Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1272: Trapped in a cocoon! (1 update)

"Fire cage, close it!"

The Angel Patroller clenched his fist, and the ring of flames that had been sealed around Ling Feng immediately closed in towards the center. At the same time, the monster's claws had also been firmly grasped. No matter how he looked at it, Ling Feng had absolutely no way out.

However, at this moment, the corner of Ling Feng's mouth curved, and he hit the ring of flames in front of him.

The original fire that belongs to the angel patrol is so terrifying. It burns the sky to refine things and transforms everything. But Ling Feng actually dared to hit that flame by himself.

"Idiot, do you think the fire that patrols the sky here is the ordinary fire in your lower world? Stupid, stupid!"

The angel patrolman kept laughing ferociously. When Ling Feng crashed into the flames, he was basically seeking his own death. He would experience the torment and torture that would be worse than death in the divine fire of patrolling the sky.


A layer of purple flame suddenly appeared around Ling Feng, it was the third level swallowing flame!

After swallowing a variety of strange fires, the level of third-level flame swallowing and extremely close to the fourth level is still far from being comparable to the sky patrolling fire, but it may not be impossible to resist for a moment.

Under the wrap of swallowing flames, Ling Feng actually broke through the ring of flames. Although his whole body was burned to ashes, he actually managed to pass through.

"Lucky, lucky!" The angel patrol was furious, "The same luck will never happen again!"

The next moment, the angel patrol opened his mouth again and spit out blazing flames. Two huge claws grabbed Ling Feng at the same time. The body of a hundred feet, like a giant python, moved in the air, thunder and lightning intertwined, and wild waves appeared in the deep sea and the void. Among them, every time his true appearance is revealed, it makes people's hair stand on end.

Ling Feng's escape route became narrower and narrower. Finally, under the intense fire, Ling Feng was once again forced into a desperate situation.

"That's it, ant!"

The angel patrolman controlled the claws of the monster under him and grabbed Ling Feng's body with a click. He let out a scream that pierced the clouds and cracked the sky, accompanied by the sound of bones shattering. Ling Feng, covered in blood, was already dying.

"Poor reptile, no matter how hard it struggles, it's just a crawler underground! Hahahaha!"

The angel patrolman laughed ferociously, and kept exerting force with his devil claws, grinding every bone in Ling Feng's body to pieces, causing Ling Feng to suffer excruciating pain.

"Ling Feng!"


When Tuoba Yan and Lan Yuhuang saw this scene, they both trembled.

"After all, we still can't escape, right?" Yang Huanzhi clenched his fists tightly. Everything was too late. As soon as Ling Feng died, it would be their turn soon.

Under the crushing force of absolute power, powerless humans, weak humans, could only crawl on the ground and cry bitterly.

However, as the angel patrol continued to abuse Ling Feng, he suddenly realized one thing. Except for the first moment, and later on, no matter how he crushed the "Ling Feng" in his hand, there was nothing left. The sound of screaming and wailing!

The angel patrolman suddenly opened his claws, only to find that his palms were empty, with Ling Feng's shadow nowhere to be seen.

"Did you find it?"

In the void, Ling Feng's sneer voice came, "I thought you were so selfless in your abuse of me that you couldn't even notice that what you caught was just an phantom! The Angel Patroller, after all, is the Angel Patroller, so fast, That’s how I cracked the secret of my nightmare!”

It turned out that the moment Ling Feng was caught by the angel patrol, Ling Feng was indeed caught, but the next moment, he activated the Nightmare Heart Art to make the angel patrol fall into an illusion, and he immediately used He used the fire escape method and escaped.

However, this process still required him to forcibly overcome several layers of sky-scrutinizing fire blockades. Ling Feng felt that half of his body was scorched, and there was even a smell of barbecue when he smelled it casually.

"Ling Feng!"

"Boss Ling!"

Seeing that Ling Feng was not dead yet, a glimmer of hope ignited in the hearts of Tuoba Yan and others again.

Unknowingly, Ling Feng has become the hope in everyone's heart. The only hope is that as long as he is still alive, a miracle will happen.


The angel patrolman's face became ferocious and twisted, "I have completely lost my patience!"

"Really? I've lost my patience too."

There was a sneer on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth, "Ugly, look at your back first!"


The angel patrolman suddenly turned his head to look, only to find that the monster under him was actually facing the sunlight from the outside world. Like the previous Tianchi Island Master, the monster's body also began to melt rapidly, little by little. Festering, revealing rows of horrific bones inside.

It turned out that the monster's body was too huge, and the reason why Ling Feng kept attracting the angel patrols to catch him just now was to allow the monster's body to receive sunlight from the outside world.

This sanction comes from the rules of heaven and earth, and even the angel patrol cannot be spared.


The monster under the Angel Patroller let out an extremely painful cry, twisted violently, and rolled up huge waves, trying to create a shadow to cover its body, but unfortunately, it was already too late.

When the angel patrol realized it, the monster beneath him had already festered to its abdomen. A huge behemoth of a hundred feet, in just a few blinks of an eye, it turned into a rotten and dilapidated skeleton. Even later, the skeleton All began to rot.

Compared to the Tianchi Island Master, this monster is the real source of trouble. Once it is influenced by the rules of the outside world, it will immediately collapse.

"no no!"

The angel patrolman's eyes showed unwillingness and despair, and he quickly twisted his broken body, trying to separate from the monster's body.

"Hmph, you are the one who brought it upon yourself, and you will not live! It is you who has trapped yourself in the cocoon! Those who patrol the angels, the way of heaven is clear. It seems that you, the so-called hunter on behalf of heaven, cannot represent the way of heaven!"

Ling Feng urged all directions to be destroyed and flew in front of the angel patroller. With a stern look in his eyes, he said in a cold voice: "I will accept your source of immortality without mercy!"

"You...who are you!"

The angel patroller's pupils shrank suddenly and he stared at Ling Feng. At this moment, his body also began to fester. Under the rules of heaven and earth, even the so-called gods and the so-called masters of the fairyland were not immune.

"Didn't I say that I am the nemesis of the Xuantian Clan! I am the Son of Heaven!"

Ling Feng's words immediately made the angel patroller's face look ashen, " is it possible? You are obviously Jiuli...Jiuli..."

The words stopped suddenly. The body of the angel patrol had completely collapsed. At the moment his body collapsed, Ling Feng's consciousness forcefully pulled out a piece of flesh and blood from the forehead of the angel patrol.

According to the demon queen Keweili, the source of the immortality of the Xantian clan is contained in the divine pattern on the forehead.

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