Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1297 The Second Sword Intent! (2 updates)


There was a sword cry like a dragon, Ling Feng slashed out with his sword, and Mo Sanqing's figure suddenly retreated more than ten feet. His mouth was numb and painful, and he could hardly hold the sword in his hand.

Looking at Ling Feng again, he had a calm face, standing with his hands behind his back, his robes dancing in the wind, making a hunting sound, and he completely crushed the opponent with the posture of a strong man.

Crossing an entire realm, crushing opponents, and doing it so easily and freely!

This scene fell in the eyes of the disciples of Moxue Villa. They were not only shocked, but also shocked. They were all surprised at who this Ling Feng was.

The second owner of the village looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "This man's sword is restrained and he can send and receive it freely. Even if I were to strike, I wouldn't be able to do a better job with that sword."

Mo Qiuhua looked slightly surprised when he heard the words of the second village owner. This second village owner is a very special existence in Moxue Mountain Villa. With his talent and qualifications, he is the most qualified to become the owner of Moxue Mountain Villa. However, he was not interested in the inherited skills of the Mohist family at all. Instead, he was obsessed with swordsmanship and formed his own sect.

He had always been extremely conceited about his swordsmanship, and he never expected that he would feel ashamed of himself for a young man in his twenties.

"Young Master Ling's sword power is truly astonishing." Mo Qiuhua nodded slightly, "That kid from Sanqing didn't lose unjustly."

"Damn it!"

Mo Sanqing was knocked back by Ling Feng's sword. He felt his face was dull and stared at Ling Feng, gnashing his teeth with hatred.

"What, do you want to continue fighting?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back. This Mo Sanqing was indeed much stronger than the ordinary first-level Human Emperor. He even had to use his killing sword intent to suppress Mo Sanqing with his sword intent before he could confidently kill him. He defeated him with one move.

"Humph, it was just a test. Come again!"

A look of solemnity appeared on Mo Sanqing's face. Ling Feng's sword attack made him completely stop looking down on him. This boy, who seemed to have a pitifully low level of cultivation, was by no means an ordinary person.

Ling Feng shook his head and said calmly: "If you have any skills, just use them."

"Boy, that's it!"

The muscles on Mo Sanqing's face twisted, and he clearly saw a trace of disdain in Ling Feng's eyes. And this look of disdain deeply stung his pride!

"Swords are everywhere, killing everyone in all directions!"

With a low roar, the energy in Mo Sanqing's body suddenly exploded, and the swords in his hands trembled slightly.

The long knife quickly filled the air with intense flames, turning into a green color, burning blazingly, and unbearably hot. Even dozens of feet away, Ling Feng felt the burning pain on the side of magma. The blade of the sword was densely covered with icy coldness. The biting ice was not affected by the flames at all. It invaded Lingfeng's senses at the same time, as if he had fallen to the bottom of a river.

One ice and one fire, Mo Sanqing actually controlled the power of two major attributes at the same time, and understood the artistic conception of ice and fire. He could freeze thousands of miles with one sword, and set fire to the sky with one sword!

Boundless sword light and sword energy criss-crossed, and Mo Sanqing's surrounding area of ​​ten feet was crushed into pieces by the power of ice and fire. Even Ling Feng's murderous sword intent was faintly suppressed.

"This move is really interesting!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Putting aside the personality factors, this Mo Sanqing does have some talent!

On the high platform, Mo Qiuhua's face showed a solemn look, ready to take action at any time.

Unexpectedly, during a sparring match, Mo Sanqing was forced to use a killing move. This move was extremely powerful and was triggered by a secret technique. Even the middle-level human emperor did not dare to take advantage of it.

Based on Tuoba Yan's feelings for Ling Feng, if this move accidentally hurts Ling Feng, I'm afraid the matter of accepting a disciple will have to add some variables.

The second master of the village also said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that kid from Sanqing to have mastered this sword to such an extent. It's a pity that this kid is too impetuous and is not suitable to inherit my swordsmanship. However, this move is a "Come on, that kid may be unable to resist."

The power is comparable to that of the mid-level Human Emperor's killing move. Even the Great Sword Intent may not be able to deal with it easily.

The swords danced together, both slashing down. The biting cold and intense burning, two extreme feelings enveloped Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's black hair danced wildly, and his white clothes rolled. Under the sword, his thin figure was like a candle in the wind, about to perish.

On the high platform, Tuoba Yan held his hand, his heart in his throat.

"That kid, were you scared out of your wits?"

"What Mo Sanqing used was a secret killing move among the ten sword skills. That boy is too arrogant. He is almost killing him. Could it be that he still wants to resist?"

The disciples and worshipers at Moxue Villa were dumbfounded when they saw Ling Feng staying motionless on the spot.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and the divine lines of humanity condensed in his eyes. He understood that the power of copying was activated, and he could already see the flaw in Mo Sanqing's moves.

The ice and fire were everywhere, killing everyone in all directions. It was indeed flawless. However, Mo Sanqing's sword technique was pushed too fast, and the sword technique could not be reversed. It seemed to be a sure-kill technique, but in fact it had flaws everywhere.

"That's all, I'll let you lose a little face."

With a thought, Ling Feng activated his second sword intention - the sword intention of reincarnation - between the lightning and flint!

For a moment, two great adult-level sword intents, with Ling Feng as the center, swept across like crazy.

The moment Mo Sanqing was in front of him, Ling Feng made a move of "Six Paths Floating and Sinking", destroying all directions. In a flash of cold light, a terrifying sword energy directly grazed Mo Sanqing's scalp.

Mo Sanqing's eyelids twitched wildly. The moment Ling Feng used the Reincarnation Sword Intent, he was temporarily absent-minded. When he came back to his senses, he felt a chill on his head. It turned out that Ling Feng's sword... The hair on the top of his head has been shaved cleanly.

"Damn it!"

Mo Sanqing was so angry that he was shaking all over, and he wanted to continue attacking, but he heard a thunderous explosion in his ears, and then a terrifying impact exploded in his chest. He didn't even have time to react, just like the autumn wind swept across The fallen leaves shot backwards and hit the wall of the martial arts field hard.


The granite wall actually sunk in, and Mo Sanqing was embedded directly into it. He didn't know how many bones had been broken all over his body.

It was better for Ling Feng to show mercy, otherwise, even if Mo Sanqing survived, his cultivation would probably be destroyed.

The whole place was silent! Silence!

At this moment, the figure standing in the gradually dissipating world of ice and fire, in the eyes of many people, is like a white-clothed God of War, with unparalleled fighting power, going against the path and defeating the enemy with one sword! !

"The second sword intention!"

The second village owner lost his composure and jumped up from his seat.

After practicing swordsmanship for more than a hundred years, he asked himself that he had seen countless swordsmanship masters and swordsmanship wizards, and those with dual sword intentions may be rare, but it is not impossible.

However, like Ling Feng, the two major swordsmen are both among the ten peak attributes of swordsmanship, but they are definitely the only one and no one else!

In particular, the second village master could still identify the killing sword intention, but Ling Feng's second sword intention was like a sudden glimpse, and even he couldn't distinguish it at all.

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