Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1241 Crysis! (1 update)

"Thank you, young master... I can finally be free..."

The old woman did not shout at the last moment of her life, but a trace of relief appeared in her eyes.

She did not have many opportunities to choose her own destiny, but at least, at this last moment, she became a human again, not a man-eating demon.


Lin Mu shook his head and sighed, "I can't believe that there is such a group of demons hidden in the Sea of ​​Miracles! Granny Ma may deserve it, but those monks who turned her into a man-eating demon deserve to die even more!"

"Yes, this world should not exist!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "If I meet those man-eating demons on Tianchi Island, I will let them know what retribution is!"

"I won't let them go either!"

Lin Mu snorted lightly, and his face showed an extremely serious look.

Not long after, Ling Feng and Lin Mu dug a big pit next to Ma Chunhua's wooden house, collected the scattered bones of Ma Chunhua and her son as much as possible, buried them together, and erected a simple tombstone for them.

The fate of this mother and son is too miserable. At least they should be at peace after death.

"Grandma Ma, I will help you get revenge!"

Lin Mu sighed and slowly carved "Human, Tomb of Ma Chunhua and Her Son" on the tombstone.

The word "human" is particularly special to this mother and son.

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng patted Lin Mu's shoulder. This guy is a man of character. Although his personality is a bit exaggerated, he is finally the kind of person worth making friends with.


Lin Mu nodded, and the two returned along the original route. Before returning to the coast, they suddenly heard a terrible grin from the temporary station on the coast.

"Not good! Could it be those cannibalistic monks on Tianchi Island?"

Ling Feng's face changed slightly. Tuoba Yan was still on the shore. Although he left her some elixirs to restore her vitality, who knows what the cultivation level of those cannibalistic monks is!

In an instant, Ling Feng and Lin Mu suddenly accelerated and rushed to the coast quickly.

From a distance, Ling Feng saw a black shadow on the coast, which seemed to be flying and circling in the air quickly, staring at the humans below, and making a creepy laugh.

The speed was so fast that it was almost comparable to that of a mid-level human emperor!

"What the hell is that thing!"

Ling Feng looked intently and could vaguely see that the black shadow hovering in the air actually had a pair of huge wings, which looked a bit like a bat, but was extremely huge, with a wingspan of two meters wide!

"It's this breath!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. Since he was teleported to this island, he has always felt a very special breath, like a demon, not a demon, and some like the breath of an extraterritorial demon, but it is not pure. In short, it is a mutated monster breath.

"This is the cannibal monk that Grandma Ma said. I didn't expect it to mutate into this ghostly appearance!"

Lin Mu frowned slightly. He didn't expect the strength of those cannibal monks to become so terrifying!

Ling Feng quickly sped up and rushed back to the coast, where he found Lou Qianzhong staring at the sky vigilantly, emitting the powerful aura of a mid-level human emperor.

Perhaps this was the reason why the monster didn't dare to attack everyone yet.

"Ling Feng!"

"The fat guy is back!"

Seeing Ling Feng return, Tuoba Yan and Lan Yuhuang were obviously relieved and hurried over to greet him.

Lan Yuhuang asked anxiously: "Fatty, is this island so big? Why did you take so long?"

"Let's not talk about that for now."

Ling Feng frowned, glanced in the direction of Lou Qianzhong, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Lou, when did that monster in the sky come?"

"About a quarter of an hour."

Lou Qianzhong's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Fortunately I found it early, otherwise, the monster might have dragged our people away. But, thank you very much for your little wife, who gave me a pill to restore vitality."

"Little wife?" Ling Feng was puzzled, but heard Lan Yuhuang cursing, "Nonsense, I am not that guy's little wife!"

"Tsk, I hugged and embraced her, but she is still not my little wife?"

Lou Qianzhong laughed.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about these things. The situation is a bit complicated." Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Brother Lou, listen to me first. It turns out that in this sea of ​​miracles, there are some other humans besides us, and strictly speaking, they are no longer considered humans." "What do you mean by human and not human? Are you confused?" Lou Qianzhong pressed Ling Feng's shoulder and said in a big voice: "Brother, explain it to me clearly!" "Talk while walking!" Ling Feng looked up at the monster in the sky and said in a deep voice: "I think that guy is probably gathering his companions. When other monsters come, we may not be able to leave!" After that, he drew out the flying sword, grabbed Tuoba Yan and Lan Yuhuang, and flew out directly. Lin Mu also nodded to Lou Qianzhong, and then he also soared into the sky, following Ling Feng and flying out. "This..." Seeing the solemn expressions of Ling Feng and Lin Mu, Lou Qianzhong waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go!"

Half an hour later, the group had already left the island, but they did not fly too far and stopped on a huge reef.

"Are you serious?"

Lou Qianzhong's face was solemn, and there was a hint of trembling in his voice: "This place is actually a world of cannibalism? And those monks left in the Sea of ​​Miracles rely on cannibalism to increase their strength?"

The rest of the Human Emperors also had extremely ugly expressions on their faces and remained silent without saying a word.

If, as Ling Feng said, the Sea of ​​Miracles has turned into a cannibal world, then this place is really too dangerous. Judging from the monster we saw before, those monsters actually have the power of a human emperor. Once they encounter them, they may not be able to take advantage.

The most troublesome thing is that once the vitality here is exhausted, you will become a mortal. This is the most terrifying thing!

Are you going to eat people too?

"Damn it, I didn't expect that the dangers in this sea of ​​miracles are far more terrifying than what is spread outside. But why is the Venerable Huanghai okay?"

Lou Qianzhong cursed in a low voice.

"Now is not the time to discuss this issue."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, because the internal space of the Sea of ​​Miracles is too fragile, there should not be too strong monks. With our current strength, we may not be able to compete with those cannibal monks. ”

"Well, I agree with Brother Ling. For now, we should integrate resources and use those elixirs to restore energy as sparingly as possible, and don't leave them alone, otherwise we will easily become the target of those monsters."

However. At this moment, a sinister cold snort came.

"Hmph, that's ridiculous! Integrating supplies? I think you really want to trick us out of the pills in the name of integrating supplies!"

But it was Zong Lian who grinned, "You know that this ghost place cannot restore Yuan Power, so whoever holds the elixir in his hand is equivalent to strangling everyone's lifeline and wants to use this to control us? Hehe , do you think I am a three-year-old child?”


Zong Lian's words suddenly made everyone feel a little uneasy. The Human Emperor, who originally wanted to cooperate, began to waver again.

Ling Feng shook his head. This is how ugly human nature is. It is clear that the enemy is facing the enemy, but they still cannot unite internally and keep their guns pointed at the outside world.

Sooner or later, this Zonglian will become a scourge that drags down the team!

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