Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1229 The Bridge of Life and Death! (1 update)

After stopping for a while, the three of them continued on their way, heading towards the center of the volcanic island in the Sea of ​​Mist.

Under the heavy pressure, the three of them ran all the way, and it took them two or three hours to finally reach the top of the mountain.

"Phew! The higher you go, the thicker the fog and the greater the pressure."

With Ling Feng's physical strength, he couldn't help but exhale tiredly, let alone Tuoba Yan and Lan Yuhuang?

Especially Tuoba Yan, although the power of his spiritual consciousness far exceeds that of ordinary people, his physical strength is still worse than that of monks of the same level.

At this moment, Tuoba Yan was covered in sweat, and her clothes were soaked. They clung to her graceful body, vividly outlining her bumpy figure, especially her chest...

Ling Feng inadvertently saw Tuoba Yan's exquisite figure, and his eyes were slightly dull for a moment.

This woman seems to be more promising...

Thinking of this, Ling Feng's old face blushed slightly, why did he say more?

"What are you looking at!"

Feeling Ling Feng's gaze, Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth and stared at Ling Feng. The energy around his body flowed, forming a light shield on his body, blocking Ling Feng's sight! However, although she looked angry, there was an inexplicable feeling of pride in her heart.


Ling Feng quickly moved his eyes away and looked at Lan Yuhuang again. This woman's physical fitness was much better than that of Tuoba Yan. She was a human emperor after all. Although she was a little out of breath, she didn't look like Tuoba Yan. So embarrassed.

Lan Yuhuang raised her beautiful eyes and saw that Ling Feng looked completely fine. She couldn't help being surprised and said: "You freak, every step you take on the top of this mountain is equivalent to carrying a hundred thousand kilograms of weight, but you are like this Damn fat man, you didn’t even take a breath all the way!”

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. He had been baptized by the thunder twice, and had specially practiced the body-building technique. Coupled with Mu Qianxue's divine blood, his physique had been changed. His physical strength was stronger than that of the mid-level Human Emperor. , not to mention giving in too much. Carrying such a small amount of weight was simply a piece of cake for him.

"So, with your physical strength and your soul talent, the Bridge of Life and Death is not a problem for you at all."

Lan Yuhuang narrowed her eyes and looked at Ling Feng, feeling proud in her heart. She was quite satisfied with this teammate.

The bridge of life and death?

Ling Feng walked up a few steps again and stood completely on the edge of the top of the mountain. He looked towards the top and was slightly surprised.

This foggy volcanic island is just like an ordinary volcano. The top of the mountain is not a platform, but a deep pit!

A bottomless pit!

Above the sea of ​​clouds, there is an iron cable bridge.

"This is the Bridge of Life and Death!"

Lan Yuhuang walked to Ling Feng's side with difficulty, with solemn eyes: "This bridge runs through the north and south, but in the center of the bridge, there is a deserted and dilapidated altar, and on the altar there is an ancient teleportation array. This teleportation array can Teleport us directly to an island in the Sea of ​​Miracles!"

"This has been personally verified by monks before. However, even if it has been delivered directly to the Sea of ​​Miracles, the rules of time and space on that island are still not very stable. When the person entered for the first time, he had bad luck. He was directly sucked into the space-time rift. If he hadn't broken off his wrist and cut off his own arm, he would have been a dead man. "

"But fortunately, he finally came out alive and brought out the good news. It turns out that in addition to the route known by the Murong family, there is also such an ancient teleportation array that can enter the Sea of ​​Miracles!"

There was a hint of smile on Lan Yuhuang's face, "The Murong family has occupied the resources of the Sea of ​​Miracles for many years and has only grown stronger day by day. Although on the surface it will bring in many geniuses from the inner sea, in fact, only the ones who really benefited are The Murong family, but this time, the spring for us casual cultivators has finally arrived!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. If everything was as Lan Yuhuang said, he would have solved a big problem for himself.

After a pause, Lan Yuhuang continued: "However, if you want to join the team and explore the Sea of ​​Miracles together, you must first go to the altar across the bridge. This altar will only be opened automatically on the full moon day of each month. "Today is the night of the full moon."


Ling Feng nodded, looked at the chain bridge in front of him, and said calmly: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go."

Lan Yuhuang shook his head slightly, pointed to the many monks next to him who had already arrived at the top of the mountain, and said calmly: "Look at them, they may have arrived here long ago, but they have been slow to leave. There is a reason for this. of!"

"What's the reason?" Tuoba Yan asked.

"The time has not come yet!"

Lan Yuhuang smiled.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, looked at the iron bridge in front of him, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

No wonder this bridge is called the "Bridge of Life and Death". It is true that one step leads to life and the other step leads to death. If there is even a slight mistake, it will lead to death.

Tuoba Yan looked forward with a pair of beautiful eyes, and his expression gradually became serious.

She might be able to resist the interference of mental fluctuations, but the weight of that million kilograms was absolutely fatal to her.

Ling Feng patted her shoulder gently and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I'm here!"

Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth and felt a little calmer.

Indeed, with Ling Feng, even if we take ten thousand steps back and send her to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, there will be no problem. However, on this occasion, the Five Elements Palace cannot be exposed.

Not far away, the black widow had already climbed to the top of the mountain, looked at Ling Feng and the others with threatening eyes, and then started to seduce men again.

This black widow is really a "fraternity", no matter how tall or short she is, fat or thin, she doesn't mind. However, when the men hear her name, they all shy away.

As for "die under peonies, it's also romantic to be a ghost", that's just because he knows that he won't die, and that's nonsense. When he knows that he will die, a man's self-control is definitely stronger than imagined.

Time passed slowly.

finally reached!

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