Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1293 Moxue Villa! (2 updates)

Moxue Villa, somewhere in a secret room.

Tuoba Yan was sitting cross-legged, seeming to be following the instructions of the old woman in front of him to practice his luck. After a few weeks, Tuoba Yan's aura had actually become stronger by several percent!

"Okay, okay! It's indeed a good seedling of the Xuanyin body!"

The old woman showed an extremely satisfied smile on her face, looking at Tuoba Yan in front of her, as if she was seeing a unique treasure.

Tuoba Yan slowly stopped his practice. Because he was thinking about Ling Feng in his heart, he had no intention of practicing. He just bit his silver teeth and said: "Thank you, senior, for guiding me to practice, but my companion..."

"Don't worry, your companion has a special constitution. If an ordinary person suffers such an injury, he would probably be seriously injured and die long ago. But this friend of yours is extremely talented. In just a few days, he miraculously recovered. The spiritual sea is majestic and vast, and the power of divine consciousness protects the sea of ​​consciousness. Its purity is not even inferior to that of my old body. "

The old woman had a kind face and said with a smile: "I have already given him the soul nourishing pill. I believe he will wake up in the next few days."

"That's good."

Tuoba Yan calmed down and bowed to the old woman again, "Thank you, Senior Mo."


The old woman shook her head and sighed softly, "Girl Tuoba, don't you really think about it carefully and accept me as your teacher?"

Tuoba Yan clenched his pink fist and said slowly: "Senior is kind to me. I could have won your favor. I have no reason to refuse. But I,... and that companion, are going to worship in the Dongling Immortal Pond together." ,so……"

"You don't have to worry about this."

The old woman surnamed Mo said calmly: "Our Moxue Villa is originally a force affiliated with Donglingxian Pond. Even if you worship me as your teacher, it will not affect your worship of Donglingxian Pond. In fact, I can even provide you with recommendations. The quota will be of great help in obtaining the qualification token for Donglingxian Pool."

Seeing that Tuoba Yan was still hesitating, the old woman surnamed Mo continued: "I definitely have good intentions. With your physique, you are the most suitable successor to practice the secret treasure of my Moxue Villa. I have been looking for it for more than a hundred years. I only meet a woman with a Xuanyin physique like you. If you don’t want to practice this secret technique, I’m afraid that this secret technique will be completely lost. Wouldn’t it be a pity.”


Tuoba Yan clenched her pink fist and said, "Let's wait until my companion wakes up to talk about everything."

"Hey...that's okay, that's okay!"

The old woman surnamed Mo shook her head. It is said that people become better with age. Naturally, she could tell at a glance that the companion Tuoba Yan was close to was probably more than just a companion relationship.

At this moment, the maid's voice came from outside the door, "Report to the owner of the village, the young master named Ling is awake."

"woke up?"

The old woman named Mo's eyelids twitched slightly. Although she expected that Ling Feng might wake up in the next few days, she didn't expect that he would wake up so quickly.

"Very good!"

Tuoba Yan was overjoyed, and without caring about anything else, he immediately rushed out of the door and rushed towards the courtyard where Ling Feng was resting, as if he was flying.

In Ling Feng's room.

After surveying the surrounding environment with infinite vision, Ling Feng suddenly heard the sound of footsteps and saw several maids coming in from the door.

"Ah, sir, you're awake!"

When the maids saw that Ling Feng had regained consciousness, they quickly put down the towels and basins in their hands. It turned out that they had been responsible for serving Ling Feng and scrubbing his body every day in the past few days.

"Where is this place?" Ling Feng frowned slightly, looked at these girls, and asked in a deep voice.

"This is Moxue Villa, the largest villa in Tiebing City."

One of the maids smiled and said: "Sir, you have been in a coma for five days. It was the owner of the village who brought you and Miss Tuoba back."

"The owner of the village?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. It seemed that the old woman talking to Tuoba Yan in the secret room was probably the owner of the village.

"Yes, the owner of the village said that you will wake up in the next few days. I didn't expect you to wake up so soon."

The maid chuckled a few times, then remembered something, and said quickly: "Master, please wait a moment, I will call the owner of the village and Miss Tuoba. In the past few days, Miss Tuoba has been staying with you until very late every day. She would be very happy if she knew you were awake."


After listening to the maid's words, Ling Feng seemed to be touched by something in his heart, and then he shook his head and smiled: "How is that possible, thinking too much..."

Not long after, Tuoba Yan rushed into the room quickly. Seeing Ling Feng wake up, he was overjoyed at first and immediately rushed forward. However, he stopped and pinched Ling Feng's bedside. He kneaded his fist, and the joy on his face faded, and he just said coldly: "Hey, you're not dead!"

"Yes, thanks to you, I finally saved a small life."

Ling Feng stretched out and knew that Tuoba Yan had always been cold-faced and warm-hearted. This time he was injured, thanks to her care.

"Hmph, you just love to show off. Let's see if you can cause trouble in the future."

Tuoba Yan's eyes turned red and he gave Ling Feng a vicious look. Although his words were reproachful, they contained deep concern and worry.

"The conscience of heaven and earth is not that I want to cause trouble."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, then looked stern and said coldly: "I didn't die this time, but it was that old guy's turn to be unlucky!"

Tuoba Yan sighed lightly, knowing that Ling Feng's character was such that he would repay kindness and revenge. Once he made up his mind, not even the King of Heaven could change it.

At this time, a burst of hearty laughter came from outside the door. It was Mo Qiuhua, the owner of Moxue Villa. He walked in with a smile and said from a distance: "Young Master Ling, you are finally awake."

Ling Feng stood up, quickly jumped off the bed, and bowed to Mo Qiuhua, "Senior helped me out of kindness, and I would like to thank you in advance."

"It's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning."

Mo Qiuhua smiled lightly, "Everything depends on the master's own physical fitness, otherwise, I will be helpless."

"It's a great favor to be taken in by senior."

Ling Feng once again cupped his fist and saluted Mo Qiuhua to express his gratitude.

Mo Qiuhua waved his hands and smiled, with a look of shame on his face: "Actually, the reason why I helped you two was because of my own selfish motives."

Immediately, Mo Qiuhua confessed that he was interested in Tuoba Yan's physique, and said with a faint smile: "Young Master Ling, I really value Tuoba girl. If she can become my teacher, I promise that not only will she be I will teach you everything I have learned, and I will also recommend you two so that you can have the opportunity to worship in the Dongling Immortal Pond."

"Although our Moxue Villa is not a first-rate power, at the foot of the Donglingxian Pond, Mengxianchi's grace, I finally have a little say, and I still have the qualifications to recommend two people to join the Donglingxian Pond. Of course, If Tuoba girl becomes her master, it may take another one or two years before she can become a disciple of Dongling Immortal Pond. However, for a warrior, two years has passed by in a blink of an eye. "

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