Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1301 The Moon God enters a dream! (2 updates)

Just when Ling Feng was comprehending the ancient stone statue that contained the rules of thunder in the inheritance cave of Moxue Villa, an extremely strange thing happened to Mo Qiuhua, the owner of Moxue Villa.

At night, with the bright moon hanging high in the sky, Mo Qiuhua was meditating in the practice room.

Since being promoted to the king level, warriors have almost broken away from the realm of mortals and no longer need to sleep to replenish their energy.

For decades, Mo Qiuhua spent long nights in meditation.

But on this day, she fell into a deep sleep without knowing it. Above the sky, the vast moon looked a bit strange.

"This is where?"

Mo Qiuhua was slightly dazed. It was obvious that this was not his quiet room. Could it be that this was his dreamland?


From the depths of this space, there was a dull sound, and then, the sounds of nature were loud, ethereal and beautiful, like the singing of a pure and beautiful girl, like the chorus of white-feathered cranes, the sound was touching, and for a while, all the dirt in the heart was gone, leaving only A ray of light purifies the soul.

Amidst the wonderful sounds of nature, flowers are falling from the sky, floating in the air, quietly and gracefully, flying in the sky above the ten peaks. The fragrant wind blows your nose, and you feel relaxed and happy when you smell it.

"The fairy sound is curling up and the flowers are fragrant all over the sky? Could it be...that it's her?"

Mo Qiuhua couldn't help but raise his head and saw nine white cranes flying in the sky, with a flower cart behind them, fragrant and quiet, noble and elegant, dazzling and stunning.

Behind the flower cart, two rows of handsome maids, with bright eyes and white teeth, and fairy mantles fluttering, came through the air, as if gods had descended, and they were very majestic.

The flower carriage entered the formation, the curtains were opened, and a woman in palace clothes floated out. She was dignified and elegant, noble and beautiful, with black eyebrows and white teeth, and a beautiful figure. Her words and smiles were full of charm, and her words and deeds were filled with mature charm. Just one look at it will make you feel ashamed and you will not be able to feel dirty.

And between the eyebrows of the woman in palace attire, there is a crescent moon pattern, shining with the silver moonlight, giving people a feeling of coldness and loneliness.

"Qiuhua, Moxue Villa, is everything okay?"

The eyes of the woman in palace attire flickered and she stared at Mo Qiuhua. When Mo Qiuhua saw the woman in palace attire, he immediately knelt on the ground and replied repeatedly: "Cheng Shengji takes care of you. Everything is fine at Moxue Villa."

"That's it, that's good. Get up."

A smile hangs from the corner of the mouth of the woman in palace attire. She looks back and smiles charmingly. Such a stunning beauty, I am afraid it is "This woman should only exist in heaven, and it is rare to hear it in the world!"

Mo Qiuhua quickly got up from the ground, looked at the woman in palace clothes respectfully, and said slowly: "The Moon God is in a dream, I don't know what is going on? If Qiuhua can do it, he will definitely devote himself to it and die!"

It turned out that the woman in palace attire in front of Mo Qiuhua was the Lord of the Huanyue Temple among the three temples in Donglingxianchi, Huiyue Shengji.

The so-called moon god enters dreams, which is the method of the Holy Lady Huiyue. Wherever the bright moon shines, the Holy Lady Huiyue can enter anyone's dream through the spiritual power of the moonlight.

"There is no need for you to work hard, and there is no need for you to die."

Huiyue Shengji's face was like autumn water, her eyes were rippling, her red lips parted lightly and she said: "I come here to ask for someone from you."


Mo Qiuhua was immediately overjoyed, "I wonder which one of our Moxue Villas can win the favor of the Holy Lady. It is really our great fortune at Moxue Villas!"

"This woman has the body of Xuanyin."

Huiyue Shengji spoke lightly, and a trace of cold sweat immediately broke out on Mo Qiuhua's forehead. He pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Lord Shengji, this woman, I have accepted her as my direct disciple..."


Huiyue Shengji stared at Mo Qiuhua, and in an instant, a wisp of substantial chill penetrated every corner of the air.

Mo Qiuhua took a deep breath and had a bad feeling in his heart.

When the moon god enters a dream, he can not only enter other people's dreams, but can even kill people invisible in the dream.

If the Holy Princess Huiyue had a thought, she would fall into a dream and never recover.

"Holy...Lord Shengji, I really can't bear to have the inheritance of Moxue Villa cut off. This woman with Xuanyin body is an excellent seedling. I will cultivate it for a few years and then send it to Dongling Fairy Pond to worship her. It’s not too late for Sheng Ji’s disciples…”

Mo Qiuhua was covered in cold sweat, and in his dream, he felt that the robe behind him was completely soaked.

The cold air gradually dissipated, Huiyue Shengji's eyes were like water, slowly falling on Mo Qiuhua, and said lightly: "Qiuhua, you have grown a lot in these years."

"No... I don't dare." Mo Qiuhua wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Without Lady Shengji's guidance back then, Qiuhua would never have achieved what he has achieved today."

If these words were heard by outsiders, they would be stunned.

Mo Qiuhua is already an old woman with a face full of vicissitudes of life, while the Huiyue Holy Princess is in her prime, but in Mo Qiuhua's eyes, she is actually a senior expert.

"Moxue Villa, the small gate and alleyway, teach the techniques, but they are only at the king level, they just insult Xuanyin's body."

With an expression that could not be criticized, Holy Princess Huiyue said indifferently: "Remembering the old relationship, I will not care about you privately accepting that woman as your disciple."

"Many...thank you, Lord Shengji, for being so magnanimous!"

Mo Qiuhua shivered and quickly knelt on the ground, kowtow to thank him.

"In addition, you need to dissolve the master-disciple relationship with that woman and let her worship in the Dongling Fairy Pond. You don't need to worry about the rest."


Mo Qiuhua sighed softly in his heart, finally accepting a disciple with excellent talent. Unexpectedly, this disciple's talent was so high that even Huiyue Shengji came to snatch him away.

Helpless, with her little ability, how could she dare to compete with Huiyue Shengji for apprenticeship? She could only nod her head and agree, there was no other way.

"Go ahead."

High in the sky, the Holy Princess Huiyue flicked her sleeves. Mo Qiuhua felt a strong wind blowing around him, and suddenly screamed. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the real world.

Behind his back, he was already dripping with cold sweat.

Mo Qiuhua took deep breaths several times before calming down a little. He hesitated in the room for a long time. Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, he finally opened the door and went straight to Tuoba Yan's residence.

At this time, Tuoba Yan was practicing the "Girl's Mysterious Yin Kung Fu" when he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He quickly opened the door, only to see Mo Qiuhua standing outside the door, with a worried look on his face, almost pale. not open.

"Master? Why are you here so early?"

Tuoba Yan was slightly surprised. Even if she was asked to get up early to practice, it would be too early.

"Yan'er..." Mo Qiuhua clenched his fists and pondered for a long time, then stared at Tuoba Yan and said in a deep voice: "You'd better not mention the word master again."


Tuoba Yan was slightly startled. Mo Qiuhua had tried every means to get her to become his disciple before. How could he change his mind in the blink of an eye?

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