Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1222 Finals! (2 updates)

"One is waiting silently, and the other is crazy about love. If they were together in the beginning, maybe the ending of the story would not be so miserable..."

Ling Feng shook his head. Mrs. Zhuqu turned into a monster that was neither human nor ghost, and stayed in the cabin that never saw the light of day forever. Uncle Yang would also live in loneliness and spend the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but think of himself and Mu Qianxue, and subconsciously tightened his fists.

"Qianxue, I hope your ending and mine won't be a tragedy..."

After putting away the map given to him by Uncle Yang, Ling Feng turned around and entered the training room directly, preparing to use the top-quality blood jade silkworm to upgrade his cultivation to the king level.

Although on the surface it seemed that Ling Feng only spent two or three months to return from the first level of the Divine Origin Realm to the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm, in fact, Ling Feng had been practicing hard for three years in the hourglass of time. Completely lay a solid foundation and break through at this time, and there will never be any consequences of empty realm.

Early the next morning, Ling Feng opened the door.

Today is the day of the finals of the Tianlan Hailing Competition. Although there will be five places in the end, decided from the ten inner sea geniuses, the competition is not too fierce, but this level of competition is still in the entire Tianlan Sea. There was a huge uproar in the deserted city.

"Boss Ling (Ling Feng)!"

Seeing Ling Feng coming out of the practice room, Tuoba Yan and Yang Huanzhi both hurried forward and felt that Ling Feng's aura didn't seem to have changed much.

"You haven't been promoted to king level?"

Tuoba Yan's eyelids twitched slightly, feeling that Ling Feng didn't seem to have the aura of a king-level powerhouse.

"A little bit worse."

There was a look of helplessness on Ling Feng's face. He recalled that when he hit the realm yesterday, everything had already fallen into place. Who knew that at the last moment, his two souls would actually take the lead and use the energy of the top-quality blood jade silkworm? After plundering most of them, in the end, although the two souls achieved a huge breakthrough, their own realm was not directly promoted to the king level as expected.

In other words, he should be half-stepped into the king level now, but he has not finally condensed the sea of ​​stars.

The so-called Divine Sea Realm, the symbol of entering the Divine Sea Realm is to possess the first-level Star Sea, but Ling Feng is still a little short of it.

Ling Feng was not too disappointed with this result. After all, the improvement of soul is equivalent to the improvement of strength. People like himself with dual souls have no previous experience to draw from, so they can only It's like a blind man trying to figure out an elephant on his own.

With just this last step left, Ling Feng believed that he would be able to be promoted to the king level before officially joining the Dongling Fairy Pond!

"Not even a blood jade silkworm can elevate your strength to the king level, Boss Ling, my God!"

Yang Huanzhi looked at Ling Feng in shock. If it were him, he would have been promoted from the sixth level of the Divine Sea Realm to the seventh level of the Divine Sea Realm.

"Although I failed to break through, my strength has also improved a lot."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Let's go, the battle for Tianlan Hailing has reached the final step. If we get another token, we can go to the Sea of ​​Miracles and find out what's going on."

This trip to the Sea of ​​Miracles was partly because of the so-called "secret". On the other hand, he also had to find out the Angel Patroller hidden in the Sea of ​​Miracles.

Ling Feng was determined to win both his life and the source of his immortality!

Not long after, Ling Feng and his party arrived at the Central Colosseum.

Early in the morning, the entire Colosseum was almost packed.

Except for Long Fei, Di Xuan and Shui Wuhen who were almost safely promoted, the other seven people were obviously very nervous.

The remaining seven people prayed silently in their hearts that they must not meet these three people. Otherwise, they are afraid that the Tianlan Hailing Token will never be with them.

Finally, when the finals officially started, Murong Zining arrived gracefully.

Under the eyes of pairs of adoring eyes, Murong Zining walked to the middle of the high platform, greeted everyone with a blessing, and said softly: "The finals of the Tianlan Hailing Competition officially begin today. I believe that after five days of rest, all contestants, We are fully prepared.”

"Then, let's not talk too much nonsense. It is also determined by drawing lots and divided into two groups. The winner advances, and the loser can only try again next time when my Murong family goes to the Sea of ​​Miracles."

After saying that, Murong Zining raised her hand, and a staff member walked to the contestant area holding an iron box, and the contestants drew their numbers.

However, it was only at this time that some people were surprised to find that Shui Wuhen, who had achieved outstanding results in the preliminaries, had not yet arrived!

"Eh? Why hasn't Shui Wuhen arrived yet? Did you remember the wrong date?"

"How is it possible that for such an important thing, you can remember the wrong date?"

"Is there something urgent and you left first?"

There was a flurry of discussion in the audience, all speculating as to why Shui Wuhen was not present. It was obvious that he was almost guaranteed to be promoted and receive a Tianlan Hailing.

Only Ling Feng was secretly amused. Shui Wuhen had already died in that broken ship. It would be weird if he could come.

Seeing that Shui Wuhen had not arrived, Murong Zining frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and finally decided: "Since Shui Wuhen did not arrive, it will be deemed that he has automatically given up the qualification for the competition. The draw will continue as usual, and those who have a bye will Automatically advance to the next level and obtain the Tianlan Hailing.”


As soon as these words came out, the less powerful players immediately became excited and prayed to the sky, hoping to get a bye.

Is there anything more satisfying than being able to advance without fighting?

Soon, the lottery was completed, but good luck did not favor Ling Feng again, and the chance of a bye fell on Di Xuan.

In fact, even if Di Xuan didn't get a bye, he was still promoted steadily. It was just that he got this lucky opportunity, which made many people sigh.

After the grouping is decided, the finals officially begin.

Ling Feng's opponent was a late-stage Shenhai realm expert who was good at using guns. He did not surrender directly, but was knocked down from the ring by three moves despite Ling Feng's mercy.

Finally, Ling Feng also won a Tianlan Hailing, becoming one of the last five recipients of Tianlan Hailing.

About three hours later, all games were over.

Murong Zining climbed up to the high platform again, distributed the remaining five tokens one by one, and then announced that in about ten days, the Murong family will lead all warriors with Tianlan Hailing to explore the Sea of ​​Miracles .

This time is almost a month earlier than the originally announced time, but this is undoubtedly good news for those warriors who are eager to enter the Sea of ​​Miracles to hunt for treasure.

In fact, they can't wait for a long time.

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