Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1237 Golden Longan! (1 update)

"Finally out!"

Those powerful human emperors fell to the ground exhausted, breathing heavily, enjoying the feeling of surviving a disaster.

They were not eaten by the monster, nor were they imprisoned in the space-time channel, but entered the Sea of ​​Miracles, the magical place full of opportunities.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked around. The scenery in front of him surprised him a little.

This is an island with bright sunshine and golden sandy beaches. Rows of seagulls are calling in the sky. The fresh sea breeze with the sound of waves is like music, which makes people happy.

This is such a beautiful island!

"Fuck, finally out!"

Lou Qianzhong stretched his waist and regained his domineering look. He turned his head to look at Lin Mu and said in a deep voice: "Hey, Lin Mu boy, is there a space crack nearby?"

Don't look at everything in front of you, it's so beautiful, but often behind this beauty, there is a hidden murderous intent.

The periphery of the Sea of ​​Miracles is full of space-time rifts formed by the collapse of space-time rules. Once you take a wrong step and are swept into the space-time rifts, you can basically only play happily with the legendary "void creatures" in this life.

Of course, the premise is that you can live in the void for a long time.

Lin Mu took a deep breath, his left eye flashed with golden light, and he looked around, then shook his head and smiled faintly: "Don't worry, everyone, although the space rules here are not very stable, there are no space-time rifts. You can rest assured that at least within a hundred miles, it is safe."


Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Ling Feng looked at Lin Mu with some surprise.

Unexpectedly, this guy also mastered a very powerful pupil technique that can detect the existence of space-time rifts.

This is a little similar to the space-time holy body of the Desolate Sea Venerable, except that the Desolate Sea Venerable can sense it in advance, while Lin Mu can only know it later and can only discover it after the space-time rift appears.

But, even so, with the presence of Lin Mu, everyone's chance of survival has been greatly improved.

The crisis in front of them has disappeared. In the team, everyone is divided into groups of three or two, and they are a little distanced from each other. They are obviously still on guard against each other.

Having consumed a lot of energy before, he must recover now, otherwise, he may die before finding the treasure.

"Yan'er, you stay here to take care of Miss Lan, I'll go around to check the surrounding environment."

Ling Feng thought about it and decided to go around to have a look. This space has a faint sense of strangeness, but it is hard to say what it feels like.

That feeling is like this is a world in a mirror, and his every move is being monitored, which makes him very unhappy.

"Hehe, Brother Ling, I'll go with you!"

Lin Mu also stood up. Among the crowd, he and Ling Feng are in a relatively good state. Others, even Lou Qianzhong and Zong Lian, have basically exhausted their energy.

"Okay then." Ling Feng nodded, and looked at Zong Lian with some concern. After thinking for a while, he took out two pills and secretly gave them to Tuoba Yan and Lan Yuhuang. Then he and Lin Mu entered the dense forest behind the beach. Along the way, Lin Mu's expression was obviously a little solemn, which was completely different from his previous funny and unreliable appearance. Obviously, he also began to become a little serious. "Brother Lin, your pupil technique just now was quite impressive!" Ling Feng praised with a smile. "Family inheritance, golden dragon eye, just more sensitive to the power of time and space."

Lin Mu touched his nose and smiled, pursed his lips and said: "Brother Ling's pupil technique that made the black widow fall from the bridge of life and death is really amazing!"

"Sure enough, I can hide it from others, but not from you."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but he was not too surprised. Since Lin Mu has a natural pupil technique, in addition to the special time and space sensing ability, people with pupil techniques must have more acute observation than ordinary people.

"But don't worry, I don't like that Zong Lian, so I won't report you."

Lin Mu smiled mysteriously and said lightly: "Also, I'll tell you one more thing. In fact, I have known you for a long time!"

"You are from Dongling Xianchi, and the only person I know in Dongling Xianchi is Jiang Biyi. You learned about my existence from her, right?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"Hehe, you are too smart, you won't let me keep you in suspense!"

Lin Mu rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, raised his middle finger to him, Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "Brother Lin, there is no need to do this, right?"

"Don't get me wrong!"

Lin Mu laughed, "I don't despise you."

As he said that, Lin Mu gently shook his middle finger, Ling Feng's eyelids jumped slightly, "A thread?"

"It's a thread."

Lin Mu smiled bitterly and said, "That stinky girl, which finger is not easy to tie, but she has to tie my middle finger! When I first saw you before, I sensed the breath of a thread, so I am sure that you must be the Ling Feng that girl said."

"I see."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, no wonder he had a sense of déjà vu when he saw Lin Mu, it turned out that it was an illusion caused by a thread.

Although there is no connection between Ling Feng and Lin Mu, there is a connection between Ling Feng and Jiang Biyi, and a rather subtle feeling is formed between them.

"You and that girl have a good relationship, right?"

Lin Mu bumped Ling Feng's shoulder sideways and chuckled.

"well enough……"

The figure of Jiang Biyi flashed through Ling Feng's mind, and he shook his head and smiled. This woman would always trick him every time she appeared. However, in general, Ling Feng did not hate her.

"What about you, what's your relationship with her?"

Ling Feng asked casually.


An expression of fear appeared on Lin Mu's face, "I really don't want to have anything to do with her. If my sister hadn't had a good relationship with her, I wouldn't have known this little witch!"

"Haha, little witch!" Ling Feng nodded with deep approval, "A very appropriate title!"

"Oh?" Lin Mu seemed to have found a soulmate, "Could it be that she also tricked you?"

"It's not an ordinary pit!"


The two of them seemed to smile and found a common topic.

After getting to know each other, Lin Mu returned to his previous solemn look and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, I must remind you that something is wrong with this place!"

"Well, I also felt it. There seemed to be a vague, evil, or demonic aura. All in all, it's not a good place."

Ling Feng nodded. It seemed that Lin Mu felt the same as him.

"Anyway, be careful."

Lin Mu casually threw a talisman seal over and said calmly: "Brother Ling, this Xutian Qianling talisman seal can locate and transmit sounds to each other. If you encounter a crisis, you can be teleported to me. Similarly, if If I encounter danger, I can also teleport to you. If we move separately later, we can communicate with each other through this symbol."

Ling Feng put away the Xutian Qianling Talisman. This Lin Mu was worthy of being a disciple from the Dongling Immortal Pond, and he had many treasures.

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