Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1290 Don’t fight! (3 updates)

"Damn it, something has happened again!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly and looked up, only to see a handsome young man wearing a golden robe with an arrogant look on his face. He looked down from above, as if he was born superior. Although there was a faint smile on his face, how could he see it? Why do people want to slap his big mouth?

When Na Yu Linglong heard this voice, her delicate body trembled, her bright eyes were covered with mist, and she said with a hint of tears: "Qin...Senior Brother Qin, this...this is arranged by Senior Brother Lin!"

"Lin Mu?"

Qin Wuyang smiled disdainfully, "When did Lin Mu become qualified to flout the rules of the Dongling Fairy Pool and hand out qualification tokens to some low-class people at will?"

"Senior Brother Qin, this... this is the matter of our Earth Spirit Palace, and... please don't interfere."

Yu Linglong was about to burst into tears. With her shy character, it took all her courage to dare to say these words to Qin Wuyang.

"What about the Earth Spirit Palace?" Qin Wuyang laughed loudly, "Has your Earth Spirit Palace established its own business? Or is it that your rules are bigger than the entire Dongling Immortal Pond? Lin Mu covers the sky with one hand and wants to issue the token. Send it to whomever you want?”

"No...that's not what I mean,"

Yu Linglong was so anxious that she couldn't speak. She was not good at speaking. She couldn't argue with Qin Wuyang. In just a few words, Qin Wuyang forced her to the point where she didn't know what to say.

The geniuses who were watching the excitement outside the door originally thought that Ling Feng was lucky enough to get the qualification token, but who would have thought that the duck in his mouth would fly away again in the end.

For a moment, those guys couldn't help but feel a little gloating about their misfortune.

"That is to say, do you think that a low-level guy can rely on his connections to get through the back door?"

"Senior Brother Qin is unselfish and selfless. He is truly a role model for our generation of monks!"

"More than just a role model, he is simply a model of behavior. Only Blazing Sun Temple can cultivate such outstanding disciples!"

Some of the guys with quick minds have already begun to turn into licking dogs and flatter Qin Wuyang like crazy.

"Junior sister Yu, it's just my first offense to miss you. I won't argue with you this time."

When Qin Wuyang saw that he had reprimanded Yu Linglong into tears with just a few words, and heard the words of praise from outside, a trace of pride appeared on his face, and then he looked at Ling Feng and said coldly: "As for you, you offended Dong Lingxian According to the rules of the pool, you can leave Tiebing City, there is no place for you in Donglingxian Pool."

Ling Feng frowned. This Senior Brother Qin was clearly trying to scare the monkeys and wanted to use himself to establish his authority!


Thinking of this, Ling Feng laughed loudly, stared at Qin Wuyang and said: "You said, I am not a good person?"

"Boy, I advise you not to cause trouble. Senior Brother Qin didn't teach you a lesson. It's already a great blessing for you. If you know the truth, leave Tiebing City obediently. If we see you in the city again, humph, let's meet you once. Hit it once!”

Before Qin Wuyang could say anything, the bastards around him had already started shouting.

"If you want to teach me a lesson, why should you be polite?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and said coldly: "I'm right here, but you should teach me a lesson! Don't be polite!"


Ling Feng's words immediately made the geniuses gathered in Iron Ice City outside the door stunned.

This guy is so damn crazy!

Is this boy tired of provoking the disciples of Donglingxianchi, and also provoking the Blazing Sun Temple, the strongest among the three temples?

"A clown who doesn't know whether to live or die."

Qin Wuyang flicked his sleeves and said with contempt: "Boy, do you think we don't dare to kill people?"

"Kill someone? Hahahaha!" Ling Feng laughed, "Are you going to kill someone with your words?"


A skinny monkey behind Qin Wuyang was furious, and immediately jumped out, shouting: "Senior Brother Qin, this kid doesn't know what is good or bad, let me loosen his bones!"

"You can fight if you want!" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Some people just said that I am a low-class guy. So, if you lose, wouldn't you be worse than a low-class guy?"

"Hmph, do you think you can win? Just a person in the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm?"

There was a cruel arc on the face of the thin monkey, "I originally planned to cripple one of your arms to give you a long memory, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant of the sky and the earth. Then I couldn't even cripple your hands and feet. Only then do you know what it means." The real strong man! As a weak person, you should tremble in the shadow of the strong! "

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but did not draw his sword. The strength of the thin monkey was the first level of the Human Emperor, which was a whole realm higher than his own. It was no wonder that he felt that he was defeated.

"No...don't fight!"

At this moment, Yu Linglong rushed into the middle of Ling Feng and Shouhou, clenched her pink fist tightly, gritted her teeth and said: "No... don't fight, Master said, fighting is not good."

As she said that, she looked back at Ling Feng and said timidly: "Ling... Master Ling, you are Senior Brother Lin's friend. I will not let others hit you."


Ling Feng slapped his forehead, this little girl is so stupid and cute that it makes people angry and funny.

"Miss Jade, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, his figure flashed, and he clasped Yu Linglong's shoulders with his palms, preparing to throw her to Tuoba Yan.

However, the moment his palm touched Yu Linglong's shoulder, a terrifying force suddenly swept up. Yu Linglong's arm shook, and with a backhand palm, Ling Feng was severely slapped away.


A moment later, Ling Feng's figure directly hit the wall opposite Xianyao Pavilion, breaking more than a dozen walls in a row, and then stopped. All the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart.

"This... what kind of strange power is this?"

Ling Feng coughed a few times, recalling the moment just now, Yu Linglong seemed to have inspired an amazing power unconsciously, and almost slapped him to death with a casual palm!

If he hadn't been physically strong, that palm might have killed him.

"Oops! It's broken!"

Only then did Yu Linglong react, and she immediately hugged her head and cried loudly, "Wow...wuwuwu...I...I didn't mean to do it! Wuwuwu..."

The warriors present were all stunned. This seemingly harmless girl actually contained such terrifying power within her body.

This guy is simply a freak!


The thin monkey standing opposite Yu Linglong's expression froze. He looked back at Qin Wuyang, swallowed hard, and then said: "Qin...Senior Brother Qin, this...this..."

Qin Wuyang also took a deep breath, his scalp was slightly numb. He stared at Yu Linglong for a long time and thought to himself: I have long heard that this little girl has strange powers. It turns out that the rumors are true. I'd better avoid messing with her in the future. How wonderful!

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