Mo Qiuhua sighed softly and said with a wry smile: "Yan'er, my skills as a teacher are meager and I am not worthy of being a Taoist. I'm afraid I won't be able to be your master. You'd better go to the Dongling Fairy Pond to find a master more suitable for you."

Tuoba Yan gritted his teeth and looked at Mo Qiuhua in surprise, "It's just... Master, can you tell me why this is?"


Mo Qiuhua shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Everything is predestined. You and I are destined to have no master-disciple fate. As for the reason, maybe you will understand it when you get to Dongling Fairy Pond."

After thinking about it, Mo Qiuhua took out a few more books from his sleeves, handed them to Tuoba Yan, and said in a deep voice: "Although you and I are only masters and disciples for two or three days, I still hope that you can practice some cultivation. It’s not like you called me Master several times in vain.”

Tuoba Yanhui has a pure heart. Although Mo Qiuhua was evasive in his words, she also saw that Mo Qiuhua might have something unspeakable in his heart. She immediately stopped asking any more questions, took the secret book, and bowed deeply to Mo Qiuhua.

"Once a teacher, always a teacher. Master, although I don't know why you don't want to accept Yan'er as your disciple anymore, but in Yan'er's heart, you will always be my master."

"Good boy!"

Mo Qiuhua hugged Tuoba Yan into his arms and sighed in his heart, how could she not want this disciple? However, she couldn't keep this disciple!

"Yan'er, although I feel very reluctant to part with you, your visit to the Dongling Fairy Pond is only good for you."

After a long time, Mo Qiuhua let go of Tuoba Yan and said slowly: "We don't have much time. You are in the villa for one day, and I will be your master for one more day. Come, let's see this martial art first, and I will practice with you." Once again..."

Tuoba Yan's fate took another huge turn, and within the inheritance cave of the Moh family, Ling Feng had almost reached a critical point in understanding the rules of thunder.

At this time, Ling Feng slightly overlapped with the majestic figure in the scroll.

"The power of thunder, the artistic conception of thunder, the rules of thunder..."

Ling Feng sank into that arrogant figure, almost unable to extricate himself.

A whole day passed. Ling Feng suddenly flicked his sleeves and heard a "ZZZ" sound. A slight thunder flashed past, and green thunder and lightning lingered around him. Although it was weak, it was clearly visible.

As Ling Feng continued to fall into this state, the changes around him became more and more obvious.

The second day.

The third day.


In the deep valley, there seemed to be thunder, and the whole world was enveloped in the sea of ​​thunder. The peaks were baptized by thousands of thunders, but the eyes flickered more and more, as if they had some understanding.

"That's it, that's it!"

Ling Feng looked at the statue in front of him, holding his palm slightly, a green thunderbolt leaping out of his palm.

And in Ling Feng's mind, there was a unique magical power, "Thunder God Shadow".

It turns out that only after comprehending the artistic conception of the stone statue can one master the magical power hidden in the stone statue. Ling Feng's Thunder God Shadow is divided into three levels.

The first level: Void Thunder Escape is a skill similar to escaping into the void. Whether it is attacking or escaping, it is a first-rate ability.

The second level: the incarnation of divine thunder, summons the incarnation of thunder. Each incarnation contains the violent power of thunder and is full of self-destruction power.

The third level: Thunder God's Dharma. In this level, you can directly summon the Thunder God's virtual image and receive the blessing of thunder power. It is definitely a super weapon to kill your opponents in adverse circumstances.

At this moment, a sudden rumbling sound shook the valley. Ling Feng froze, and the ecstasy in his eyes gradually dissipated.

"Has three days already passed?"

Ling Feng sighed softly and looked at the other two stone statues in the valley. He was afraid that they also contained similar magical powers. However, the time had come and he and the other two magical powers were destined to have no fate.

Even so, Ling Feng was quite satisfied. As the saying goes, he bit off more than he could chew. This "Shadow of Thunder God", coupled with the artistic conception of thunder, was enough for him to use for a long time.

All in all, this wave is definitely worth it!

With a hint of regret, Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and no longer coveted the opportunities in the other two stone statues. As agreed, he returned to the teleportation array. The light and shadow around him flickered. After a while, he returned to the underground secret room of Moxue Villa. middle.

"Master Ling, how was the harvest?"

"Understood the method of thunder."

Mo Qingfeng took a breath, suddenly raised a thumbs up, and said sincerely: "Master Ling, you are worthy of being Master Ling!"

Ling Feng just shook his head and smiled. Unexpectedly, he chose the most difficult one just by choosing randomly. No wonder it took him three days to fully understand it.

If this idea were known to Mo Qingfeng, he would be so envious that he would vomit blood.

Why are awesome people always so awesome!

"That's right." Mo Qingfeng thought for a while, then mysteriously leaned into Ling Feng's ear and whispered: "Master Ling, if the old woman asks, just say that you realized the wood spirit stone statue when you realized it, or simply say I didn’t realize anything. That old woman is very carefree, but she is not as easy to talk to as I am.”


Ling Feng laughed a few times, thinking that Mo Qingfeng still had some complaints about Mo Qiuhua's mother-in-law style.

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