Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1273 Surveying the sky for fire poison! (2 updates)

With the death of the angel patroller, the crisis was finally resolved, but the sinking trend of Tianchi Island was irreversible.

Without further delay, Ling Feng and others flew to the city wall. At this moment, Lou Qianzhong and Lin Mu were struggling to resist the huge waves and protect the residents of Tianchi Island.

Seeing Ling Feng and his team flying in, Lin Mu and Lou Qianzhong were overjoyed. Lin Mu said excitedly: "Brother Ling, did you kill that monster?"


Ling Feng felt weak for a while, his whole body was burned by the divine fire that patrolled the sky, and he had been severely injured by the angel patroller before. At this moment, half of his life was gone, his spirit was weak, and he wished he could take a deep sleep.

"The transmission channel opened by the Angel Patroller is about to close. Brother Ling, how do you plan to take these ordinary people out?"

Lin Mu looked back at the trembling people below and couldn't help but sigh. These ordinary people have fragile bodies. Even if they leave this world through the transmission channel, they may not be able to withstand the tide of time and space in the transmission channel.

"I have my own idea."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, forced himself to raise his spirits, and offered up the most precious treasure, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

"This treasure is a world of its own and can temporarily include everyone in it."

Ling Feng and Lin Mu had experienced life and death together, and had established a certain amount of trust between each other, so they exposed the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

"A world of its own?"

Lin Mu's eyelids twitched wildly, and Lou Qianzhong looked at Ling Feng in astonishment. A kid like Ling Feng, who was only in the Divine Origin Realm, actually had such a treasure!

"It's too late to explain."

Ling Feng held the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and said to the ordinary people below: "Everyone, I will take you to another space in a while. Everyone is waiting inside now. When you leave this world, I will release you again. You will be free from now on.”


Those human beings who were treated as human sacrifices and imprisoned in prisons all had tears in their eyes. Freedom, what a precious word!

"Gods! You must be the gods who save suffering!"

All the surviving people of Tianchi Island knelt down to worship and thanked him so much that it was not enough to express their inner excitement.

Ling Feng shook his head. Mortals are superstitious about gods, but they don't know that it is the so-called gods who plunge them into this Shura hell.

After waving his hand and throwing out the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, a purple light curtain hung down, bringing more than a thousand Tianchi Island people present into the Yuan Realm of Wood. Ling Feng raised his head and looked at the sky. The space-time channel had a faint tendency to close.

"Go out first and then talk!"

Ling Feng's figure swayed and he was exhausted.

"Brother Ling!"

Lin Mu quickly stepped forward to support Ling Feng. Ling Feng smiled bitterly. With Lin Mu's support, the group finally flew into the space-time passage.

About half a quarter of an hour later, everyone finally came out of the time and space channel. Their eyes suddenly opened up, and the outside air seemed particularly fresh.

“It’s so comfortable!”

Yang Huanzhi took a deep breath and stretched out beautifully. The joy of surviving the disaster filled his heart.

Although I didn't make a single profit during this trip, I finally made a small fortune.

Thinking that even a strong man like Lord Huanghai died in the Sea of ​​Miracles, I felt not only happy, but also happy.

As soon as Ling Feng landed, he took a look at the surrounding environment. This was an island. It should be a desert island in the inner sea of ​​Tianlan Sea. The area was quite vast.

"I finally survived!"

Lou Qianzhong roared excitedly. Although he was injured all over his body, nothing was more important than leaving a life behind.

Lan Yuhuang and Tuoba Yan also had smiles on their faces. They had never felt that being able to breathe the fresh air of the outside world again was such a happy thing.

Ling Feng thought for a while and released the residents of Tianchi Island from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Nearly two thousand people appeared at the same time, making the island somewhat crowded.

"A miracle, a miracle!"

The people who had survived the disaster looked at the unusually clear sky and couldn't help but tremble and cheer.

They never thought that there would be a day when they would leave Tianchi Island.

"Okay, from now on, you are no longer human victims, and you no longer have to wait for the fate of being eaten."

Ling Feng looked at everyone and said slowly: "From now on, your destiny is in your own hands."

"Thank God, thank the gods!"

The people who were rescued by Ling Feng bowed to Ling Feng one after another, with tears in their eyes and tears of gratitude.

Ling Feng stepped forward to help several of the old men up, and said slowly: "It is better to rely on yourself than to believe in gods. Although you have left the Sea of ​​Miracles, it is not easy to survive. I will show you a way."

"God, please show us the way!"

One of the old men looked at the more than a thousand people behind him. They were all ordinary people. It was not easy to solve the problem of eating on this desert island.

"Brother Yang Huanzhi next to me is from Tianhuan Island. He can take you to Tianhuan Island to live and work in peace and contentment."

Ling Feng turned to look at Yang Huanzhi and said slowly: "Brother Yang, is it okay?"

"Of course." Yang Huanzhi nodded repeatedly, "Tianhuan Island is very big, and it won't be a big deal if it can accommodate a thousand people."

"Okay, I will hand over these you!"

After Ling Feng finished speaking, a look of pain appeared on his face, and a cloud of black energy faintly rose up.

"Boss Ling, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Huanzhi was startled. He felt that something was not right with Ling Feng along the way, but he endured it until now.

"It's the source of the divine fire of the angel patroller!"

Beads of sweat rolled down Ling Feng's forehead, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I underestimated that kind of flame. At this moment, my fire poison is attacking my heart. Although it is not life-threatening, it is inevitably painful."

It turned out that when Ling Feng was trapped by the patrolling divine fire of the angel patrollers, although he wrapped his whole body in swallowing flames and forced his way out, it seemed that he was safe, but the fire poison of the patrolling divine fire was already in his body unknowingly. , invaded Ling Feng's body.

This fire poison is so overbearing that even Ling Feng can't do anything about it.

I just hate that it is difficult for doctors to heal themselves. Even though Ling Feng has superb medical skills, it happened to him and he was helpless.

The Sky Patrol Divine Fire is originally something that does not belong to the lower world!

Lin Mu and the others looked at each other and sighed. They all knew that there was a huge secret hidden in Ling Feng, but since Ling Feng didn't mention it, they couldn't ask more questions.

The people of Tianchi Island were all happy that they finally had a place to go after Ling Feng showed them the way, but when they saw the pain on Ling Feng's face, they all looked worried.

"Damn Fatty, are you...are you okay?" Lan Jade Phoenix bit her silver teeth and stepped forward to ask.

"It's out of the way."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. Although he said it was okay, the pain from the fire poison attacking his heart made his whole body twitch.

"You are trying to be strong again, every time!"

Tuoba Yan knew Ling Feng's temperament, tears welled up in his eyes, and he felt heartbroken when he saw Ling Feng's weak appearance.

"I'm really... not... okay..."

Large drops of sweat rolled down Ling Feng's forehead. Before he could finish a sentence, he fainted from the pain.

In a daze, Ling Feng only felt that he was wandering in the sky and seemed to see a misty figure. When Ling Feng looked carefully, he realized that the misty figure was the one he met on Tianluo Island. That one, the mysterious man in black robe!

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