Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1233 Killing with a borrowed knife! (1 update)

"What a rat!"

Ling Feng released the two girls, Kaifeng and Ba Yan, and when he looked back, he saw an old man in black robes, with a sinister smile on his face, staring at him fiercely. Next to the old man, there was a beautiful woman in black. She was the black widow she met at the foot of the mountain!

At this moment, the black widow was half leaning on the chest of the old man in black robe, and said with a charming smile: "Master Zong Lian, why did you miss?"

Zong Lian was still groping inside Black Widow's robe with one hand, but his eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, and he chuckled: "This kid is a little weird. I didn't expect that a mere Shen Yuan realm could have such keen perception!"

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he said coldly: "Old guy, I have no enmity with you, but you stabbed someone in the dark, which is a bit unjustifiable!"

Zong Lian stretched out his hand and rubbed the mustache on his lips, and said with a smile: "The only thing to blame is your disrespectful words to the beauty. Since you escaped with your life, you are lucky. Come here and accompany the beauty." No, maybe I can spare your life!"

Ling Feng snorted, glanced at the black widow, and said with a cold smile: "Old guy, you can swallow this kind of stuff, I really admire your appetite! However, I would like to advise you, you shouldn't mess with it. It’s best not to mess with people, otherwise, I’m afraid you won’t live until the end of your life!”

"Lord Zong Lian, listen, this person doesn't even take you seriously!"

The black widow had an extremely proud look on her face. Zong Lian was well-known as an old pervert in the inner sea. As long as she showed off a little bit of coquettishness, this old pervert wouldn't stand up to her?

"Huh, you ignorant young man!"

Zong Lian's eyes turned cold and he stared at Ling Feng coldly. Ling Feng, not to be outdone, faced Zong Lian's gaze like the tip of a needle against wheat.

Seeing that a big battle was about to break out, a burst of curses suddenly came from the opposite side.

"Zong Lian! You old bastard, how long are you going to f*cking linger, before the formation is about to activate!"

But it was Lou Qianzhong who started yelling and cursing without any politeness.

Zong Lian took a deep breath and restrained his murderous intention. Zong Lian was obviously quite wary of Lou Qianzhong. He gave Ling Feng a cold look and said, "Boy, you are lucky!"

After saying that, he hugged the black widow and came to the Bridge of Life and Death, took out two pills, and said calmly: "Beauty, of these two pills, one can temporarily increase the strength of one hundred thousand kilograms, and the other can temporarily increase the strength of one hundred thousand kilograms. With twice the spiritual power, take these two pills to ensure you successfully pass the bridge of life and death."

"Thank you, Lord Zong Lian!"

The black widow kissed Zong Lian's withered old face very affectionately. Zong Lian laughed loudly and said: "Beauty, we have agreed on the terms. When we have fun in the future, you are not allowed to use your The secret technique absorbs my vitality."

"Of course." Black Widow smiled and said, "I will definitely serve you to your satisfaction."

"Hey hey hey!"

Zong Lian grabbed the black widow's palm and kissed it lustfully, then spread out his body skills and jumped onto the bridge of life and death.

Black Widow also swallowed the two pills, feeling refreshed, and followed Zong Lian leisurely.

Soon, the two of them reached the center of the Bridge of Life and Death. Although their speed slowed down slightly, they did not feel helpless. They expected to be able to cross the bridge successfully.

"Hmph! Old woman, are you plotting against me?"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he directly used the Nightmare Heart Art, and the power of dreams attacked the black widow. The black widow passed the center of the bridge without any danger, thinking that she would be able to successfully cross the bridge soon. , before she could be happy, suddenly, the scene before her eyes changed, and the next moment, her body stopped on the bridge.

Then, like those unfortunate warriors before, he automatically jumped off the Bridge of Life and Death without any precautions, leaving no trace of his body.


Zong Lian's eyelids were twitching wildly in front of him, but he didn't dare to be distracted. He quickly mobilized his energy and rushed to the other side at a high speed. After he knew he was steady, he clenched his fists and punched the ground hard.

His two precious pills were completely wasted.


Seeing the death of Black Widow, Ling Feng felt a sense of joy in his heart: He who kills will always be killed. If the black widow hadn't wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, she might have been able to enter the sea of ​​miracles with Zong Lian's elixir and obtain a fortune.

It's a pity that she offended someone who shouldn't have been offended.

And that Zong Lian, Ling Feng has no intention of letting him go, but not yet!

After hugging Tuoba Yan's two daughters again, Ling Feng said calmly: "Okay, we don't have much time, let's go there too!"

Lan Yuhuang blushed and said, "Well, you damn fat man, you still have some time. You can take sister Yan'er over first, and then take me."

"No need to go to such trouble!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, not taking the bridge of life and death seriously at all.

Then, he hugged the two girls and jumped onto the Bridge of Life and Death.

This scene, in the eyes of the Human Emperor and casual cultivators around him, completely regarded him as a madman.

"What's going on? It seems like it's the other way around. That Blue Jade Phoenix is ​​the Human Emperor!"

"That young man, who is clearly at the peak of the Divine Origin Realm, actually wants to pass the Bridge of Life and Death, and even wants to take the two of them there together? Even Lin Mu doesn't dare to do that!"

"Is it possible that this person is hiding his cultivation and I didn't notice it?"

A dark-faced Human Emperor not far away had a trace of doubt in his eyes, "Existences like Lou Qianzhong and Zong Lian don't dare to lead people directly. This kid is too arrogant!"

"I think this kid may have other tricks. It's impossible to lead two people there with only his own flesh and blood!"

"In my opinion, the lives of these three people are probably hanging in the balance. However, this guy brought two such beautiful women to die with him. It is a waste of money!"

There was also a Human Emperor who had escaped from the Bridge of Life and Death. He shook his head and said, "An hour has almost passed, and the fog is coming again. Hey, we have no chance!"

At this moment, Ling Feng took a step forward, and as soon as his right foot landed on the Bridge of Life and Death, in his perception, extremely powerful pressure immediately emitted from the iron chains of the Bridge of Life and Death. The pressure made his bones crackle softly, and the blood in his body began to flow rapidly.

Not only that, a strange mental fluctuation began to invade his brain, seeming to make him fall into sluggishness. Then, his body would automatically jump off the bridge of life and death uncontrollably.

"It's really a bit stressful."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, but this little pressure did not have a big impact on him.

The next moment, he directly activated the Eight Desolations Body Training Technique, and at the same time exploded the Soul Splitting Technique. The power of his divine consciousness suddenly increased greatly, completely canceling out the double pressure.


Ling Feng laughed loudly, slightly increased the strength of his arms, tightly hugged the two women's waists, and immediately took a step forward. His feet were as fast as flying, and the iron chains of the Bridge of Life and Death made a squeaking sound.

That terrifying speed stunned the Human Emperors who had shaken their heads secretly before.

This boy, instead of walking, is clearly running!

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