Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1292 The poor are not allowed to eat! (1 update)

"Stop it all!"

The sound was not loud, but it resounded very clearly throughout Xianyao Pavilion. The next moment, an old man in green clothes was seen slowly walking down from upstairs.

The old man was thin, with white beard and hair, but there were no wrinkles on his face, and he looked somewhat immortal.

When Qin Wuyang and others saw the old man, they quickly bowed and saluted, "Greetings to Elder Qingxuan!"

Yu Linglong also shrank her neck and said timidly: "Greetings to the elder!"

The talented men and women from all over the world outside the door also bowed down one by one, showing great respect to Elder Jingxuan.

After all, this was the first time in so many days that they saw an elder-level figure appear in Iron Ice City.

Only Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and stared at Elder Xuan without saying a word.

It turned out that when this person stopped his fight with Qin Wuyang with his voice, he had clearly shocked him with sound waves. His momentum had been exhausted. If he fought Qin Wuyang again, he would have almost no chance of winning.

"Wu Yang, you have completely embarrassed our Blazing Sun Temple!"

The elder Qingxuan snorted coldly and flicked his sleeves. Qin Wuyang was so frightened that he lowered his head and didn't even dare to fart.

Taking a deep breath, Elder Qingxuan looked at Ling Feng, narrowed his eyes, and said with a faint smile: "My little friend, since you are a friend of that boy Lin Mu, there is no harm in staying in Xianyao Pavilion. However, everything needs to be done according to the rules. I’m afraid I can’t give you this qualification token directly. If you want to join the Dongling Immortal Pond, follow the rules of the Immortal Pond and use proper means to obtain the token.”

As he said that, Elder Qingxuan stretched out his hand to take back the token inserted on the wall, and said lightly: "Okay, Yu girl, just do what I said. If Lin Mu doesn't want to, let's do it." He just comes to see me."

Under the aura of the old man, Yu Linglong didn't dare to say a single word. She just turned her head and glanced at Ling Feng, showing an apologetic expression.

"Boy, what are you still doing? It's rare that Elder Qingxuan is so compassionate and allows you to stay in Xianyao Pavilion. Why don't you kneel down and thank me!"

Qin Wuyang saw Ling Feng standing there without any expression, and immediately yelled at Ling Feng.

"Hmph, what a trick!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, straightened his spine, stared at the elder Qingxuan, and said coldly: "The poor are not allowed to eat, this Xianyao Pavilion can't be kept here! Yan'er, let's go!"

With that said, Ling Feng turned around resolutely and strode out of Xianyao Pavilion.

Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth and quickly followed, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"You are so shameless, you really think you are nothing."

"That's right! It's rare for such an idiot that the elders of Donglingxianchi are willing to let him live in Xianyao Pavilion. What an honor it is. To treat his conscience like a dog's lungs is really arrogant and arrogant. I don't know what to say!"

"Even if this kind of idiot has a little bit of talent, his ultimate achievements will be mediocre!"

"I bother!……"

The onlookers started joking for a while, looking at Ling Feng's back, and some even spat a few times from a distance.

Seeing Ling Feng's figure walking away, Qin Wuyang approached Elder Qingxuan and whispered: "Uncle, why do you want to stop me from fighting with him?"

"Hmph, if I hadn't taken action, you would have almost lost the face of our Blazing Sun Temple!" Elder Qingxuan glared at Qin Wuyang and walked away immediately.

Qin Wuyang stood there blankly, with a look of disbelief in his eyes: Could it be that I will lose?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

On the other side, Ling Feng suppressed his injuries and walked out three streets away. Only then did the world spin and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Ling Feng!"

Tuoba Yan exclaimed and quickly stepped forward to support Ling Feng, "You... are you injured?"

"Damn old guy, he's doing one thing openly and another secretly, he's just a hypocrite!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "That old guy used sound waves to transmit power and shocked my consciousness. As a result, I naturally retreated without a fight. As a result, he actually He also pretended to be kind and generous by inviting me to stay. Hehe, it would be unkind to not avenge this!"


Speaking of excitement, Ling Feng spat out another mouthful of blood. The elder of Donglingxianchi was indeed extraordinary, so powerful!

"Damn it!" Tuoba Yan supported Ling Feng's body and said anxiously: "Then what happened to you? What...what should I do?"

"I..." Ling Feng only felt a weakening in the sea of ​​spirit. He grabbed Tuoba Yan's sleeve and said, "I... I feel a little sleepy. I think... I want to take a nap..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Feng rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Ling Feng...Ling Feng..."

Tuoba Yan was completely panicked when she saw Ling Feng fainted. Only then did she realize that Ling Feng had become her backbone unknowingly. Once something happened to Ling Feng, she felt like the sky was falling. , simply at a loss.

"I relied on you in the past. This time, it's your turn to rely on me."

Tuoba Yan carried Ling Feng's body behind him and walked forward aimlessly.

Ling Feng, who was in a coma, felt that he was trapped in endless darkness, as if he was about to be swallowed by a dark crack. He could only keep running away, and running away!

I don't know how long it took, but when Ling Feng woke up, he found himself lying on a comfortable big bed.

"Huh? Where is this?"

Ling Feng was stunned, and subconsciously searched for Tuoba Yan's figure with his eyes, but found that Tuoba Yan was not beside him.


Ling Feng groaned, and there was a burst of pain in his mind. Elder Qingxuan shocked his spiritual sea. Fortunately, his soul source was strong enough, otherwise he would not just be in a coma for a few days, but might even directly transform into a coma. He became an idiot and even lost his life.

"Yan'er isn't here?"

Ling Feng tried hard to recall everything that happened before he fainted. At that time, he and Tuoba Yan were living on the street. Logically speaking, there would be no other inns in Tiebing City.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng slowly sat up from the bed, used his infinite vision, and began to search for Tuoba Yan's location.

But it turned out that he actually lived in a rather luxurious villa. Looking at the surrounding environment, it seemed that he was still in Tiebing City.

Under the infinite vision, everything in the entire manor was clearly visible in Ling Feng's mind. The palaces, pavilions, disciples and pedestrians were all under his control, as clear as seeing them with his own eyes.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. In a quiet room, he "saw" traces of Tuoba Yan. Not far from her, there was an old woman with gray hair who seemed to be chattering.

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