Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1294 Sudden separation! (3 updates)

Seeing the sincerity on Mo Qiuhua's face, Ling Feng knew that this old woman was really out of appreciation for her talent. He smiled lightly and said, "Senior has such intention, which is naturally a good thing, but the specific details depend on Yan'er's intention."

After saying that, Ling Feng looked back at Tuoba Yan and said with a smile: "Yan'er, Senior Mo is a peak human emperor with a similar physique to you. It will be of great benefit to you if she gives you careful guidance. Of course, I still respect your decision whether to stay or go, it’s up to you.”

Tuoba Yan took a deep look at Ling Feng, feeling slightly bitter in her heart. It was precisely because of these two years, even one year, that it was always difficult for her to make a decision.

How much she hoped that Ling Feng could forcefully keep her by his side, or let her stay here, but Ling Feng just threw the problem back to himself.

In her heart, she naturally did not want to be separated from Ling Feng, but she knew better that her own strength was getting further and further away from Ling Feng. Becoming a disciple of Mo Qiuhua and learning the secret skills of Mo Xue Villa was undoubtedly her destiny. Good fortune, an opportunity.

Recalling that when he was in Xianyao Pavilion, he could not help Ling Feng at all, which was why he was seriously injured. Tuoba Yan felt how weak he was, and he was just a burden next to Ling Feng.

"I..." Tuoba Yan took a deep breath, suddenly turned to look at Mo Qiuhua, and bowed deeply to her, "Disciple, I am willing to become my disciple!"

"Okay! Okay!"

Mo Qiuhua was overjoyed, "I finally found a successor, hahaha! Good boy, don't worry, I promise to do my best to teach you all my skills!"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, looking at Tuoba Yan's back, his heart suddenly felt empty, as if he had lost something.

"Okay, Yan'er, then you can practice hard here with your seniors. When you are successful in your studies, we will naturally meet again at the Dongling Fairy Pond. By then, we will still be as we are now, free in the world and walking together!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, but there was a hint of bitterness in his smile, as if something was missing.

After coming back to his senses, Ling Feng realized that he had become accustomed to Tuoba Yan being by his side, and it seemed like a kind of fun to have an occasional bickering.

The sudden separation made his heart feel as if a piece of it had been severely cut off.

Tuoba Yan also turned her back and stopped looking at Ling Feng. She was afraid that if she took one more look, she might be reluctant to separate.

"Young Master Ling, you are the only one who can make Tuoba girl change her mind."

Mo Qiuhua couldn't help but feel proud of his beloved disciple, and said with a smile: "Young Master, please rest assured, under my careful training, Tuoba girl's strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. With her physique, within three months, I will be confident that she will be promoted to the king level."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Sure enough, Tuoba Yan's Xuanyin physique is by no means simple. It's just that no one has given him targeted guidance. Once he gets guidance, he can make rapid progress.

"Then I would like to thank my senior on behalf of Yan'er." Ling Feng smiled and looked at Tuoba Yan's back, not knowing whether he was happy or worried.

"By the way, Young Master Ling, as far as I know, the day when the qualification tokens will be issued by the Three Temples of Donglingxianchi is three days later, and the date for the Five Spirits Temple is half a month later. During this period, Young Master can temporarily Live in my Moxue Villa. I will draft a recommendation letter right now. With my recommendation letter from Moxue Villa, the Three Gods can’t guarantee it, at least the Five Spirits Palace will give me a face.”

"Then thank you, senior."

Ling Feng bowed to Mo Qiuhua. Because of Elder Qingxuan and Qin Wuyang, he had no favorable impression of Blazing Sun Temple. As for Huanyue Temple and Star Temple, Ling Feng had no interest in them either.

He has a pretty good relationship with Lin Mu, so the Earth Spirit Palace is his first choice. As long as no one interferes with it, it should not be a problem for him to enter the Earth Spirit Palace with this letter of recommendation.

"Young Master Ling, you're welcome."

Mo Qiuhua smiled slightly, greeted Ling Feng a few more words, asked about his physical condition, and then left Ling Feng's room with the other maids.

Before leaving, Mo Qiuhua used his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice and said to Ling Feng mysteriously: "Young Master Ling, Xuanyin's body is very special. Before Tuoba Yatou masters her secret technique, I hope that Young Master Just be patient for now and don’t break girl Tuoba’s body. Of course, a kiss on the mouth won’t bother you.”


Hearing Mo Qiuhua's words, Ling Feng felt a burst of thunder in his mind. Damn, this is nothing!

However, when he wanted to explain, he found that Mo Qiuhua smiled ambiguously at him and left.

"This old woman!"

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, what a broken body, what a broken body, there is something wrong with it!


Being teased by Mo Qiuhua, Ling Feng's old face felt a little hot. Looking at Tuoba Yan's back, he laughed a few times and said, "That Yan'er, you stay here and practice well. One or two years will be very fast! "

"Yes, yes, you finally got rid of me as a burden. You must be happy now."

Tuoba Yan glared at Ling Feng with red eyes, leaving Ling Feng at a loss for a moment, "No, why do you think so? That's not what I meant, I... I just think it's good for you to stay with Senior Mo to practice. If you don’t want to, no matter what, I’ll shamelessly explain it to Senior Mo.”


Seeing Ling Feng scratching his head and scratching his head, how could he still have the domineering attitude he had when facing those powerful Human Emperors?

Tuoba Yan couldn't help but chuckle, "Forget it, what are you trying to explain? I have a good master, so I don't want you to mess with it!"

"Haha..." Ling Feng grinned, "It's better if you don't get angry."

Tuoba Yan rolled his eyes and cursed in his heart: If you are angry with someone like you, hundreds of Tuoba Yan will be angry to death.

On the west side of Moxue Villa, in a courtyard.

"What? The dealer wants to give the recommendation quota to a wild boy picked up from the roadside?"

A young man wearing a black robe and carrying a sword on his back had a deep frown. After hearing what an attendant said, he slapped the table in front of him into pieces.

"Damn it, the owner of the village has obviously promised me the quota for this year, but he changed his mind at this juncture!"

The man gritted his teeth and stared at the attendant in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "What on earth is going on? Tell me in detail!"

"Third... Third young master, it was because the village owner found a direct disciple, so she was so excited that she gave this spot to the boy named Ling."

The attendant was so frightened that he quickly told the truth about what he heard outside Ling Feng's door.

"Damn it!"

The third young master's brows were deeply furrowed, and fire almost burst out from his eyes, "This young master's quota can be snatched away by a wild boy of unknown origin just by asking for it! Humph, I think he is tired of living!"

Before he finished speaking, the figure of the third young master flashed forward and flew directly towards the other courtyard where Ling Feng lived.

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