Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1240 The truth! (4 more updates)

After listening to the old woman's narration, Ling Feng and Lin Mu looked at each other and took a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, a war five hundred years ago created such a horrifying world.

However, since a few years ago, Lord Huanghai opened a way to enter the Sea of ​​Miracles, Lord Huanghai basically enters the Sea of ​​Miracles once every year. Could it be that he has never encountered those monsters in the Sea of ​​Miracles?

And who is the powerful enemy that the old woman said appeared ten years ago?

At this time point of ten years, Ling Feng couldn't help but think of the angel patrol. According to the mysterious black-robed man, he injured the angel patrol ten years ago, and the angel patrol , and had to escape into the sea of ​​miracles.

With everything connected in series, Ling Feng had a vague guess in his mind, but he couldn't finalize it yet.

"After escaping from Tianchi Island, I have been hiding here. From time to time, some cannibal monks will come to the island to search. I don't know how long I can hide."

Ma Chunhua closed her eyes in despair, "Maybe I won't be able to escape the fate of being eaten in the end."

"Don't worry, Granny Ma. When we find a way out, we will definitely take you out of here and back to the outside world."

Lin Mu patted his chest and assured.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. From the old woman's narrative, he learned a very important news. In this ghost place, warriors cannot restore their own energy by absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. Once their energy is exhausted, After all, I'm afraid I will become a mortal.

In the short term, I still carry some of these rejuvenating elixirs with me, but they cannot withstand long-term consumption.

After you find a way to kill the angel patroller, you must find a way to leave here as soon as possible.

And since the Venerable Huanghai can leave, he can naturally find a way to leave this place.

"By the way." Ling Feng raised his eyes to look at the old woman and said slowly: "Grandma Ma, do you still know the route to Tianchi Island? I have something that I must go to Tianchi Island to verify!"

If the biggest enemy encountered by the man-eating monks on Tianchi Island ten years ago was the angel patrol, and according to Ma Chunhua, those monks were not killed, it seems that they should have reached an agreement with the angel patrol. Some kind of agreement.

When you find Tianchi Island, you will naturally find the angel patroller.


Ma Chunhua frowned, "Sir, I advise you not to go to that place. It is simply a hell."

"I have a reason to go." Ling Feng said calmly.

"Hey..." the old woman sighed, "Well, when I escaped that day, I was actually in a hurry. I sailed all the way south to get here, so heading north from the coast should be enough. Arriving at Tianchi Island.”

"I understand, thank you Granny Ma."

Ling Feng nodded, turned to look at Lin Mu, and said lightly: "Brother Lin, then we..."

At this moment, Ling Feng's body suddenly swayed, and he was a little unsteady on his feet. He frowned and stared at Ma Chunhua, and exclaimed: " poisoned the tea?"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mu staggered around and leaned against the table, "Why... why is this?"

"Huh, why?"

Ma Chunhua suddenly stretched out her long tongue and licked the row of sharp teeth, "Because, I'm hungry!"

"You...have you ever eaten someone?" Ling Feng said in shock!

"Because I'm hungry, I'm hungry!"

Ma Chunhua grabbed Ling Feng's neck and bit down hard on Ling Feng's neck.

However, just when Ma Chunhua thought that blood would fill her throat, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, but the boy in front of her who had been knocked down by poison kicked her hard in the abdomen.

" weren't poisoned?"

Ma Chunhua looked at the young man in front of her. She was still as panicked as before, as if he was another person. Lin Mu, who was lying on the table beside him, also raised his head, sighed softly, and said with a heavy face: "Unexpectedly , you have also become a devil."

Ling Feng stood up and stared at Ma Chunhua condescendingly. He pointed the long sword in his hand at Ma Chunhua's neck and said in a cold voice: "How can a poison of your level poison someone with such a level of cultivation?" Monk? I've noticed something wrong with the tea, or I've known something was wrong with you. "


Ma Chunhua laughed miserably, "Human nature? I have ceased to be a human being! Boy, since you knew there was something wrong with me, why didn't you just kill me!"

"Because I don't want to believe that a kind and kind old woman can actually be a man-eating devil. I prefer to believe that you still retain your humanity. If you don't want to eat us, I might be able to find a way. Save you from suffering."

"But, from the beginning, you have planned to eat us. You are no longer human."

The sword in Ling Feng's hand flashed with fire, and the scorching flames flowed from the blade and slowly cut towards the old woman's neck.

"No! Let me go, let me go, I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet!"

Ma Chunhua frantically begged for mercy, but Ling Feng just sighed, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, the sword blade slit Ma Chunhua's throat, and the raging flames quickly burned her body to ashes.

In the raging fire, a ferocious and shriveled face struggled painfully, and was gradually submerged in the raging fire.

And this fierce flame may be able to wash away Ma Chunhua's past sins.


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