Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1282 The future Holy Emperor! (3 updates)


After walking out of the door, Long Shanshan finally couldn't hold back anymore, jumped up, frowned and said: "That is the Yin Yang Xuanhuo Cauldron, a seventh-grade treasure cauldron! Just give it away like this? And to such a young person?" Brat?"

"What do you know!"

The wife of the island owner glared at her daughter and said in a deep voice: "Compared with that Mr. Ling, not to mention the seventh-grade treasure tripod, even the eighth-grade treasure cauldron is nothing!"

"Aren't you just a disciple of the Holy Land?"

Long Shanshan pouted, "If my daughter wants to worship in the Holy Land, it won't be difficult!"

"As disciples of the Holy Land, can outer disciples compare with inner disciples? Can inner disciples compare with direct disciples?"

The island owner's wife took a deep breath and said slowly: "That Ling Feng is not an ordinary direct disciple. His master is probably a great emperor, and he is also an extremely powerful emperor. Maybe he is Half Saint!"

"Half Saint?"

Long Shanshan's eyelids twitched, "What is a semi-saint?"

The wife of the island owner rolled her eyes at her daughter angrily, and then continued: "As we all know, above the Human Emperor, there is the Great Emperor. But few people know that above the Great Emperor, there is the Great Sage! Under the Great Sage, the Great Emperor At the top is the Half-Saint! With a wave of his hand, that powerful Half-Saint can stop the flow of rivers, turn mountains and rivers upside down, and cause the heaven and earth to become dislocated!"

"This this……"

Long Shanshan's pupils shrank suddenly, "So strong!"

"According to legend, even in the Dongling Immortal Pond, there are only a handful of powerful semi-saints. And if Ling Feng is the disciple of one of them, think about it, how noble his status is? After a hundred years, you can't tell. It may not be impossible for even a great emperor to become the Holy Emperor of Dongling Immortal Pond in the future!"

"Holy Emperor..."

Long Shanshan took a breath of cold air. The so-called Holy Emperor is the master of the Holy Land. There are three major Holy Lands in the Dongling Territory. Dongling Immortal Pond ranks first, followed by Yunluo Holy Land and Five Thunder Holy Land.

The pinnacle figure who holds the power of the Holy Land and is worshiped by countless powerful men is the Holy Emperor!

And how could Long Shanshan not be shocked that Ling Feng might be the future Holy Emperor?

"So, do you still think that giving this son a seventh-grade treasure tripod is a loss-making business?"

The wife of the island owner smiled and said: "Even if he is not the future Holy Emperor, as long as he is the master of a part of Donglingxianchi, remembering the sentiment of gifting the cauldron back then, he only needs to shine a little light on our Hailong Island, and our Hailong Island will surely Stable as a mountain, even unifying the inner sea!”

"Is this kid really so awesome?"

Long Shanshan couldn't believe her ears. The future Holy Emperor was an existence that she could not even imagine.

"What do you think?" the island owner's wife said slowly: "Just looking at his fairy weapon long bow and the guardians around him, you can basically guess one or two things. Speaking of which, he is still you. His savior, you can use this reason to get close to him."

"Mother!" Long Shanshan's pretty face turned slightly red, and her heart suddenly pounded like a deer.

Since ancient times, beauties love heroes. Although Long Shanshan's impression of Ling Feng is not very good, when she heard that Ling Feng might be the future Holy Emperor of Donglingxianchi, she still dared to underestimate Ling Feng, and even felt a little ashamed of herself.

"But don't have too much hope. This boy is not a creature in the pool, so he will not be fascinated by beauty. What's more, the woman next to him is more beautiful than you, so you only need to keep your relationship with him. In a good relationship, if he can like you, it is a great blessing for you. If he doesn't like you, you can't force him!"


Hearing her mother's words, Long Shanshan felt like a basin of cold water was poured on her head. She bit her silver teeth and hummed softly: "Even if you are the future Holy Emperor, it's nothing special. I...I'm not interested." Woolen cloth!"

The island owner's wife shook her head and smiled, not to mention that her daughter's mind was wavering. Thinking of Ling Feng's future achievements, if she had been born decades earlier, she would probably have some thoughts about Ling Feng.

inside the room.

Naturally, Ling Feng had no interest in inquiring into the whispers of the mother and daughter. He just drank tea and waited. After a while, the island owner's wife finally returned.

"Master Ling, this is the Yin Yang Xuanhuo Cauldron!"

The island owner's wife walked up to Ling Feng, took out a small cauldron over seven inches high from her sleeve, and said with a smile.


Ling Feng knew that if an artifact reaches the level of a holy artifact, it can be enlarged or reduced as desired. The Yin Yang Xuanhuo Cauldron is indeed a mid-grade holy artifact. It can be enlarged for daily alchemy, and can be reduced for storage, which is quite convenient.

After carefully looking at the Yin Yang Xuanhuo Cauldron, Ling Feng's face kept showing surprise, "What a cauldron, what a treasure!"

The island owner's wife smiled and said, "As long as Mr. Ling is satisfied."

"Well, I'm very satisfied." Ling Feng nodded, "Ling Feng should remember the island owner's wife's gift of treasure today."

"It's just a trivial matter. It's not worth mentioning. It's not worth mentioning." The island owner's wife was overjoyed, but her face remained calm. She just smiled and said: "I don't know what else the young master needs. It's rare for the young master to come here once, so I will do everything myself." Landlord friendship.”

"Madam has already given away these treasures. I am not a greedy person. Forget other treasures. Madam only needs to find a quiet place for me to refine my elixir."

Ling Feng smiled lightly.

"Refining elixirs?" The island owner's wife's eyelids twitched, "Will the young master refining elixirs himself?"

"Yes, I will make the elixir myself." Ling Feng nodded, with a calm expression on his face.

"Young Master is really...erudite and talented..."

The island owner's wife swallowed hard, but considering that Ling Feng only wanted a fifth-grade alchemy furnace at first, his alchemy skills shouldn't be too strong, but he only needs to flatter him in a while, no matter how good he is, he can open his mouth. Praise, just give the future Holy Emperor enough face.

"I just know a little bit!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly, raised his hand slightly, and said with a faint smile: "Please, Madam, lead the way."

At this time, a purple figure floated from outside the door, and they saw that Long Shanshan was actually dressed up. She was originally dressed in black. Although she showed her graceful figure, she still had some sinisterness. When she changed into gorgeous clothes, it was exactly People rely on clothes to immediately add a bit of luxury and dignity.

The island owner’s wife covered her mouth and smiled softly. She was a daughter who said she didn’t want it, but she was very honest with her body.

As the saying goes, women like their appearance. Long Shanshan is obviously attracted to Ling Feng, no, it should be said to the future Holy Emperor.

There was a hint of surprise in Ling Feng's eyes, but it was just fleeting, and he felt a little strange in his heart: This woman, in broad daylight, changed clothes for no reason, women are trouble!

If Long Shanshan knew what Ling Feng was thinking at this moment, she would probably vomit three liters of blood immediately and die.

The island owner's wife chuckled and said calmly: "Shan'er, go and ask someone to clean up the alchemy room. Mr. Ling will start the alchemy furnace himself soon."


Long Shanshan responded, then took a sneak look at Ling Feng, and found that Ling Feng was staring at the Yin Yang Xuan Fire Cauldron in admiration. She couldn't help but curse in her heart: Is this guy really a man?

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