Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1283 Jiuxuan Tianling Dan! (4 more)

Not long after, the island owner's wife took Ling Feng to a villa. Outside the villa were several acres of medicinal fields, where some rather rare elixirs were grown.

Although this Hailong Island is not an alchemy sect, it is still a huge force. If it wants to develop and grow, it will naturally require the joining of alchemists.

And this special garden is specially prepared by Hailong Island for alchemists to rest while refining alchemy.

At this moment, there was a boy who looked to be about ten years old. He lowered his head and was removing insects and fertilizing the medicine field. When he raised his head, he suddenly saw the island owner’s wife coming. He quickly put down what he was doing and hurried forward to greet her. He said respectfully: "The island owner's wife is here to welcome you, and the little boy is welcome from afar!"

The wife of the island owner slightly nodded her head and ignored the boy. Instead, she turned around and said to Ling Feng with a smile: "This is the place where we specialize in alchemy refining on Hailong Island. We also invited some formation masters to arrange some alchemy formations. Ling Feng Young Master may be able to come in handy."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Madam is interested."

While they were talking, several people had already entered the courtyard. There was a middle-aged man in a robe taking a nap in the courtyard. The boy quickly stepped forward to report the news. The middle-aged man was woken up and suddenly became angry and was about to lecture him. The boy suddenly saw the island owner's wife coming in person, and he was immediately frightened and said, "Island... Island owner's wife, why are you here!"

"Master Shao, I'm so excited!"

The island owner's wife glanced sideways at Master Shao, who was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He lowered his head and was submissive, not even daring to fart.

At this time, several old men who were exuding the aroma of elixirs came out of the hall. They were obviously alchemists enshrined by Hailong Island. Seeing the arrival of the island owner's wife, they quickly bowed in response.

Each of these alchemists was curious. Normally, the island owner's wife never asked about alchemy matters, so why would she be interested in coming here today.

The eldest lady also came together, followed by two unknown boys and girls.

Could it be that the island owner’s wife wants to introduce a few apprentices to learn alchemy from them?

One of the gray-haired alchemists thought he understood the thoughts of the island owner's wife. A warm smile appeared on his face, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, nodded, and said with a slight smile: "Well, Madam has poor eyesight. Damn, this young man is a good candidate for learning alchemy. Since Madam brought him here, I should teach him well."


The wife of the island owner glanced at the old man and said with a disdainful smile: "Master Wang, this Young Master Ling Feng Ling is not here to be cultivated by you. Why don't you hurry up and prepare the Dan Fire Array? Young Master Ling will make the elixir himself."


Master Wang blushed with embarrassment, but he soon realized that the island owner's wife was too respectful towards the young man.

The other two alchemists around Master Wang couldn't help but laugh secretly when they saw the old man was so deflated, which made Master Wang want to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

"Yes Yes!"

Master Wang gritted his teeth and ordered his apprentice to go down and activate the alchemy formation. He glanced at Ling Feng and said with some yin and yang, "Master, alchemy is no joke. What kind of elixir do you need to refine? Little old man, maybe Can do it for you.”

In the opinion of Master Na Wang, Ling Feng is probably the young master of some big power, so that’s why the island owner’s wife is so respectful, but someone from a big power is great?

How high is his alchemy attainment at such a young age that he can even refine a fourth-grade elixir, but he is a fifth-level advanced alchemist, and he has a certain success rate in refining a sixth-grade elixir!

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a faint smile: "Master Wang, I want to refine a Jiuxuantian Spiritual Pill. I wonder if you can do it for me?"

"Nine Xuantian Spiritual Pills, right?"

Master Wang said with a relaxed expression: "Isn't it Jiuxuan Tianling... Wait a minute, what are you talking about, Jiuxuan Tianling Pill?"

"Yes, Jiuxuan Tianling Dan." Ling Feng nodded and said calmly.

The next moment, the corners of Master Wang's mouth twitched, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood in frustration.

Jiu Xuantian Spiritual Pill, that is a seventh-grade pill!

The pupils of the alchemists next to them shrank. This young man had such a strong tone!


Master Wang took a deep breath, his old face became gloomy, and he said with a black face: "Young Master, don't be ridiculous, Jiuxuan Tianling Dan is a seventh-grade elixir, and it is the best among the seventh-grade elixirs. Even if It’s basically impossible for a sixth-level alchemist to make it. You’d better not boast about it at your young age.”

When the island owner's wife heard this, her expression changed slightly. He thought that Ling Feng was just refining some common elixirs, but who would have thought that this guy could make seventh-grade elixirs with just one mouthful!

Can this be made?

However, the island owner’s wife was the island owner’s wife after all. She glared at Master Wang coldly and said in a cold voice: "Master Wang, why are you talking to Mr. Ling! Mr. Ling is a young genius. Just because you don’t know how to practice doesn’t mean he doesn’t. Know how to practice!”


Master Wang was startled when he saw the island owner's wife's gaze, and said quickly: "Yes, yes, Mr. Ling, please come with me!"

Ling Feng shrugged and followed Master Wang into the alchemy room. The alchemy fire array had been activated. It was a very common earth fire array. It was not very high, but it could be used barely.

"Master, please."

Master Wang no longer dared to offend Ling Feng, with a smile on his face, but in his heart he was secretly waiting for this young man to make a fool of himself.

At such a young age, his tone is quite impressive. If he could refine the Jiu Xuantian elixir, I would stand on my head and fly!

Ling Feng glanced at the alchemy furnace on top of the alchemy fire array, shook his head, and said calmly: "Master Wang, please ask someone to move the alchemy furnace away."

"Yes, yes."

Master Wang nodded repeatedly, "This fourth-grade alchemy furnace cannot be used to refine top-grade elixirs such as Jiuxuantian Spiritual Pill. However, there is no other better alchemy furnace here. Otherwise, sir, you can refine some lower-grade pills." The lower level elixir is ready.”

Master Wang snickered in his heart, thinking that Ling Feng had deliberately mentioned a seventh-grade elixir, but was just pretending, but when he saw that the alchemy furnace was not working, he had no choice but to give up.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng took out a small pocket cauldron from his sleeve and threw it away. The small cauldron fell to the ground and turned into a large cauldron half as tall as a man.

As for this big cauldron, Master Wang became more and more familiar with it. After being stunned for a long time, he blurted out: "This...isn't this the Yin Yang Xuanhuo Cauldron?"

"Yes, Mrs. Meng's kindness has been given to me."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "Master, please quickly ask someone to move the fourth-grade alchemy furnace away."


Master Wang swallowed hard and looked at Ling Feng, then at the Yin Yang Xuanhuo Cauldron, and then at the island owner's wife. He felt that his mind was a little hard to turn around.

I have asked the island owner's wife for this tripod so many times. Not to mention asking for it, even if I borrow it, I have to exchange it for elixirs. But now, this tripod, which is comparable to a sacred weapon, is actually given to me. This young man!

This gap is too big!

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