Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1231 Qianzhong Louzhu! (3 updates)

"Oh, I was recognized by the fairy!"

When Lin Mu saw Lan Yuhuang staring straight at him, he actually covered his face and said shyly: "Although he is very handsome, if you look at me like this, I will still be shy!"

The corner of Lan Yuhuang's mouth twitched again. This guy has no genius at all!

Ling Feng also rolled his eyes. He finally met a being who was as cheap as a donkey. From head to toe, everything exuded a suffocating aura of cheapness. This is the true union of human beings and cheapness!

Lin Mu seemed to just like oral sex, and did not pester Lan Yuhuang. He just glanced at Ling Feng meaningfully, and then smiled at the warriors who paid homage to him and said, "It's easy to talk, you tell me." The secret of this place, of course I won’t burn bridges!”

After saying that, he kicked the old turtle behind him again and said with a smile on his face: "Old turtle, let us become one and rush to the other side of victory together!"

The old turtle glared at Lin Mu fiercely, as if he was still resenting the damn bastard for abandoning him just now.

The next moment, a hint of cunning flashed through the old turtle's big copper eyes, and he grinned: "Okay, then you have to stand still!"


Lin Mu smiled and jumped up on the back of Old Turtle, then raised his arms and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, Old Turtle, drive up to 70 miles, let's charge forward together!"


The old turtle was full of energy. He scratched the ground with his four hooves, and then shot out like an arrow from a string.

It is unimaginable that turtles, which are famous for their slow speed, can reach such terrifying speeds.

Lin Mu, who was hunting in all his clothes, was full of energy and laughed loudly: "That's it, old turtle, rush over in one go!"

However, just when the old turtle rushed to the bridge of life and death, its four legs suddenly stopped like four steel nails. Lin Mu stood behind it, caught off guard, and fiercely He was thrown out and fell heavily on the bridge of life and death.

Everyone only heard three muffled sounds of "dong dong dong", followed immediately by Lin Mu's miserable voice: "Ah! You damn turtle, sooner or later, I will use you to stew bastard soup!!!"


The old turtle laughed so much that he turned over and kicked his four hooves in the air. "You rotten piece of wood, this is the lesson your grandpa turtle taught you!"

"Damn turtle, you fucking wait!"

"Hey, rotten wood, Grandpa Turtle is not your demon pet. If that perverted old man hadn't been caught peeking at your sister's bath, how could your Grandpa Turtle be left to do you a favor by that perverted old man? It's been two years now. When the term expires, I will no longer serve Grandpa Turtle!”

After saying that, under the astonished gazes of everyone, the old turtle retracted its four hooves and head into the turtle shell, and then rolled directly down the mountain, creating a billowing cloud of smoke.

This scene is even more ridiculous.

That old turtle's words are quite informative. A perverted old man, peeking into the shower?

Who is that perverted old man?

I heard that Lin Mu’s master is a powerful emperor from the Dongling Immortal Pond. Could it be...

The majestic emperor is actually a lecherous old man?

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. He thought that the Jiang Biyi he met before was already a weirdo, but he didn't expect that Lin Mu was even more weird among the weird.

Is it possible that the entire Donglingxian Pond is full of weird things?

Lan Yuhuang rubbed her eyes fiercely and said with a look of disbelief: "The inner genius of the Dongling Immortal Pond actually looked like this when he died?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Although Lin Mu was tricked by the old turtle, he immediately reacted when his body was thrown out and landed firmly on the bridge of life and death. This is not something ordinary people can do. , This guy is not simple!”

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, feeling that the way Lin Mu looked at him before seemed like he knew him.

However, except for Jiang Biyi and the others, Ling Feng really didn't know anyone else in the huge Dongling Fairy Pond.

"Old turtle, you just left like this, you have no loyalty! Have you forgotten that in the past two years, we traveled all over the country and peeked at the happy times of women's bathhouses together? Old turtle, you can't leave, I can't live without you!"

"Rotten wood, you should die soon!"

Halfway up the mountain, the angry roar of the old ghost could be heard, but he ran away faster, as if he didn't want to pay attention to this strange flower.

"Hmph, let's go! You old turtle, just wait and see. I'll catch you and make soup when I get back, and drink it with my sister!"

Lin Mu put his hands on his hips and spat directly in the direction of the old turtle.

Everyone was shocked by this guy again. Ling Feng looked back at Tuoba Yan and wondered if it was a wrong decision for him to take Tuoba Yan to Donglingxian Pond with him.

What if everyone in Donglingxian Pond likes to peek at Junior Sister taking a bath...

He shook his head hard and threw these messy thoughts behind him. After all, Donglingxian Pond is also a holy land of the human race. There must be only a few such weird things.

"Humph, old turtle, don't think that this young master can't survive without you!"

Lin Mu snorted softly, took steps forward, and was about to move forward when he suddenly heard a sound of cursing coming from behind.

"His grandma, who is so unethical that he threw stones at the mountain and almost hit me!"

The sound was like thunder, shaking off the top of the mountain, and the next moment, a burly man appeared in sight.

Everyone's eyelids jumped, and they immediately stepped forward to greet the man, bowed and saluted: "Welcome to the Lord Qianzhong Lou!"

The big man had a long red beard and a pair of big copper-bell eyes. He stared at everyone and kept cursing, "What the hell are you here? This damn place is so damn deadly!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, glanced at the big man, and asked: "Miss Lan, who is this Qianzhong Building Master?"

"This person's name is Lou Qianzhong. He is one of the ten human emperors in the inner sea. It is said that his strength is comparable to that of Queen Huanxin. But whether it is true or not, it is difficult to say."

Lan Yuhuang lowered her voice and continued: "However, this person's strength is definitely top-notch among casual cultivators. This time he entered the Sea of ​​Miracles, and this person can be regarded as one of the most vocal leaders."


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and took a closer look at Lou Qianzhong. His cultivation had reached the fourth level of the Human Emperor, and he was indeed considered top-notch among these casual cultivators.

It seems that in this Tianlan sea area, although there are not too few warriors who have reached the level of Human Emperor, the improvement of the Human Emperor realm is too slow. Except for the few Human Emperors of the Murong family, other forces , even a strong man above the fifth level of the Human Emperor is very rare.

It seems that the Sea of ​​Miracles does indeed hide huge secrets.

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