Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1256 There is only one truth! (1 update)

"What's the mistake?" President Fang stared at Ling Feng and said bitterly.


Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Your mistake is that after you killed Zong Lian, you also took away the spirit ring from his hand!"

"Oh, what's the problem?" President Fang asked in confusion.

"Those monsters on Tianchi Island have long since lost their vitality. To them, the Naling Ring is no different than scrap metal. Even the elixirs and secret books in it are useless to them. It’s a valuable thing, so I ask, since they left in a hurry, why did they deliberately take away the Naling Ring from Zong Lian’s hand?”

"So, there is only one truth!"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and pointed at President Fang, and said with a cold smile: "From the beginning, you didn't come here for the treasures of Tianchi Island, you came here to swallow the treasures of these people who were tricked into the Sea of ​​Miracles by you. Did you just reveal the secret of the ancient altar?"

"Wonderful, such a wonderful inference!"

President Fang burst out laughing and clapped his hands, "You can even guess this, I'm so impressed!"

"Hmph, do you still remember what Lin Mu said when he first came here? It was you who told him the news about the ancient magic circle on the volcanic island in the foggy sea, and I have reason to believe that this news has been It was you who spread it from the beginning. Your biggest purpose is to get Lin Mu’s treasure and all the secrets of an inner disciple of Donglingxianchi!”

"I have to say, you hide it really well! Your acting skills are also quite superb. Even I was almost deceived by you!"

President Fang's laughter gradually stopped and he said calmly: "Ling Feng, you are indeed a very smart person. Yes, you have guessed almost all the truth correctly. Indeed, from the beginning, I have been trying to remove the evil from all my companions. I swallowed the treasures one by one, but the last thing I expected was that you appeared in the team!"

"Originally, I should be the one who discovered how to strengthen the magic circle, and I will gain everyone's trust and become the leader of the team!"

"However, I should be the one who discovers the secret of the man-eating monster. Then, I can use the monster's panic to defeat them one by one. It's a pity that you are one step ahead of me in everything!"

President Fang sneered and said: "But Zong Lian, being smart, gave me a chance. Later, you and Lou Qianzhong were together all the time. I had no chance to make a move, so I could only show weakness. I thought it was perfect, but I didn't expect you to be like this." Smart, so smart that it’s annoying!”

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Actually, there is another point that I can't figure out. When we were at the city gate, you actually wanted to leave. Are you ready to give up your prey?"

"Hmph, you idiots who don't know the heights of heaven and earth, do you really think that the owner of Tianchi Island is easy to mess with? If you want to die, I won't accompany you!"

President Fang narrowed his eyes and said with a ferocious expression: "It's just that I didn't expect you to retain me. It seems that you have no intention of letting me leave alive!"

"You're right. In fact, other people have never had any contact with me. Zong Lian has even had conflicts with me. You want to kill people and seize treasures, which has nothing to do with me. But from what you did to me just now, In one moment, one thing is destined, that is, I will have nothing to do with you today!"

In Ling Feng's hand, the sword flashed, and the sword pointed directly at President Fang, and said coldly: "Although people like you appear to be human on the surface, in fact, they are just like those monsters and have exterminated humanity. People like you are not worthy." Live in the world!"


President Fang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Is it just you? Ling Feng, you overestimate yourself. If you were with that old guy Lou Qianzhong, maybe I would be a little afraid of you, but now, just because of you Do you want to deal with me alone? The move you used to kill the monster is indeed powerful, but can you still use it now?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Although he did not show any signs of weakness, Xiao Bai leaned over and used the Eight Swords in One, which drained most of his Yuan Power, at least within twelve hours. Within, he could no longer use that move.

"Do I still need to use that trick to deal with you?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, and the next moment, an extremely unpleasant and harsh laugh like a drake sounded from the void.

"Damn it, you brat, you are finally willing to let this beast out for some air!"

This voice was naturally that bitch's.

Ling Feng has always been hiding his badass skills, just for this moment. Even if President Fang hides his strength, he is still on the same level as Lou Qianzhong. At this moment, he is just relying on Ling Feng to use up all his trump cards. Only then did he think he had finally defeated Ling Feng.

"Demon...Demon Emperor!"

President Fang looked horrified, and the aura of the black donkey made him feel extremely uneasy, because this ordinary-looking black donkey was actually a middle-level demon king!

Yes, after thoroughly refining the remaining essence blood beads, Jianlu's cultivation finally broke through to the level of the intermediate demon king, and his strength improved greatly.

"How about it, let's see now, who has decided to eat whom?"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. From the moment he asked President Fang to join him in a group operation, he had already made plans to eliminate this hidden threat.

"Damn it! Boy, you are great, but the final winner is still this president! Do you think that this president will not leave any backup plan?"

The president of that party roared, "Blood light void, blood escape technique!"

However, President Fang had been hiding on the spot for a long time, but he didn't see any reaction at all. He couldn't help but turned pale in shock, "How is it possible? How could my blood escape technique fail?"

"Leave a drop of blood essence containing the secret of your blood in two different spaces, and you can teleport from one space to another. With such a lousy ability, what kind of blood escape do you have? It’s so funny.”

Ling Feng said bitterly: "The mystery of blood you left on Yan'er has been secretly erased by me a long time ago. And let me tell you one more thing, Yan'er is not connected with the others. She is a very important companion of mine. You If you dare to take advantage of her, you will be dead!"

Before he finished speaking, Ling Feng had already slashed out with his sword to kill President Fang, but the stupid donkey also understood. One man and one donkey attacked from both sides, making it impossible for him to avoid President Fang.

"Damn it!"

The battle didn't last long. The demon clan was already stronger than humans at the same level. What's more, this bitch had a special bloodline and swallowed a Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill, which unleashed its powerful potential.

With the cooperation between him and Ling Feng, President Fang naturally didn't last long before his head was smashed by a bitch and he died on the spot.

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