Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1291 You are cheating! (4 more updates)

"It's terrible!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He broke away from the wall and thought to himself: It seems that the reason why Yu Linglong's master kept her away from other people was not because of any differences between men and women, but because he was afraid of her terrifying strange power. Hurt the people around you.

Indeed, if I hadn't been thick-skinned and thick-skinned, I would have lost half my life in that moment just now, even if I didn't die.

With a flash of figure, Ling Feng crossed the crowd and returned to Xianyao Pavilion. When he saw Yu Linglong holding her head and crying with regret, he quickly comforted her: "Miss Yu, I'm fine."

The warriors around who were watching the excitement all looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. The power of the exquisite jade that shook Ling Feng just now would be unbearable even for them. How could this kid, who had just entered the Divine Sea Realm for the first time, be unscathed?


When Nayu Linglong heard Ling Feng's voice, she raised her head with joy. She looked at Ling Feng with pear-shaped eyes and found that he was really unscathed. Then she burst into tears and said with a smile: "Great, if If you get injured, Senior Brother Lin will definitely blame me."

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while. It turned out that the reason why this girl was crying was not because she was worried about hurting someone, but because she was worried that Lin Mu would blame her!

Apparently, this girl with strange powers is actually Lin Mu's little crush.

Ling Feng shook his head, took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Miss Yu, now it's up to me to resolve the conflict myself. Please don't interfere, Miss Yu."


Yu Linglong wanted to say something else, but when she thought that Ling Feng could withstand her own blow without being harmed, she calmed down a bit, thinking that with Ling Feng's ability, she shouldn't lose too badly.

After thinking about it, Yu Linglong took a few steps back, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, but if Mr. Ling is injured, I...I still have to help."


As soon as he said this, the skinny monkey opposite couldn't help coughing twice. Damn it, letting this strange girl take action is no joke.

For a moment, the corner of the thin monkey's mouth twitched, and he said in a deep voice: "Boy, for the sake of Junior Sister Yu, I can let you go today. If you know this, get out immediately, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? If you want to fight, then fight!"

The next moment, Ling Feng flew out and slapped the thin monkey on the face.

After all, the thin monkey was a disciple of Donglingxianchi, and his reaction was quite impressive. He ducked sideways and was about to avoid it, but suddenly saw a strong wind blowing from the right. He panicked for a moment, gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly. A cry, "King Kong Pendant!"


There was a billow of smoke and dust, and the thin monkey stepped hard, forming a golden bell all over his body, sinking the ground for a few minutes. With extremely strong defense, he forcibly bounced Ling Feng away.

However, there was a surprised sound in his ears.

"Huh? What's going on? That kid hasn't taken action yet. Why did the senior fellow from Blazing Sun Temple suddenly activate his defensive martial arts?"

"Is this some new trick, using defense as offense?"

Qin Wuyang also narrowed his eyes, stared at the thin monkey, and cursed in a low voice: "Sun Xiang, what are you doing?"


The thin monkey was stunned for a moment and wiped his eyes violently. Only then did he realize that Ling Feng had not attacked at all. Was everything Mo Feng just imagined?

"It's serious!"

Ling Feng sneered, and with his Xiaoyao Sword Step at his feet, his Yuan Power circulated on the palm of his hand. At the last moment, he slapped Sun Xiang on the golden light shield around him.

There was a "click" sound, and the golden bell shattered. Ling Feng slapped Sun Xiang directly on the face and whipped him away.

" is this possible?"

"Oh my God, haven't I woke up yet? It's impossible, this is impossible!"

Outside the door, the eyes of the monks who were watching almost fell out of their heads. After all, Sun Xiang was also a disciple of Donglingxianchi, but he was killed by this unknown young man with a slap!

Moreover, there is an entire realm of difference between them!


When Yu Linglong saw this scene, she immediately clapped her hands and cheered, muttering in her heart: It turns out that Senior Brother Lin didn't lie to me, this Young Master Ling is really powerful!

Qin Wuyang and the brothers around him had a look of shock on their faces.

There was a huge gap in realms, and Sun Xiang was still a disciple who had been training in Blazing Sun Temple for three years, but he still lost and was killed instantly with one move!

This result is really hard to accept.

Among the crowd, only Tuoba Yan smiled faintly. He was used to Ling Feng's monster. After all, he was someone who didn't even look down upon the three middle-level human emperors in Tianhuang City.

Sun Xiang left five red fingerprints on his face, hit the wall hard, pointed at Ling Feng, shocked and angry, and cursed: "You... you... you are cheating!"

"Oh? In front of everyone, I slapped you away. What do you mean by cheating?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, stared at Sun Xiang sideways, and sneered: "Why, you are the only one with eyes, and all the hundreds of pairs of eyes present are blind?"


Sun Xiang gritted his teeth with hatred, but in his heart he felt like a mute eating Coptidis chinensis, unable to express his pain.

Only Qin Wuyang, whose eyelids twitched, seemed to have thought of something, glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, and said in a deep voice: "When I was traveling, I once passed through the Tianlan Sea area of ​​​​the Tiansheng Empire, and I knew a man named Huan Feng. The Queen of Hearts is good at using illusions to confuse opponents, and can often defeat them with one strike. Could it be that what you just performed was an illusion?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and didn't expect that this Senior Brother Qin had some vision.

However, Ling Feng did not answer directly, but smiled disdainfully and said: "What, I, a low-class guy, defeated the junior brother next to you, then you, a junior brother, are not even as good as a low-class guy. Change it. In short, you, the so-called disciple of Blazing Sun Temple, don’t seem to be very popular.”

The onlookers outside all looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Although Ling Feng did have some abilities, it was really not a wise choice to provoke and provoke the Blazing Sun Temple, the leader of the three temples, like this!

I saw the muscles on Qin Wuyang's face twisting a few times. He was obviously irritated by Ling Feng. He stared at Ling Feng coldly and said in a cold voice: "Boy, even if you really have some ability, you have to know that there are people outside. There is a way out! Since you are so ignorant of life and death, I have no choice but to take action myself to let you know whether I, the Blazing Sun Temple, am worthy of success!"

"In the end, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Okay, let's do it then!"

In an instant, the two of them were angry, and both of them were a little wary of each other.

Although Ling Feng's face was relaxed, he knew very well that this Qin Wuyang was obviously not Sun Xiang's kind. If he didn't deal with it carefully, he might not be able to handle it.

"Stop it all!"

At this moment, a cold and stern voice came from upstairs. It was not angry but powerful, and it sounded like thunder in the entire Xianyao Pavilion.

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