Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1257 Ceremony of Sacrifice to Heaven! (2 updates)

About a quarter of an hour later, with the cooperation of Ling Feng and Jian Lu, the restrictions outside the cage were broken, and all the ordinary people in the cage were successfully rescued. They were brought to the city wall and met with the first batch of rescued people. Human beings and animals gathered together.

Four groups of people returned one after another. Including the original more than 200 people, Ling Feng and his team rescued a total of about 2,000 people, and this was the limit of what they could do.

The entire Tianchi Island is too large for ordinary people to move. It is basically impossible to rescue them all.

At this moment, I saw that in the center of the inner island, the monsters spread out like birds again, radiating in all directions on Tianchi Island. They were obviously preparing to capture all the human sacrifices and hold a ceremony to sacrifice to the sky.

Seeing Ling Feng coming back alone, with a black donkey accompanying him, Lou Qianzhong couldn't help but be curious, "Brother Ling Feng, where is the guy named Fang?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and immediately narrated the story about how President Fang attacked and killed Zong Lian in the name of a demon and planned to plot against everyone. Everyone gasped after hearing this. They did not expect that President Fang It's so hidden.

"Damn it, it turns out that the bastard named Fang released the news about the ancient magic circle!"

Lou Qianzhong cursed loudly. Since entering the Sea of ​​Miracles, he has not found any of his special treasures. Instead, he has experienced life and death crises many times. The culprit of all this is actually President Fang.

"President Fang has been killed by me, and now the team is full of trustworthy companions."

Ling Feng glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Next, we will go deep into the inner island of Tianchi Island and fight to the death with those monsters. This will undoubtedly be a fierce battle, and what I can tell everyone is that, except for the owner of Tianchi Island, Besides, there is another potential threat, which may be even more powerful than the owner of Tianchi Island. If anyone is not willing to take risks, they can stay here to protect these ordinary people."

"Damn, boy Ling Feng, you are so damn contemptuous of others!" Lou Qianzhong grinned widely and began to curse.

"Brother Lou, I am serious, not joking. This battle is about life, and I don't have much confidence."

Ling Feng frowned deeply. Even though he had the thunder ball given to him by the mysterious man in black robe, it was not easy to make the thunder ball accurately hit the heart of the angel patroller.

For a moment, everyone fell into silence.

Finally, it was Lin Mu who was the first to break the silence and said loudly: "A man should do something and not do something! I only know that if I back down at this time, I will look down on myself for the rest of my life."

"His grandma, can I be inferior to you two young boys?" Lou Qianzhong took a deep breath and yelled: "Count me in!"

"Humph, you damn fat man, don't look down on women!" Lan Yuhuang puffed up her chest and said loudly, "Auntie, I'm not scared!"

Although Tuoba Yan didn't say much, the look in her eyes said everything.

"Now that everyone has made a decision, let's set off together!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at his companions, who shared hardships and experienced life and death, and there was an extra level of trust between them. In Ling Feng's heart, he secretly vowed to do his best to protect the safety of these companions.

"You brat, just go and let this beast stay here to protect everyone!"

That bitch held its hooves to its chest, looking righteous and awe-inspiring. To put it bluntly, it was still timid.

Among this group of people, he was the only one except Ling Feng who knew that they were about to face an angel patrol. Even a seriously injured angel patrol was a terrifying existence from the fairyland!

"Don't even think about it!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at Bitch angrily, "I already have another candidate for the task of protecting everyone!"

After saying that, Ling Feng looked back at Tuoba Yan and asked her to summon the azure jade-scaled snake. The azure-green jade-scaled snake only needed to release a layer of poisonous mist to cover the surrounding area, which would provide considerable concealment.

"Damn!" The bitch said with a displeased look on his face: "You bastard, why does this beast have no choice!"

"That can't be helped. Who made me familiar with you?" Ling Feng grinned, stepped forward and patted the donkey on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "He who can do it should work harder!"

"Hmph!" The bitch raised his head with an arrogant look, without even looking at Ling Feng, but he felt secretly happy in his heart: There is no way, who makes this beast be strong!

When Lin Mu saw this mean donkey, he obviously also thought of the magical turtle next to him. The donkey and the turtle were simply "half-brothers"!

"My father-in-law."

Ling Feng looked back at the old man he had rescued before and said in a deep voice: "You guys stay hidden around here. We will kill the nearby monsters along the way so that they can't get close to here."

"thanks, thanks!"

The old man burst into tears and knelt down on the ground with a plop, thanking Ling Feng and others profusely. The other ordinary people who had been reduced to human sacrifices also cried bitterly.

Tianchi Island, which has been shrouded in shadow for hundreds of years, finally has the first glimmer of light and the first glimmer of hope!

"Take cover!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, glanced at his companions, and said loudly: "Let's go!"

Hearing this, everyone looked solemn and followed Ling Feng's footsteps, speeding away towards the inner island.

"Hey, I hope our benefactors can successfully destroy those monsters!"

The old man took a deep breath, and immediately began to evacuate everyone and hide. The Azure Jade Scaled Snake spat out the snake letter, and felt helpless. After all, he was also a demon king, and now he was reduced to the bodyguard of these ordinary people.

With a wry smile, the azure jade-scaled snake spit out poisonous mist, shrouding the surrounding area. Who knew that he was now Tuoba Yan's spiritual pet? What's more, Ling Feng might have promised him some benefits, but he also blamed himself for being too greedy. I am afraid that I will have to "work" for humans for the rest of my life.

At this time, the news about the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony had been conveyed from the top of Tianchi Island. All the monsters became extremely excited. Soon, they flew to their respective territories, captured the humans and animals they imprisoned, and carried them to the central square. Offer sacrifices to the Heavenly Lord.

Hundreds of monsters spread their huge wings, and they were so densely packed that they almost covered the sky and the sun, and then quickly dispersed. This time, it could be said to be the end of the ordinary humans on Tianchi Island. During the ceremony of worshiping the heaven, everyone , I'm afraid they won't be able to survive.

After all, given the nature of these monsters, it is impossible for them to spare any living person.

All over Tianchi Island, the humans who were imprisoned in cages were trembling. Everyone seemed to realize something. Watching those ferocious monsters flying down, they could only close their eyes in despair.

It seems that the only thing waiting for them is death!

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