Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1230 Divine Turtle! (2 updates)

As the sea of ​​fog covering the top of the mountain gradually dispersed, figures appeared one after another in Ling Feng's field of vision. Those who came into view were basically king-level or even human emperor-level experts. , and this number is far larger than imagined.

Originally, Ling Feng only saw about twenty people, but after his vision became clearer, the number of people present probably exceeded a hundred!

Among the more than 100 people, there are more than ten who are Human Emperors. However, most of them are only junior Human Emperors, and relatively speaking, they are relatively old.

Think about it, most of these people are casual cultivators, and their talents are not as good as those of real geniuses. Otherwise, they would have fought for the Tianlan Hailing Order. With the Venerable Huanghai leading the way, the safety is naturally higher than that of this ancient magic circle. Out a lot.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and felt the eyes around him, all looking at each other. Obviously, these people did not expect that there would be so many masters gathered on the top of the volcanic island in the foggy sea.

Ling Feng's expression condensed slightly, and he quietly protected Tuoba Yan behind him, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Lan, it seems that there are quite a few people who have received this news!"

"There is nothing we can do about it. The Murong family has relied on the opportunity of the Sea of ​​Miracles to become the pinnacle overlord in the Tianlan Sea area that no one can surpass. Who can not be jealous and not want to get a share of the pie? Moreover, many people are over forty years old. Warriors who are at this threshold cannot compete for the Tianlan Hailing, so they can only come here to look for opportunities, so the number will naturally be larger."

"Oh?" Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, looked at Lan Yuhuang, narrowed his eyes and said: "When I treated you last time, I found that your bone age was less than forty years old, why didn't you fight for it? Tianlan Hailing, with your human emperor level strength, you are not inferior to Di Xuan."


Mentioning the last treatment, Lan Yuhuang's pretty face turned slightly red, she gave Ling Feng a hard look, gritted her teeth and said: "My aunt will not ask for things from the Murong family! The power of our Five Poison Islands is controlled by the Murong family. Otherwise, how could I become a wandering cultivator and become homeless!"

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. He didn't expect that Lan Yuhuang and the Murong family still had such hatred. No wonder Lan Yuhuang was able to break through the Human Emperor at a young age. She was completely different from ordinary casual cultivators. However, it turned out that she was originally from a sect. Disciple, and his status should be quite high.

At this moment, once the fog dissipated, all the casual cultivators on the mountaintop were surprised and alert. Look at me, look at you, no one dared to try to get on the bridge first.

At this moment, everyone saw an old turtle carrying a young man up the mountain.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and took a closer look at the turtle at the young man's feet. This ordinary-looking bastard was actually a demon king!

At first, Ling Feng was a little shocked, but when he thought about the bitch next to him, he felt relieved immediately.

Black donkeys can become sperms, why can't bastards!

Just when the Turtle King was about to reach the top, everyone heard an extremely hoarse voice, cursing: "You damn bitch, I'm obviously carrying you, you're so tired! Okay, It’s your turn to carry me!”

"Damn, old turtle, there are only a few steps left. In public, please give me some face, mother-in-law!"

The boy riding the turtle touched the old turtle's head and grinned.

"Get off!"

The old turtle actually turned over, threw the young man down, and then climbed on the young man's back very unceremoniously. According to the size of the old turtle, plus the carapace on the back, I am afraid that there are three or four adult men. However, the seemingly frail young man actually lifted the old turtle up without any effort and strode towards the top of the mountain.

As he walked, he cursed and said: "You damn motherfucker, one day, I will stew you into bastard soup and drink it!"

When the old turtle heard this, he immediately stretched out his turtle head and bit the young man's ear, "You are the turtle, your whole family is a turtle, I am a divine turtle, a divine turtle!"

"Um, why does this sentence sound so familiar?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and suddenly realized that this old turtle was clearly the same as the bitch!

In everyone's astonished eyes, the boy riding the turtle suddenly turned into the boy riding the turtle. He took long strides and walked up the mountain while grinning and nodding to everyone, as if he was the belated protagonist. generally.

"Friends over there, how are you?"

"Girl, I see that there is nobility between your eyebrows, but it's a pity that the five elements lack wood. My name is Lin Mu, there is water and wood, and water and wood are complementary to each other. Do you want to consider finding an opportunity to have an in-depth exchange of ideas!"

"Wow, that dear man, you are still out to seize treasures at your age. You are alive and struggling. You deserve everyone's admiration!"


The young man riding a turtle kept chattering, and everyone's mouths twitched. He was such a handsome guy, but he was a chatterbox.

Lan Yuhuang was also amazed by such a strange thing, and said in surprise: "This guy can walk on the ground with an old turtle on his shoulders. Who is he?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Mu was just like the wind. When he heard Lan Yuhuang talking about him, he immediately came up to Lan Yuhuang with saliva on his face, took a look at Lan Yuhuang, immediately threw the old turtle behind him to the ground, and smiled at Lan Yuhuang: "This beautiful fairy, I am not a guy, my name is Lin Mu, Lin Mu's Lin, Lin Mu's Mu! Don't think I look talented, but in fact I am still a very innocent little virgin, as pure as a little white flower Yes, if you don’t believe me, touch my heart. The first time I saw you, my heart beat only for you!”


Countless black lines shot up on Lan Jade Phoenix's forehead. Does this guy have any moral integrity anymore?

"Lin Mu..."

Suddenly, Lan Yuhuang's eyelids twitched slightly, and she suddenly remembered something, and blurted out: "Could it be that you are the inner genius of Dongling Immortal Pond, Lin Mu?"

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