Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1249 Pierced with one sword! (1 update)

"They're coming!"

In Ling Feng's hand, the sword flashed, Shifang Jiannie blocked it in front of his chest, and he subconsciously protected Tuoba Yan behind him.

Lou Qianzhong, Lin Mu and others also put up a defensive posture, with the three of them guarding the outside in a corner-holding position to prevent sudden attacks from those monsters.


A ghost-like laughter rang in the ears, and the next moment, a green-faced and fanged monster was seen flying in front of them, flapping its huge wings, and looking at Ling Feng and the others one by one.

"Xuansha, we are lucky this time, there are so many humans, hahahaha! There are also several human emperors. Even the island owner can't eat such delicacies!"

Xuan Sha's blood-red eyes were already full of excitement.

Among the crowd, there were actually several Human Emperors. The flesh and blood of the Human Emperor was something that ordinary people could not compare to!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, these two monsters were no longer afraid of Lou Qianzhong's aura, which showed that their strength should far exceed that of ordinary monsters.


The black devil laughed, flapped his wings, stared at Ling Feng and the others, and said with a ferocious smile: "Who are you, how dare you break into Tianchi Island? Hand over your weapons quickly and accept inspection!"

Ling Feng and the others all smiled coldly. Do these two monsters really regard them as idiots?

The Heisha's eyes swept around, and finally landed on Tuoba Yan, and said with a ferocious smile: "What a tempting aroma, it actually has the legendary Xuanyin physique, hehehe, let me use you as my appetizer! "

"Don't waste your time with them!"

Ling Feng snorted, Tianchi Island was the territory of these monsters, and entangled with them here would only be a waste of physical strength and vitality. If more monsters are attracted, it may be more difficult for them to escape.

The top priority is to sneak into Tianchi Island as soon as possible.

Ling Feng believed that the angel patrol must be hiding somewhere on Tianchi Island, secretly controlling everything.

Lou Qianzhong roared and slapped the monster in front of him with a palm, trying to shake it away. Everyone walked around the two monsters and crossed the high wall of Tianchi Island.

However, the black evil spirit blocked Lou Qianzhong's blow, and in the blink of an eye, it flapped its wings again, and a pair of sharp claws fiercely grabbed Tuoba Yan behind Ling Feng.

"Damn it, you ugly monster, you don't take me seriously!"

A trace of anger flashed in Lou Qianzhong's eyes. He grabbed a black iron rod in his hand and smashed it hard against the black evil's wings.

The power of this stick, which stirs up the hunting gang wind, cannot be underestimated. You can even hear the faint sound of sharp explosions in the air, sparks sparking in the void, and stirring up an extremely hot wave of heat.

"Ant, you dare to resist?"

Heisha opened his sharp fangs, flapped his wings, turned around suddenly, raised a pair of claws, and actually grabbed Lou Qianzhong's iron rod.

With a muffled sound, the monster grabbed Lou Qianzhong's black iron rod and was unscathed!

If you observe carefully, you can clearly see that on the black demon's claws, a dense layer of scales shines with a dark luster, which completely offsets the terrifying power of Lou Qianzhong's iron rod.

"This monster's scales are so hard!"

Lin Mu's eyelids twitched wildly. With Lou Qianzhong's cultivation level, even the mid-level Human Emperor did not dare to take the blow just now, but the monster was not damaged at all.

Heisha kept laughing ferociously, "A bunch of ignorant ants, we have long transcended human beings and evolved into the most powerful race in the world. Especially ordinary people like you can guess that since you have come to our door, we should just accept our fate! Jiejiejiejie ——”

While speaking, the black devil flicked his finger, and Lou Qianzhong's black iron rod was easily bounced away by it, taking Lou Qianzhong with him and taking a few steps back.

Hei Sha's blood-colored pupils looked at Lou Qianzhong, and said with a evil smile: "You old thing, you are so dry and thin, I want to put it on the left back before eating, don't be anxious, Jie Jie Jie!"

Lou Qianzhong's old face turned red. He thought that he could be regarded as the overlord of the inland sea, but when he arrived at Laoshizi Tianchi Island, he was blocked by two gatekeepers before he even entered.

In fact, these Black Evils and Xuan Evils are not gatekeepers. In Tianchi Island, apart from the owner of Tianchi Island, they are the Twelve Evils of Tianchi. They eat the most humans and mutate most completely. Their The strength can be regarded as the top combat power in Tianchi Island.

Xuan Sha, in particular, ranks third among the twelve evil spirits in Tianchi, just below Tian Sha and Earth Evil.

As for the Black Demon, although his strength is ranked in the middle, he still has the strength of around the sixth level of the Human Emperor. Coupled with the hard scales, even a high-level Human Emperor will probably have a headache if he encounters it.

"Hehe, we have to start with this little girl. Well, this tempting smell must be delicious!"

After saying that, he sneered and grabbed Tuoba Yan with one claw, not taking Ling Feng and his party seriously at all.

In his opinion, even the strongest old guy is no match for him, let alone others.

At this moment, with a "swish" sound, a red sword light rose into the sky and shot directly into Xuansha's palm.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Hei Sha didn't even look at it. He raised his hand and grabbed it, easily catching the sword light. But the next moment, Hei Sha's face froze and he roared in pain. His ferocious claws had already been removed from his palms. After being pierced, a purple flame was still burning on the wound in the palm.


Heisha screamed, not caring about the dark blood on his palm, trying hard to extinguish the flame, but found that no matter how hard he slapped it, the flame could not be extinguished.


Along with the sound of bones breaking, the Hei Sha let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, but Xuan Sha on the side broke off his palm and threw it into the sea.


Hei Sha was shaking with pain, stared at Xuan Sha and cursed: "Xuan Sha, what are you doing?"

"Save your life!"

Xuansha snorted, "That flame is not simple. If you don't make a decisive decision, your entire arm will be ruined!"

Cold sweat dripped from Heisha's forehead. He stared at the humans on the opposite side and cursed, "Who dares to sneak attack on me!"

"I don't even know who did it. It seems that your so-called evolution is nothing more than turning into this ugly and disgusting appearance!"

Killing intent surged in Ling Feng's eyes. He originally didn't want to waste more time entangled with these two monsters here, but they actually wanted to take action against Tuoba Yan!

Following the sound, Hei Sha and Xuan Sha finally noticed Ling Feng's presence.

After all, Ling Feng's cultivation was pitifully low among all the people. They could hardly believe that the terrifying sword strike just now was actually issued by such a boy who was not even at the king level.

Ling Feng snorted coldly and shouted: "Brother Lou, Brother Lin, you hold one of them down for now. I will take care of the injured one!"

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