, excitement flashed in the bald Sword Emperor's eyes, and he directly activated his secret technique, and slashed the monster's head with an extremely thick sword light.


The monster roared loudly, raised its claws, and resisted the sword light. Only a few loud "clang, clang, clang" sounds were heard, and the monster actually resisted the terrifying sword energy!

I saw that six of the ten green claws on the two claws of the monster were broken, and there were deep cuts on the back of the hands. The rest of the body was more or less injured, and from the wounds, there was flowing Drops of black fishy liquid.

However, the monster did not suffer much damage!

The bald Sword Emperor's eyelids twitched and he exclaimed, "How could it be possible? Blocked it?"

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