Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1234 I’m attracted to you! (2 updates)

The top of the volcanic island in the foggy sea.

The warriors on both sides of the Bridge of Life and Death, you look at me and I look at you, they are all dumbfounded.

Intermediate Human Emperors like Lou Qianzhong and Zong Lian had to cross the bridge with such difficulty. Even a genius like Lin Mu who came out of the Dongling Immortal Pond did not exaggerate to the point of running on the Bridge of Life and Death.

But this junior in the Divine Origin Realm actually used running!

The most terrifying thing is that Ling Feng brought two people with him!

"Damn it. Are I dazzled?"

Lou Qianzhong looked at this scene dumbfounded, refusing to believe his eyes.

Zong Lian's mouth also twitched, he couldn't believe it, he also had the illusion of being dazzled.

He has personally experienced the difficulty of crossing the bridge of life and death, and yet this boy is walking as fast as flying?

"Interesting! That girl actually knows a very interesting person!"

Even Lin Mu narrowed his eyes, looked at Ling Feng thoughtfully, and soon returned to his lazy and unruly look.

It wasn't until Ling Feng arrived at the altar with ease and put the two women down, his whole body relaxed and he didn't even take a breath, that the place started to boil.

People who had not yet had time to cross the bridge, with a flash of their eyes, rushed to step onto the bridge of life and death first.

In their opinion, it was probably because the terrifying pressure on the Bridge of Life and Death had subsided, so Ling Feng could cross the bridge so easily.

However, when the first group of people stepped onto the Bridge of Life and Death, they immediately grunted and ran back in fright.

The pressure on the Bridge of Life and Death has not diminished at all, and has even become greater because the fog below the mountain is about to come up again.

" is this possible?"

"Damn, is that kid a monster?"

The casual cultivators who had saved their lives all looked at Ling Feng in surprise and confusion. This guy had no use for any magic weapon. With just his flesh and blood, he led two people through the Bridge of Life and Death easily.

What kind of freak is this?

The fog gradually encroaching under the mountain in front of them. Those warriors who have not yet passed the Bridge of Life and Death can only give up and return the same way. If it gets dark, it will be even more difficult and they will not be able to go down the mountain.

On the other side of the Bridge of Life and Death, Lou Qianzhong was completely shocked by Ling Feng's evil behavior. He circled Ling Feng in a large circle and looked him up and down, his eyes shining brightly, as if he had discovered a unique treasure.

After a long while, Lou Qianzhong pointed to his nose and said, "Boy, do you know who I am?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "Senior is not the master of Qianzhong Lou, Lou Qianzhong."

"Hahaha! Yes, I am Lou Qianzhong. You are very good. I have taken a liking to you!" Lou Qianzhong burst out laughing.


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "Well, senior, this junior has no interest in that."

"Huh?" Lou Qianzhong's pupils shrank, and he suddenly began to curse, "Fart, don't you think I have that kind of interest? I'm interested in your qualifications, what do you think, you can become your teacher!"

"Sorry, this junior already has a master."

Ling Feng shook his head and had no intention of becoming a disciple at all!

Lou Qianzhong was obviously stunned for a moment. He said it casually, but he had no real intention to accept a disciple, but he didn't expect that Ling Feng would refuse so simply.

After all, he is also one of the ten human emperors in the inner sea. For ordinary people, it is not their turn to worship him as their disciple!

"Boy, do you mean your master is better than me?" The more Ling Feng refused to become a disciple, the more Lou Qianzhong wanted to accept him as his disciple.

"In terms of cultivation, I may not be as good as my seniors, but as the saying goes, once you are a teacher, you will always be your father. I dare to ask senior, can you change your father at will?"

Ling Feng looked up at Lou Qianzhong and responded lightly.

"This..." Lou Qianzhong's expression changed slightly, he stared at Ling Feng for a long time, and then withdrew his gaze angrily.

"That's all! If you don't want to become a disciple, you won't become a disciple! You kid, you are really interesting!"

Lou Qianzhong raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Father can't change casually, so just call me big brother, and that's okay!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This guy really loved taking advantage. He smiled helplessly. He was considered a senior expert. Calling him big brother would not hurt him.

"Okay, Brother Lou!" Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and called softly.

"Hahaha, that's right!" Lou Qianzhong laughed loudly and glanced sideways at Zong Lian, "Some people should keep their eyes open. This kid is now my brother, Lou Qianzhong. Who can If you dare to touch him, just try!”

Zong Lian's pupils shrank slightly, and his little thoughts suddenly stopped.

Lou Qianzhong is a person you cannot mess with!

Regardless of the fact that he claims to be the master of the Qianzhong Building, he is actually a loner. If anyone offends him, he will kill them directly, without any regard for the consequences or any worries.

Therefore, there is a saying circulating in the inner sea: It is better to recruit Murong than Qian Chong!

Murong refers to the Murong family, and Qianzhong refers to his building Qianzhong.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, this Qianzhong Building was unexpectedly quite generous.


After grinning a few times, Lou Qianzhong retracted his gaze, raised his eyes to look at the sky, straightened his face, jumped onto the central altar, and shouted: "Okay, the time is up, everyone enters the large area of ​​​​the magic circle. , Hehe, everyone had better be alert. Although this circle can lead directly to the Sea of ​​Miracles, it is not safe. Who knows where it will be on the other side. If you don't want to die, you can do it at any time. So ready for a fight!”

Hearing this, seeing the last ray of the sunset disappearing between the sky and the earth, night had fallen, everyone's expressions changed, and they all walked up to the altar and entered the formation.

Ling Feng didn't waste any time and led Tuoba Yan and his two daughters into the magic circle, which was about ten feet wide.

Lan Yuhuang lowered her voice and whispered to Ling Feng: "Hey, damn fat man, you are lucky this time, you have a thousand layers of building protecting you!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly. After entering the Sea of ​​Miracles, he still didn't know who was protecting whom. As for Zong Lian, he didn't take it seriously from the beginning.

After roughly counting the number of people, except for Lou Qianzhong, Zong Lian, Lin Mu, Ling Feng and the other two Human Emperors who passed the Bridge of Life and Death on their own, there were also two people brought by Lin Mu and Ling Feng. The two of them make a total of ten people.

This number, compared with the originally densely packed casual cultivators all over the mountains and plains, the passing rate is less than one tenth, which shows how difficult it is to cross the bridge of life and death.

This formation has a radius of ten feet, which is more than enough to accommodate ten of them.

Ling Feng looked at the formation carefully and suddenly found that there were some ancient characters on the formation. Fortunately, when Ling Feng was studying at Tianwei Academy, he had studied ancient characters in order to check some ancient books, so he could reluctantly Recognize some of the words above.

"Jiumu City, forged by the Five Elements Master!"

As the name suggests, this altar should be the work of a predecessor called the Five Elements Venerable.

"Jiumu City, what kind of place is this?" Ling Feng murmured to himself.

Lan Yuhuang on the side heard Ling Feng's words and couldn't help but said: "Jiumu City, isn't it an island that mysteriously disappeared when the shocking war in the inland sea broke out more than five hundred years ago? At that time, the city of Tianhuang was just A relatively common existence among the ten major forces in the Inland Sea, Tianhuang City gradually grew in strength after the disappearance of Jiumu City."

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