Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1271 The source of demonic energy! (4 more updates)

Ling Feng and others followed the sound and saw that on top of the giant monster's head, there was actually a body part, which was suddenly spliced ​​together with the monster. It was the upper body of the angel patroller!

At this moment, the body of the angel patrol became more dilapidated, and even the ferocious face was covered with bones, making people feel numb at the sight of it.

What was even more terrifying was that as he controlled the monster to poke its entire body out of the abyss, it turned out to be a behemoth a hundred feet high!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The Angel Patroller had a look of incomparable madness on his face, and his remaining one eye was coldly scanning the people below. Under the baptism of the thunder ball and the self-destruction of Lord Huang Hai, the Angel Patroller was helpless. , actually relied on the monster under the abyss to fuse and be reborn!

The origin of this monster needs to be traced back probably five hundred years ago!

Five hundred years ago, two powerful men fought in the Tianlan Sea area. The fight was so intense that the sun and moon lost all light and the void collapsed. One of them was this monster.

And this monster was actually an extraterrestrial demon. The traces of it were discovered by the powerful gods of the Immortal Realm, so they tracked it all the way here. The two sides fought and both fell into the Sea of ​​Miracles.

Until ten years ago, the angel patrol had a battle with the mysterious black-robed man and his vitality was severely injured, so he hid in the sea of ​​miracles. Later, he found the body of the extraterrestrial demon in the sea of ​​miracles.

Five hundred years later, the extraterrestrial demon was originally dead, but the demonic energy in it actually affected the rules of the entire Sea of ​​Miracles. This led to the continuous mutation of those cannibalistic monks. And the despair and resentment generated by the humans who were constantly being eaten merged with the demonic energy of the extraterrestrial demon, and finally gave birth to a brand new monster!

The angel patrol discovered this, but instead of destroying the monster spawned by the demonic energy, he tamed the monster and became its master.

What the Angel Patroler never expected was that a few mortals could actually push him to this point, and even let him release the giant monster under the abyss!

After all, in his current state, he cannot perfectly control the monster. If he is not careful, he may even suffer backlash.

"For forcing me to this point, you all must die!"

The angel patrol's extremely malicious eyes stared coldly at Ling Feng. His huge body stirred, and the entire Tianchi Island was teetering on the verge of sinking into the endless seabed at any time.

Huge waves surged up into the sky, and the expressions of Ling Feng and the others changed drastically. The angel patrolers used the power of this monster, and even though it was not as good as when they were at their peak, they were definitely not what they could deal with now.

There is no second thunder ball, and Venerable Huanghai cannot self-destruct again!

On the contrary, Murong Zining actually escaped because she left in time.

"I can't spare you!"

The angel patrol seemed crazy. Perhaps the monster's thoughts were also interfering with the angel patrol. At this moment, this monster, which was neither human nor ghost, had gone completely crazy.


Huge waves swept across the sky, like water dragons, and the residents of Tianchi Island who were huddled near the city wall were trembling.

Everything in front of me is no different from the end!

A wave hit, and the residents closed their eyes one by one, waiting for the arrival of death.

However, the expected huge wave did not come, only two figures were seen, setting up two layers of barriers, forcibly blocking the waves from the barrier.

"It''s Bengong and the others!"

"No, they are gods. They are gods!"

"Gods have not abandoned us!"

Those humans who survived cried bitterly, knelt down and prayed, seeing everything as a miracle.

Lin Mu and Lou Qianzhong looked at each other with deep helplessness in their eyes.

"Damn it, that monster really can't die no matter what!"

Lou Qianzhong gritted his teeth and struggled to maintain the barrier. After a series of fierce battles, he did not have much energy left.


Lin Mu also frowned deeply, never expecting that the vitality of the angel patroller would be so tenacious.

At this moment, all they can rely on is Ling Feng.

"Damn... damn fat man, what should I do now? That thunder ball-like treasure, do you... do you still have it?"

Lan Jade Phoenix looked at the behemoth in front of her and couldn't help but tremble. This monster was probably ten times more terrifying than the monster sealed under the volcanic island in the fog sea!

"Do you really think I have any other trump cards? I was just trying to scare Venerable Huang Hai!"

Ling Feng also felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. After sacrificing the thunder ball, he was at the end of his strength. There would be no second thunder ball.

Ling Feng's thoughts were racing in his mind, and he was constantly thinking of ways to break the situation. However, the monster controlled by the Angel Patroller intercepted him in front of everyone. With its huge body, there was no way to escape.

"The game is over, you ants and bastards, go to hell!"

The angel patrol stared hard at Ling Feng, and its ferocious claws had already grabbed him hard.


Ling Feng immediately rose into the sky, shook his arms, and pushed the two girls Tuoba Yan and Lan Yuhuang away from him. At the same time, he led the devil's claws away from the place where the two girls were, so as not to affect them.

"Ling Feng! (Damn Fatty!)"

The two women exclaimed at the same time, seeing Ling Feng being locked by the devil's claws, each using their magical powers, but whether it was Tuoba Yan's Tianheng technique or Lan Jade Phoenix's poison technique, even the magic claws above The scales cannot be broken through.


The angel patrol looked up to the sky and smiled ferociously, "Don't worry, it will be your turn soon!"

Ling Feng's face was as dark as water, and he could only rely on the speed of the Feixian Sword Control Technique to barely dodge. There were many dangers, and he almost fell into the clutches of the devil.

"You can't escape, you can't escape!"

The angel patroller's eyes were about to burst, and the monster beneath him opened its huge eyeballs, covered with bloodshot eyes, emitting soul-stirring mental fluctuations.


Ling Feng felt as if his mind was going to explode. The monster's eyeballs could actually launch spiritual attacks at the same time.

"The divine fire comes to the world! The flame cage!"

The Angel Patroller roared, and the original divine fire spurted out from his mouth. Flames filled the sky, burning fiercely, turning into rings of flames, covering the space around Ling Feng, completely blocking Ling Feng's retreat.

At this moment, Ling Feng was blocked by fierce fire in front of him and blocked by devil's claws behind him. He was already in heaven and on earth, with no way to escape.

"Jie Jie Jie! Look where you are escaping to!"

The Angel Patroller roared ferociously, and was no longer interested in using Ling Feng as his container. Instead, he wanted to use the most vicious and cruel means to make this kid who had severely injured him unable to survive or die!

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