Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1221 The best blood jade silkworm! (1 update)

Soon, Ling Feng relied on his infinite vision to easily pass through the cabin filled with demon corpses and arrived on the deck outside.

Along the way, no trace of Shui Wuhen was found. It must have been eaten by those hungry demon corpses.

"Hey, how could you pass that ghost place so easily? Aren't you afraid of disturbing those demon corpses?"

After walking out of the dark cabin, Lan Yuhuang breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her beautiful eyes and stared at Ling Feng. How much ability did this ugly fat man hide?

Even after she fell into coma, she had no idea how the fat man saved the day.

"Of course I have my own way."

Ling Feng put Lan Yuhuang's body down and said calmly: "The sword array outside is relatively small, so it's not convenient to hold you. I can only carry you on my back. Come on."


Lan Yuhuang gritted her teeth and hummed softly. Although she had a reluctant look on her face, her body still climbed up Ling Feng's back very honestly.

At this time, if Ling Feng "abandoned" her, she would probably never leave this place in her life.

If you rush into the formation randomly, you are afraid that you will be cut into ashes by those terrifying sword energy.

"Hold on tight, don't move."

Ling Feng raised his hand and clasped Lan Yuhuang's body from behind. He moved his feet and broke directly into the sword formation.

In an instant, Lan Yuhuang's heart was in her throat, and she lay firmly on Ling Feng's back, not daring to move.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the two finally broke through the sword formation without any danger. Ling Feng looked relaxed, but the blue jade phoenix was already so frightened that his spine ran cold.

"You guy..."

Lan Yuhuang took a deep breath and felt her calves shaking slightly.

"It turns out that you had a way to freely enter and exit the sword formation from the beginning!"

Lan Yuhuang calmed down, then stared at Ling Feng and asked through gritted teeth.

"I didn't say I couldn't break through easily."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and looked at the huge sunken ship below. After thinking for a while, he called out Xiaobai and asked him to blow up a huge rock in the trench that was against the broken ship. Then, the ancient warship, Then he continued to sink along a bottomless abyss on the seabed. From then on, this so-called "soul-burial abyss" ceased to exist.

It is impossible for anyone to find this broken ship, and the sealed monster will never have a chance to see the light of day again.

After doing all this, Ling Feng took the blue jade phoenix out of the water and landed on a huge rock.

"Okay, Lan Yuhuang, the deal between you and me has been completed. Not only did I save your life, I also took you safely away from that ghost place."

Ling Feng put down the blue jade phoenix and said with a grin: "You don't need to be too moved. Just give me a promise or something. Just give me a few more blood jade silkworms."

"Do you think the Blood Jade Silkworm is a cheap commodity?"

Lan Yuhuang glared at Ling Feng and spat softly: "In return for your promise, my aunt will never marry a fat guy like you even if she marries a cat or a dog!"

After saying that, Lan Yuhuang squeezed her hand and took out a blood-red silkworm about the size of a thumb from a furry skin bag. She gritted her teeth and said, "This is the best blood that my aunt spent twenty years cultivating." Jade silkworm, take it!”

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and took a look at the blood jade silkworm. Each additional section of this silkworm made the medicine stronger, and a thumb-sized blood jade silkworm was definitely enough for him to break through to the king level!

"Hey, thanks!"

Ling Feng put away the blood jade silkworms, and immediately gave a fist salute to the blue jade phoenix. He immediately pulled out all the silkworms in all directions and said with a grin: "Miss Lan, I have to return to the Tianhuang City in advance. You can do as you please."

After saying that, he didn't even look back, and went straight towards the direction of Tianhuang City, and bolted out.

"you you!"

Lan Yuhuang was so angry that she stamped her feet. Did this fat guy really just leave like that?

"Damn you fat man, do you even know what it means to cherish a woman's beauty?"

It's a pity that Ling Feng really doesn't understand!

"Back and forth, it really took almost three days."

At the speed of the Flying Immortal Sword Control Technique, about half a day later, the majestic city wall of Tianhuang City was already in sight.

Soon, Ling Feng returned to Wuling Villa, only to find that Uncle Yang was also a guest in the courtyard, and Yang Huanzhi was playing chess with Uncle Yang.

"Ling...ahem, Boss Long!"

When Yang Huanzhi saw Ling Feng coming back, he immediately jumped up from his chair and said with a depressed look: "You are finally back. Senior Uncle Yang has been waiting for you all day."

"Senior, you are here!"

Ling Feng looked at Uncle Yang, and saw Uncle Yang walking out of the pavilion. Seeing Ling Feng returning safely, he couldn't help but laugh, "Little brother, it's good that you come back, it's good that you come back! Can you get out of that ghost place?" It’s not easy to come back!”

"Yeah, it's not easy."

Ling Feng nodded. If he hadn't gotten the Eye of the Void as a gift from the Demon Queen by chance, he would have been dead this time.

"Then..." Uncle Yang clenched his fists, took a deep breath and said, "Where is my junior sister? Has she come back? Also, is there really a Fountain of Youth behind the last bronze door?"


Ling Feng took a deep breath and knew that in Uncle Yang's heart, he still had some love for Mrs. Zhuqu. If he knew that his junior sister had actually become a demon and even plotted against him, he would What will you think in your heart?

"I'm sorry, senior. We failed to open the door in the end because some accidents disturbed the demonic corpses in the cabin. In the end, we were almost wiped out. Mrs. Zhuqu was... killed in order to save this junior. Senior ,Please grief……"

Ling Feng thought for a while, and finally made up a white lie, which at least allowed Mrs. Zhuqu to maintain some good things in Uncle Yang's heart.

"I see……"

Uncle Yang's expression dimmed slightly, he shook his head and smiled, "Perhaps this ending is a kind of relief for her."

Uncle Yang took a deep breath. He knew Mrs. Zhuqu's character very well, and even more understood her persistence. Mrs. Zhuqu would never leave until the bronze door was opened.

So, Ling Feng lied to him!

However, he knew very well that Ling Feng also had good intentions.

"Thank you, little brother!"

A trace of tears shone slightly in the corner of Uncle Yang's eyes. After a moment of silence, he took out a yellowed map and said slowly: "Little brother, I know that you are going to the Sea of ​​Miracles. This is the first time I have entered the Sea of ​​Miracles before. Haishi, a map drawn by myself may be helpful to you. "

After saying that, Uncle Yang left the map and strode out of the courtyard. His back looked so lonely and lonely.

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