Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1270 Mutation Rebirth! (3 updates)

"Run away! Run away!"

Venerable Huanghai roared piercingly, and the angel patroller smiled coldly, and then bit the Venerable Huanghai on the face with another bite.

After devouring flesh and blood, the angel patroller's mutilated body was reborn and rebuilt at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"This monster!"

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped wildly when he saw it. This was clearly the ability of the monsters on Tianchi Island. In other words, this angel patrol had already become one of those monsters. It was only by virtue of his powerful blood that he could Suppressed that terrifying mutation.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Murong Zining was trembling all over, and she was in tears as she watched Venerable Huanghai being brutally devoured bite by bite.

"Zi Ning, live on, live on! As long as you are alive, there will be hope for the Murong family!"

Venerable Huanghai roared feebly, and in just a few breaths, he was already eaten up and bruised by the angel patrollers.

"Survive? Who can survive? Everyone must become my blood food!"

The angel patrolman grabbed it and directly thrust his claws into the chest of Venerable Huanghai. He actually tore out his heart, threw it directly into his mouth, and chewed it hard.

"Stay alive!"

Venerable Huang Hai almost exhausted his last strength and roared crazily. The next moment, he actually hugged the body of the Angel Patroller with his backhand, and resolutely chose to self-destruct!

"Monsters, let's die together!"

"What!" The angel patroller's expression changed drastically. How could he have expected that a person as greedy for life and afraid of death as Venerable Huanghai would actually do such a heroic act for his granddaughter.

"You idiot, idiot! No-"

The angel patrol was shocked and tried to break free from the arm of Lord Huanghai, but it was too late.


Venerable Huanghai directly detonated his Dantian Qi sea, burning the fire of life. The violent explosion, although not as big as the thunder ball just now, was almost one third of its size.

In such a weak state, the angel patroller was directly hit by the self-destruction power of Venerable Huanghai, and there was probably no way he could survive.

"If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Venerable Huanghai who had turned into fire, and couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Mu shook his head, threw out a belt-shaped magic weapon, wrapped it around Murong Zining's body, and dragged her over.

That woman, completely lost in her wits, looked at everything in front of her blankly, and she didn't even want to run away. She was already looking forward to death!

Lin Mu was soft-hearted after all and couldn't bear it, so he took action to save her.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying explosion almost sunk the entire island. From the black abyss below, the sea water rolled back and began to flood. In a short time, this Tianchi Island may no longer exist.

"Why save me, why save me!"

Murong Zining stared at Lin Mu, and instead of being grateful, she even beat Lin Mu violently.


A clear slap sounded, and Murong Zining was whipped to the point of spinning.

"This..." Lin Mu looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, at this time, are you too harsh?"

Ling Feng ignored Lin Mu, just stared at Murong Zining, and said coldly: "Murong Zining, are you an idiot? Who do you think your grandfather committed suicide for? Do you want his sacrifice to be in vain?"

Murong Zining's delicate body trembled, and the next moment, her eyes were wet with tears, "I don't want you to care, I don't want you to care!"

"Whether you live or die, it really has nothing to do with me!"

Ling Feng said coldly: "However, your grandfather finally saved us indirectly. One life for another, and we will save you once. If you don't want to let down your grandfather's wishes, just live on. If you are really stupid, then It has nothing to do with me. Speaking of which, we seem to be enemies rather than friends. "

Murong Zining calmed down a little, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and said bitterly: "Ling Feng, you will regret it! Sooner or later I will defeat you and crush your dignity and pride!"

"If you have this ability, I welcome you at any time."

Ling Feng shrugged and ignored Murong Zining. Seeing that the island was about to sink, he hurriedly said to the others: "It's over here. Brother Lin, Brother Lou, you go gather the remaining people on the island. I can find a way to kill them." take away."

"Okay!" Lou Qiandian nodded, suppressed his injuries, and ran out.

"Yeah!" Lin Mu didn't hesitate. The situation was critical at the moment. Those ordinary people couldn't withstand a large tsunami.

Murong Zining glared at Ling Feng fiercely, and without stopping, she soared directly into the sky. She took a deep look at the direction of her grandfather's self-destruction. A tear fell from the corner of her eyes, and the figure immediately disappeared into the transmission channel.

After Murong Zining left, Lan Yuhuang glanced at Ling Feng and muttered: "You guy, why did you deliberately anger Murong Zining?"

"It seems that the only thing that can keep her alive now is her hatred for me."

"Aren't you afraid that Murong Zining will really trample you under his feet in the future?" Lan Yuhuang chuckled.

"No one who has been defeated by me has been able to surpass me again, not before and never will in the future." Ling Feng said lightly with a confident smile on his face.

"Hmph, if you look down on women, you will suffer a loss!"

Lan Yuhuang was a little unconvinced and gave Ling Feng a vicious look.

Yang Huanzhi on the side shook his head slightly and said slowly: "Unexpectedly, although the Venerable Huanghai is not a thing, he is sincere to his granddaughter."

"Even if you are a scumbag, there is always some brilliance. After all, although Venerable Huang Hai is bad, he is still a human being, not a monster like the Tianchi Island Master."

Ling Feng sighed softly and frowned as he looked at the huge abyss in front of him. The Angel Patroller was blown up like this, and I'm afraid there would be no bones left. The source of his fairy roots would probably be blown up to pieces as well.

However, at this moment, the water in the abyss changed again.

As the ground shook, a dark claw emerged from under the abyss. It seemed to have emerged from hell and plunged into the ground. Then, with a strong push, a claw emerged from the sea. A ferocious and huge head.

That head was extremely disgusting, and above the bloody mouth, there was only one extremely huge eyeball, shining with this strange light.

"This... what kind of monster is this!"

Yang Huanzhi was suddenly frightened. He had never seen such a ferocious and terrifying thing.

"This breath!"

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. The aura emanating from this monster was clearly the same as that of the Angel Patroller!


An extremely terrifying roar resounded for nine days, and then a crazy, hoarse roar was heard, making everyone shudder.

"Damn it, damn it! It actually caused me to merge with this beast. Damn it, everyone must die!"

This voice is clearly that of the angel patroller who has died again and again but cannot die no matter how hard he dies!

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