Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1289 Yu Linglong! (2 updates)

Amid countless playful glances, Ling Feng and the two strode towards Xianyao Pavilion. However, before they entered the door, they were stopped by two iron tower men guarding the door.

These two men were covered in muscles, their eyes were gleaming with energy, and their energy and blood were like dragons. They were clearly two body-refining monks, and their strength had even reached the mid-level king level.

This level of cultivation can already dominate the Tianbai Empire, but in this Xianyao Pavilion, he is just a gatekeeper.

Of course, these two people are not direct disciples of Donglingxianchi. In other words, they should be regarded as worshipers of some forces attached to Donglingxianchi and were sent by the family to guard Xianyao Pavilion.

After all, the talented disciples of Donglingxianchi disdain to do this kind of gatekeeping.


A round-faced man on the left stretched out his hand to block Ling Feng's path, and said with a calm expression: "No one is allowed to enter Xianyao Pavilion without permission. If you have a qualification token, please show it!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "I'm just here to get the qualification token. Just ask the brothers who handed out the tokens to come down."

As soon as Ling Feng said this, there was a sudden gasp of air from around him.

"This guy is simply blinded by lard. What does he think he is?"

"Just come to the door and ask for the token? Just rely on him?"

"This kid is probably an idiot from somewhere in the countryside. He still thinks that the Divine Sea Realm is some great existence. A warrior like him who has just entered the Divine Sea Realm is too lazy to bother with the Dongling Immortal Pond, okay?"

"It's true, it's true that the ignorant are fearless. This kid has never seen the world, and he will suffer a lot in the future."

Sure enough, when the man guarding the door heard Ling Feng's arrogant words, he immediately frowned, glared at Ling Feng, and said coldly: "Leave quickly, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, shook his head and sighed: "Is there no need to discuss it?"

"Huh, this is a discussion only if you have the strength. With a cultivation level like yours, you are not even qualified to work as a handyman in Donglingxian Pond. You'd better give up as soon as possible and don't waste your time."

The round-faced man's face was as cold as frost, and he said coldly: "I have said everything that needs to be said, and I will give you one last warning, get out!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, he would have accepted Lin Mu's proposal if he had known better. As the saying goes, the king of hell is easy to mess with, but the kid is difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, he was blocked from the door before he even saw the real master.

Tuoba Yan, who was behind him, gently pulled Ling Feng's sleeve and shook his head at him. After all, this was the territory of Donglingxian Pond. If he wanted to worship in Donglingxian Pond, it would be better to follow the rules.

"Hey...that's all..."

Ling Feng shook his head and was about to turn around and leave, but there was a burst of laughter from outside.

"Ah haha, I thought this stupid young man wouldn't let it go, but I didn't expect him to be a coward."

"That's right, if he goes in and gets beaten up, I will look down on him a little bit. Unexpectedly, he has no strength and is cowardly. Why did he come to Iron Ice City? Is he here to be funny?"

"He's afraid he's going to laugh me to death and inherit my legacy!"


As the saying goes, it’s not too big a deal to watch the excitement. Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, those who were watching the excitement couldn’t help but sarcastic, hoping to provoke Ling Feng into a head-on conflict with the two gatekeepers, and then there would naturally be something good to watch. .

After all, every year there will be a few stupid young people who think that I am the best in the world, and in the end they will be beaten to death and become the laughing stock in Iron Ice City.

Ling Feng sneered and turned a deaf ear to these taunts. However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the door, and he saw a girl wearing the robe of a disciple of Donglingxianchi. She had a mountain pattern on her chest with gold wire. Bu walked out and said as he walked: "Wait a minute, is this Mr. Ling Feng Ling?"


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then stopped, and when he looked back, he saw a very cute and cute girl walking quickly from the Xianyao Pavilion. The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old, pink. There is still a little bit of baby fat on her face, which makes her look a little cute.

"It's me, who is the girl?"

Ling Feng looked at the girl and wondered how the girl knew his name.

And this sudden change made those guys who were waiting to see Ling Feng make a fool of themselves speechless.

This guy actually knows the disciples of Donglingxianchi?

What a lucky man!

"My name is...Yu Linglong..."

The girl seemed to be very shy. When she walked ten steps away from Ling Feng, she stopped firmly, folded her small hands on her chest, bit her lower lip and said, "'s Senior Brother Lin Mu, he asked... …Let me wait for you here.”

"Brother Lin?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood that Lin Mu was rarely reliable for once.

"It turns out it was Brother Lin's arrangement." Ling Feng nodded, looked at the shy girl, and said with a smile, "How did you recognize me?"

Na Yu Linglong pointed at Tuoba Yan beside Ling Feng, gritted her teeth and said, "Lin...Senior brother Lin is good at painting, and most...likes to draw pictures of beauties."

While talking, Yu Linglong secretly looked at Tuoba Yan, and couldn't help but admired: "The real person is more beautiful than the painting!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Seeing that things seemed to be turning around, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Miss Yu, did Brother Lin ask you to prepare the qualification token for us?"


Yu Linglong was startled when she saw Ling Feng coming forward, and quickly took a few steps back. She seemed to have obsessive-compulsive disorder and had to keep ten steps away from Ling Feng. Then she nodded with a blushing face, "Yeah , Lin...Senior Brother Lin said that you are all qualified to obtain tokens."

Ling Feng saw the little girl's weird behavior and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Miss Yu, can you come closer and talk?"

"It won't work! It won't work! It won't work!"

Yu Linglong's little head was shaking like a rattle, "Master said that there are differences between men and women, and it is etiquette to keep a distance."


Ling Feng rolled his eyes. It seemed that except for her cultivation talent, this girl's IQ in other aspects was negative.

"Okay, okay." Ling Feng waved his hand and did not come near. He smiled lightly and said, "Then give us the qualification token?"


Yu Linglong nodded, took out a stack of tokens from her wide sleeves, pulled out one, and threw it towards Ling Feng.

However, at this moment, from the steps on the second floor, several boys and girls, also wearing standard robes, slowly walked down the stairs. Unlike Yu Linglong, the pattern on their chests was a red sun rising high. Hanging, showing their identity.

They are the disciples of the Blazing Sun Temple among the three temples.

"Junior Sister Yu, this qualification token doesn't seem to be issued like this, right?"

The leading boy waved his hand and a ray of energy shot out, deflecting the token that was about to fall into Ling Feng's hand and nailing it to the wall.

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