Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1296 Dacheng Sword Intent! (1 update)

"The boy named Ling, come to the martial arts field for a fight!"

Mo Sanqing was ready to go. He had endured it for three days, but he couldn't wait any longer.

Ling Feng stood up, wearing a robe that moved automatically in the absence of wind. The sleeves of his clothes were fluttering, making him look extremely elegant.


A figure soared into the sky, Ling Feng came through the air, and slowly landed in the center of the Mo family's martial arts field. He stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Since you can't wait any longer, I will give you a gift as you wish. defeat!"

At this time, the disciples and elders of the Mo family had already heard the news and were watching from a distance around the martial arts field.

Mo Sanqing is an outstanding genius of the Mo family, and Ling Feng is just a "patient" picked up on the roadside, an unknown person. There is almost no suspense in a battle between the two.

As Ling Feng and Mo Sanqing arrived at the martial arts field one after another, Mo Qiuhua also rushed to the scene with the elders of the Mo family and Tuoba Yan.

This battle seems inevitable.

When Mo Sanqing heard Ling Feng's words, he couldn't help laughing, "Give me a defeat? Boy, you are too arrogant! Originally, I was only allowed to defeat you, but I gave you some face to prevent you from defeat. It's too tragic, but now it seems that a kid like you who doesn't know the world must be taught a lesson. "

Mo Sanqing stood with his hands behind his back, his aura was calm and oppressive in all directions, his cultivation at the Human Emperor level was so shocking that the disciples who looked at him were almost breathless.

The wind was light and the clouds were light at Lingfeng. The sword intent around his body swayed, and the pressure of the Human Emperor disappeared in an instant.

"For the sake of the seniors of the Mo family, I will be a little merciful."

Ling Feng stood calmly, his tone was light, but he had an indescribable confidence.


The corners of Mo Sanqing's eyes twitched. In terms of momentum, he could not overwhelm a mere junior talent-level boy. This made him feel unhappy, and at the same time aroused an extremely strong fighting spirit.

You must use thunderous means to kill him instantly in order to suppress this son's arrogance.

Mo Qiuhua sat down high, looked at the two people on the martial arts field, shook his head and sighed softly.

Next to Mo Qiuhua, there was a white-haired old man sitting side by side with Mo Qiuhua. This man was the second owner of Mo Xue Villa. In terms of strength, he was only lower than Mo Qiuhua.

Tuoba Yan stood beside Mo Qiuhua, his beautiful eyes tightly fixed on Ling Feng.

Although he knew that Ling Feng had the strength to overpower the Human Emperor, Tuoba Yan couldn't help but feel a little worried considering that Ling Feng was still recovering from his serious injury.

"It will be difficult for Young Master Ling to defeat Sanqing."

Mo Qiuhua shook her head. She was very clear about Mo Sanqing's strength. In fact, with his talent, even if he didn't need any recommendation letter, it wouldn't be too difficult to join the Dongling Fairy Pond.

However, Mo Sanqing was very ambitious. What he wanted to enter was not the Five Spirits Palace, but the Three Palaces.

The threshold for entering the Three Temples is extremely high, and this recommendation letter is one of them. The recommendation letter from Moxue Villa was barely recognized by the Three Temples.

"That's not necessarily the case."

The old man sitting next to Mo Qiuhua narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I see that the boy named Ling has a restrained aura. He should be somewhat confident that he dares to cross an entire realm to challenge the kid from Sanqing."

Mo Qiuhua was slightly surprised. The second owner of the village rarely praised others, but he looked at Ling Feng. Could it be that there was really something extraordinary about Ling Feng?

On the martial arts field.

"Boy, it's useless to talk. I'm going to let you know what despair means right now!"

With a low shout, Mo Sanqing finally took action. He was seen holding a knife in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. For a moment, the lights and shadows of swords and swords overlapped. The whole body was covered with swords, lights and shadows, like a copper wall and an iron wall, airtight.

This man is actually a master of both swords and swords!

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly, he was also a human emperor, and the gap between an ordinary emperor and a genius was unreasonable.

And this Mo Sanqing can definitely be called a genius.

With the strength he has shown, within a hundred moves, even the Ice Emperor of Tianhuang City may not be able to do anything to him.

It's a pity that he met himself.

"Humph, you know how powerful it is, right?"

Seeing Ling Feng's surprised expression, Mo Sanqing couldn't help but show a proud look on his face. His sword was crisscrossed, and his whole body was ejected, spinning like a windmill.

The swords intertwined, and the whole person was like a millstone. He grunted and slammed into Ling Feng. The swords glowed and sword energy was sprayed out wildly. Such a dense attack was enough to give any strong man of the same level a headache.

The cold light is like a shadow, the sword light is like a star, and the world of knives and swords is shrouded.

The awe-inspiring sword energy was still three feet away, already stinging his cheek, and a crisis suddenly arose!


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he directly used his Dacheng-level sword intent.


A sword chant was like the birth of a blue dragon, and a sword light as cold as snow restrained the wheel of Mo Sanqing's sword in an instant. At the same moment, a terrifying killing intent swept across crazily, almost freezing. Into substance!

Mo Sanqing was horrified, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt like he didn't dare to compete with Ling Feng.

What kind of terrifying murderous intent is that?

The sword in Mo Sanqing's hand seemed to be humming and trembling.

"Sword Intent!"

Mo Qiuhua slapped the case and stood up, his eyes full of horror: "And it's a Dacheng-level sword intent!"

Although she does not practice swordsmanship, she still understands what it means to be a master of swordsmanship.

Even those masters of swordsmanship like her who have practiced swordsmanship for hundreds of years are very rare with the mastery of swordsmanship, but Ling Feng, at such a young age, has actually understood the swordsmanship to this level.

With shock in his eyes, Mo Qiuhua turned to look at the second village owner, took a deep breath and said, "Old guy, can you even see this?"

The second village master shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I just sensed that this boy has extraordinary sword intent, which vaguely affects my sword intent, but I didn't expect that his sword intent has reached the level of Dacheng!"

Mo Qiuhua took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and then continued to ask: "Is this kid's sword intention stronger, or yours?"

"Judging from the sword intent alone, this little guy's sword intent is an extremely rare killing sword intent among the ten attributes of sword intent. As far as I know, this kind of sword intent can only be improved through killing. Killing The more there are, the stronger the sword intent is. With his level of killing sword intent, the number of kills may not be less than a million. "


Mo Qiuhua's eyelids twitched wildly, "You mean, this kid is actually a murderer?"

"No, no." The second village owner shook his head and smiled, "What I said is just an ordinary situation. Although the murderous aura in this young man is strong, the smell of blood is not strong. If he kills millions of people, he will be killed from a distance. I can sense the terrifying bloody aura on his body, so he may have another chance."

"It seems that Sanqing has lost this battle."

Mo Qiuhua shook his head. Ling Feng's sword intention had already shattered Mo Sanqing's fighting spirit. If the competition continued, Mo Sanqing would only fall into a disastrous defeat.

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