Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1238 Island survivors! (2 updates)

The two of them immediately said nothing more and walked forward along the dense forest along the coast. The forest here was dense and lush, but there were no monsters or the like. It was very inconsistent with the legendary Sea of ​​Miracles, which was full of dangers.

After all, most of the so-called secret realms and so-called ruins are filled with all kinds of ferocious beasts and monsters, and this small island is too quiet, even a little weird!

"It seems like it's an uninhabited island."

Lin Mu didn't know when he had broken off a grass stem, held it in his mouth, and said carelessly: "Brother Ling, let's go back first!"


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he discovered that at the end of the dense forest ahead, there was a wooden house built along the river, and there was even a medicinal field around the wooden house!

"It looks like there's someone here!"

Ling Feng stared intently, expanding his horizons, and found that behind the wooden house, there was also a medicine field. An old man who looked like a gray-haired man was waving a hoe and cultivating something in the medicine field.

Lin Mu obviously noticed this, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Are there any living people inside the Sea of ​​Miracles?

Five hundred years ago, the Sea of ​​Miracles was an area within the inland sea. Although it was an ancient ruin in itself, it was not isolated from the outside world. Perhaps someone stayed in the Sea of ​​Miracles while exploring, and later found a place in the Sea of ​​Miracles. The sea thrives.

In addition, there are many cities like Jiumu City that fell into the Sea of ​​Miracles due to the collapse of space. Therefore, there should be many humans trapped in the Sea of ​​Miracles back then. If they survived, So, it is not surprising that humans appear in the sea of ​​miracles.

Ling Feng and Lin Mu looked at each other and walked quickly towards the wooden house.

From the mouth of this old woman, we may be able to learn some things about this island.

As they got closer, the two realized that the old woman was actually just an ordinary person with no cultivation at all. She was shriveled up, her complexion was sallow, and she looked very weak.

As a result, Ling Feng and the two walked towards her, but she was completely unaware of them.

"This grandma..."

Lin Mu walked forward carelessly and said hello to the old man, but when he heard the old woman scream "Ah", she was so frightened that she fell down on the medicine field and crawled back with her hands, terrified. He got up with difficulty, rushed into the house like flying, and then, with a bang, closed the door heavily.


Lin Mu touched his handsome face and showed a helpless expression, "People used to say that I was a girl killer, but I didn't think so. A handsome guy like me is obviously the nemesis of all women. But now I believe it. , Brother Ling, for someone as old as this, it’s up to you to take action.”

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he glared at Lin Mu angrily. He looked around and found that there did not seem to be any valuable elixirs planted in the medicine field. Most of them were ordinary medicinal materials for ordinary people. The roots were relatively small. It's huge and can be used for food.

It seems that the old woman barely survives by eating the stems of those medicinal materials.

Under the soil of the medicine field, there were still some white things buried. Ling Feng paid attention for a moment, then walked to the door, gently knocked on the door and said: "Old lady, I don't mean any harm to my friend. , but a warrior who was teleported here by a teleportation circle. I hope I can ask you about the situation on the island."

There was silence inside the door. Ling Feng and Lin Mu waited for a long time. The old woman inside realized that Ling Feng and the two had no intention of forcing their way in. She felt that they had no ill intentions, so she opened the wooden door vigilantly.

The old woman glanced at the two of them tremblingly, and said slowly: "You...are you really not here to catch me?"

"Catch you? Why are we arresting you? Is there anyone else on the island?"

Ling Feng was stunned, and after taking a closer look, he found that there was a rusty dagger hidden in the old woman's sleeve. He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled. With this kind of dagger, even if he stabbed her while standing, he would probably be able to stab her. Don't break his skin.

The old woman clenched her fists nervously, took a deep breath, and then said: "You guys... come on first and talk."

As he spoke, Ling Feng clearly saw that although the old woman was very old, her teeth were very sharp and intertwined, not like human teeth at all. (PS: Refer to the dried persimmon Kisame in Naruto.)

Perhaps this is because the old woman can only chew hard things all year round.


Lin Mu strode into the wooden house, and Ling Feng nodded to the old woman. After entering the house, he looked around and found that the house was very shabby. Except for some simple furniture, it was almost bare.

However, the floor was cleaned very clean.

"You two, please take a seat wherever you like."

After the old woman discovered that Ling Feng and the others did not have any evil intentions, she relaxed a lot. She ran to the back and was busy for a while. She came up with two cups of hot tea and gently placed it on the table in front of Ling Feng and the two of them. He said slowly: "This is tea made from fruits unique to our island. Please use it with caution."

"Thank you very much!"

Lin Mu picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp. Ling Feng pursed his lips, took a look at the tea in the cup, picked up the cup, took a sip, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hospitality."

The old woman was still a little wary, staring at Ling Feng and the two of them: "Do you think you came here on a teleportation array?"

"That's right." Ling Feng nodded, "While we were training, we accidentally entered a valley, activated a teleportation array, and were teleported to the island. May I ask where this place is."

Before confirming the identity of the old woman, Ling Feng did not tell the truth completely. After all, it was a strange thing for this old woman to survive in this place.

"That means it's just the two of you, right?"

The old woman saw that Ling Feng's expression didn't look like he was lying, so she slowly said: "Hey, you guys are really unlucky to be transported to this ghost place."

"A ghost place?"

Ling Feng pretended to be surprised, "I think the scenery here is very nice, and there is no danger. How can it be a ghost place?"

Lin Mu also nodded and said exaggeratedly: "The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, and the sea is not far away. It is close to the mountains and the sea. If you put this outside, it is the legendary sea view room, very expensive!"

The old woman sighed softly and then continued: "You two young masters don't know something. My name is Ma Chunhua. She was originally from Tianchi Island. She escaped from the island while taking advantage of the civil strife on Tianchi Island. I came out, took a small boat, and drifted all the way here. I have lived on this island for almost ten years.”

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