Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1248 The Twelve Evils of Tianchi! (4 more updates)

On the other side, after Ling Feng and his group left the reef island in the boundary-breaking shuttle, they flew all the way towards Tianchi Island.

Half a day passed by in a flash.

The huge piece of land in front of them was getting closer and closer, and what came into view was an extremely huge city wall.

While still some distance away from Tianchi Island, Ling Feng took back the boundary-breaking shuttle and at the same time took several pills to restore his energy.

Although the speed of the boundary-breaking shuttle is extremely fast, the consumption of Yuan Power is undoubtedly quite huge.

"We are about to land on Tianchi Island, everyone must be alert!"

Ling Feng's expression became solemn and he looked at all the members of the team. Everyone was still in good condition, but if they wanted to enter Tianchi Island, there would probably be a fierce battle waiting for them.

As Ling Feng and his party continued to approach Tianchi Island, two human-like creatures were sitting on a reef in the waters of Tianchi Island.

The one on the left is a monster with black horns on its head, green-faced fangs, and black wings on its back. At this moment, it is tearing apart a human corpse and devouring it until its mouth is full of blood. As it eats, it smiles and says: "Still. Humans are the most delicious. After eating, my whole body feels full of strength!”

"It's a pity that even with our status, we can only eat humans once or twice a month. Hey, my eyes are almost turning green from greed!"

Next to the black-horned monster, there is another monster with an even uglier appearance, almost unrecognizable as a humanoid, with scales all over its body. At this moment, it is sticking out its long tongue, licking the blood off its nails, and saying with a evil smile: "Heisha, things are different now. There are less than 50,000 humans raised in the city now. If we continue to eat like before, it won't be long before we have no one left to eat!"

"Hey, that's the truth. However, the key point is the guy who came to Tianchi Island ten years ago. He was also very good at eating. Even the island owner probably didn't eat as many humans as he did."

The monster called Heisha made a loud sound.

The scaly monster next to him had mutated even more completely than the Black Evil. He grinned and said, "What do you know? The reason why the island owner raised that big shot was not to leave this damned place. You also know, The rules of this sea of ​​miracles are becoming increasingly unstable. Sooner or later, this world will completely collapse. By then, won’t we all be doomed?”

"As for that guy, his power can resist the rift in time and space, so this sea of ​​miracles cannot trap him at all! The island owner told me in private that after ten years of cultivation, the big man is almost recovering With the peak power, as long as he takes us all out, the outside world will be full of human beings!"

"Hahaha! Xuansha, no wonder you are the third among the twelve evil spirits in Tianchi. Your information is really well-informed!"

When Hei Sha heard this, he immediately laughed at the top of his lungs, "If that day comes, I will eat ten of them a day, no, I will eat a hundred!"

"Don't worry, that day won't be too far away!"

Xuan Sha narrowed his blood-colored eyes and sneered: "You and I have seen that big man's abilities with our own eyes. He has eaten so many humans over the years, and yet he has not mutated at all. His bloodline must be Only when you are very powerful can you suppress the blood of evil spirits. With such a big shot, why can’t you leave the Sea of ​​Miracles?”

"Hehe, that's right. I just said that the island owner has always been unwilling to get up early, but why is he so respectful to that guy... no, it's the big shot. It turns out there is a way to leave this ghost place!"

Heisha breathed out a fishy breath and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth clean. He sighed softly, "Hey, I only eat people once every ten days. It's so boring to finish them so quickly! I really want to search the area. , see if we can find some rations.”

"Okay, let's guard this place. Those humans always try their best to escape, but where can they escape?"

Xuansha patted his belly and sighed softly: "I really hope that the day when we leave the Sea of ​​Miracles comes early, so that we can eat to our heart's content!"

Hei Sha's eyes were also flashing with uncontrollable excitement, and in his mind, there were countless "good" times with fresh and delicious food waiting for him to choose.

The two fell silent and stood quietly on the island, flapping their wings from time to time and patrolling in mid-air.

Suddenly, their expressions changed at the same time: "Huh? It seems like something is coming this way?"

"Could it be a monster that broke in by mistake? After all, humans wouldn't be stupid enough to throw themselves into a trap!"

Hei Sha's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his long tongue and licked his nails one by one until they were shiny. If you observe carefully, you will find that there are rows of sharp teeth on their tongues, which look extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Xuansha on the side nodded slightly, "That should be the case, but it's a pity that although the meat of monster beasts can satisfy hunger, it doesn't have the pleasure of eating people at all!"

"Hey, no, this aura doesn't seem to be a monster!"

Hei Sha closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly grinned, "It's human flesh, delicious human flesh! Unexpectedly, someone actually delivers food to your door!"

Xuansha showed a slightly solemn look and said in a deep voice: "Heisha, be careful. Those people can fly in the air. I'm afraid they are not ordinary people!"

Heisha's eyes lit up, and he immediately frowned and said, "Could it be those humans from the outside world? The island owner doesn't know what kind of deal he made with the Venerable Huang Hai, but he actually let us see if Venerable Huang Hai brings people in, he will automatically let them go. . Hey, I haven’t tasted the taste of monks for a long time. Ordinary people with no cultivation at all can’t compare to the deliciousness of monks’ meat!”

"A small impatience will mess up a big plan. Whatever the island master orders, we will just carry it out."

Xuan Sha narrowed his eyes, and when he discovered that Venerable Huanghai was not among the visitors, a look of excitement immediately appeared on his face, "It seems like these people are edible!"

"Jie Jie Jie, there are quite a few people here. I didn't expect that we can have a full meal so soon!"

Heisha Jiejie laughed strangely, flapped his wings, stared at the direction of the coming person with a pair of cold eyes like a beast, and flew over quickly.

"Be careful, there is that kind of monster aura on a reef island more than 500 meters ahead!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. Because of the bloody massacre that happened on the edge of the island before, Ling Feng couldn't help but be extra vigilant. Although those monsters have evolved to block the monks' spiritual perception, as long as he uses his infinite vision at any time, Observing the surroundings can still prevent those monsters from suddenly launching a secret attack.

As soon as he heard that there were monsters, President Fang's body immediately began to tremble, apparently recalling the scene where Zong Lian and several other Human Emperors died tragically.

Lou Qianzhong and Lin Mu secretly used their weapons. In this team, these two people should be regarded as more reliable and capable teammates.

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