Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1303 Lin Mu comes to visit! (4 more updates)

When he returned to the ground and saw Mo Qiuhua and Tuoba Yan again, he found that both of them looked a little strange.

Especially Mo Qiuhua, who didn't even ask Ling Feng about what he had gained in the inheritance cave, thinking about it, he was in a very bad mood.

Later, after Mo Qiuhua left, Ling Feng asked Tuoba Yan and found out that Mo Qiuhua had somehow terminated the master-disciple relationship between him and Tuoba Yan and asked her to go to Dongling Fairy Pond together.

"It's strange. Senior tried every means to accept you as his disciple before. Now he finally accepts you as his disciple, but then pushes you out. It's really unpredictable."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Although this matter was a bit strange, Ling Feng felt a faint secret of joy in his heart, as if he had a feeling of regaining what was lost.

It seems good to have Tuoba Yan around.

"Although I don't know why, she still taught me her skills carefully. In my heart, I will always regard her as my master." Tuoba Yan lightly pursed his delicate lips and said with a solemn expression.

Ling Feng patted Tuoba Yan on the shoulder and knew that although she was cold on the surface, she was very emotional in her heart and was typically hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

"Then you should practice the magical powers that Senior Mo taught you well, and you can repay her."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Counting the time, in a few days, it will be the time when the Wuling Palace will issue the qualification tokens to the public. Let's go together then! No matter what, I decided to book the Donglingxian Pond! "

The elder Qingxuan of the Blazing Sun Temple plotted to severely injure him, but it didn't go away so easily!

Time flies again, and three days pass in the blink of an eye. Ling Feng, apart from being dragged by Mo Qingfeng to study swordsmanship every day, is practicing alone, studying the "Thunder God's Shadow". With the heaven-defying ability of the Eye of the Emperor, he can In just three days, he managed to develop some heat.

On this day, two uninvited guests suddenly arrived at Moxue Villa.

There was a man and a woman. The man was dressed in a blue robe and holding a folding fan. He looked elegant, while the girl in pink clothes following him looked a bit delicate and shy. She just followed the man closely, as if she was afraid. As if lost.

"Lin...Senior Brother Lin, do we really have to do this? Isn't this a bit against the rules?"

The girl in pink clothes looked a little timid, and even her voice had a slight stutter. She lowered her voice at this moment, as if she was afraid of being overheard.

"Regardless of whether he follows the rules or not, am I, Lin Mu, a person who abides by the rules?"

But it turned out that the young man in blue was Lin Mu, the inner genius of the Dongling Immortal Pond whom Ling Feng met in the Sea of ​​Miracles.

And the girl beside him is undoubtedly the strange girl Yu Linglong.

Originally, Lin Mu asked Yu Linglong to hand over the qualification token to Ling Feng, but who would have thought that the people from Blazing Sun Temple interfered and actually drove Ling Feng away.

After Lin Mu found out about this, he couldn't hold back. If it weren't for the presence of Elder Qingxuan from the Blazing Sun Temple, he would probably go directly to Qin Wuyang to settle the score and beat him to the ground.

No, after finally finding out about Ling Feng's whereabouts, he immediately went to Moxue Villa to look for him.

He knew Ling Feng's ability well, so he asked Yu Linglong to give him the qualification token. If he couldn't recruit Ling Feng, it would be a huge loss for Donglingxianchi.

From a distance, the guard guarding the village saw a disciple from Donglingxianchi coming to the door, and immediately went up to salute respectfully.

After all, the robes they were wearing were too conspicuous in this Iron Ice City.

"The two immortal masters are here. The young one will go and invite the master!"

One of the guards hurriedly rushed to the village to inform the two village owners. After all, the disciples of Donglingxianchi came to Moxue Villa, which was a first-class event.

In particular, now is the day when Donglingxianchi opens its doors to accept disciples, and the arrival of Donglingxianchi disciples has a very special meaning.

Lin Mu and Yu Linglong looked at each other. The former smiled and said nothing, quietly waiting for his master to come to greet him.

The guard ran wildly, shouting as he ran, "Big...big...big things, big...big..."

"What's big?"

Only one person was seen walking towards him, Young Master Mo Sanqing. The guard ran so fast that he almost collided with Mo Sanqing.

Mo Sanqing frowned deeply and glared at the guard, "You little slave, don't you have eyes?"

The guard almost bumped into the third young master when he saw it. He quickly knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: "Third... third young master, something really big has happened!"

"Every big thing is the same! Come here, drag this bitch slave down first and hit him with a hundred big blows!"

Mo Sanqing lost to Ling Feng in a competition a few days ago. He lay in bed for seven or eight days before he could get out of bed. Now everyone is unhappy. He is full of anger and has no place to vent his worries. This guard bumped into him. At gunpoint, he bullied her to death.

"Third Young Master, it's... the disciples of Donglingxianchi are here in person!"

The guard was so frightened that he was scared to death and shouted quickly.

"Wait a moment!"

Mo Sanqing's eyelids twitched, he stared at the guard and said, "What did you say? Are there disciples from the Dongling Fairy Pond here?"

"Yes...yes..." the guard said tremblingly: "The third young master, or two disciples, came together! Judging from their marks, they seem to be disciples of the Earth Spirit Palace."

"Ha ha!"

A look of ecstasy immediately appeared on Mo Sanqing's face. At this moment, it was the time for Donglingxian Pond to recruit disciples. The disciples of Donglingxian Pond chose to come now. What else could they do besides issuing qualification tokens?

I think it must be because of my fame that some big shots in Donglingxian Pond heard about it and appreciated me very much, so they sent their disciples to come and give him qualification tokens so that he could be accepted into Donglingxian Pond.

Apart from this reason, Mo Sanqing could not think of any other reason why the disciples from Donglingxianchi would come to visit at this time.

After all, he is the most outstanding genius in Moxue Villa.

"Sure enough, gold will shine sooner or later!" A trace of pride appeared on Mo Sanqing's face, "With my young master's talent, it is more than enough to be admitted to the three temples. However, since the Earth Spirit Temple has a powerful eye and discernment pearl, I have no choice but to accept the invitation."

After saying that, the gloom swept away from Mo Sanqing's face, and he laughed and said: "Come here, give this slave a reward. I will personally go and receive the two senior brothers and sisters!"

One after another, Mo Sanqing seemed to be a different person. He was very proud of himself. It was a great honor to have a disciple of Donglingxianchi come to deliver the token to his door. This was a great honor. If word spread, it would spread throughout Tiebing City. Young talents, even those in the entire Dongling Territory, would probably be so envious that their eyes would glow green.

"Haha, only I, Mo Sanqing, deserve such an honor. Ling Feng is just a poor man. Even the recommendation letter needs to be written by the old woman who owns the village. He is just a bumpkin from a remote village. Compared with Master Ji, he is just a piece of mud!"

With a heart full of ecstasy, Mo Sanqing walked quickly towards the door. He saw Lin Mu and Yu Linglong from a distance, and quickly stepped forward to salute, "Mo Sanqing, I would like to pay my respects to my two senior brothers and senior sisters!"

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