Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1304 If you are sick, you must take medicine on time! (1 update)

"I, Mo Sanqing, would like to pay my respects to my two senior brothers and senior sisters!"

Mo Sanqing was very polite, bowed to Lin Mu and Yu Linglong respectively, and said with a smile: "Brother and sister, please come here to make my whole Moxue Villa shine!"


Lin Mu looked at Mo Sanqing and said curiously: "I didn't expect that the owner of Mo Snow Villa is so young!"

"Um..." Lin Mu was obviously stunned for a moment, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "I am Mo Sanqing, not the owner of the village."

"You're not the owner of the village, so why are you out here? Can you take care of things?"

Lin Mu rolled his eyes and said impatiently: "Let the person in charge come out and speak!"

Mo Sanqing was immediately dumbfounded and quickly repeated, "Mo Sanqing, Mo Sanqing!"

"What the hell!"

Lin Mu felt dizzy after hearing this, frowned and said, "I don't care about your cleanliness, it's none of my business."


Mo Sanqing clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Brother, please stop joking. I am Mo Sanqing. You may not have heard clearly. I am Mo, San, Qing! I am the most outstanding genius in Moxue Villa. ”

"I found that there is something wrong with your mind?"

Lin Mu said rudely: "Brother Mo Sanqing, let me tell you, if you are sick, you must take medicine on time and don't fool around. Okay, you are crazy enough now, go ahead and put you Hand it over, sir.”

The corners of Mo Sanqing's mouth twitched, and the ecstasy in his heart suddenly turned into a strong sense of humiliation.

He turned to look at the attendant next to him, as if everyone in the world was laughing at him.

You are so sentimental!


Unfortunately for me, I have been happy for a long time, but others have never even heard of my name!

In Mo Sanqing's mind, millions of "grass and mud horses" whizzed past at the same time, and a rather handsome face immediately turned dark.

At this time, Mo Qiuhua and Mo Qingfeng had also arrived. Seeing Mo Sanqing receiving Lin Mu and the other two at the door, they quickly said: "Sanqing, you are such a kid. You are not happy with what you are doing in front of the door." Invite the two distinguished guests in."


Mo Sanqing was about to cry but had no tears. He was as dejected as an eggplant beaten by frost.

The feeling of falling from heaven to hell in an instant made him feel as if he was seriously ill.

But in front of the inner disciples of Donglingxianchi, he didn't even have the qualifications to get angry.

"I'm just saying that Moxue Villa is somewhat famous. How could the owner be mentally retarded?"

Lin Mu spoke freely and smiled, but he didn't know that his unintentional words were so heartbreaking that Mo Sanqing's heart was broken into petals and bloodshot.


The smile on Mo Qiuhua's face froze slightly, but he still ignored this sentence automatically and said with a smile: "I am Mo Qiuhua, the owner of Moxue Mountain Villa. I don't know how to call you two friends?"

"I'm Lin Mu." Lin Mu smiled faintly and saluted Mo Qiuhua with a cupped fist.

"I...I am Yu Linglong."

Yu Linglong was as shy as ever, her ears would turn slightly red if she said more than one word.

"It turns out to be Mr. Lin, Miss Jade." Mo Qiuhua was an experienced man. When he saw Mo Sanqing's appearance like a defeated rooster, he knew what had happened. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, and hurriedly welcomed the two of them into the main hall. , while asking: "I wonder why Mr. Lin comes to my Moxue Villa."

"Haha, if we can't talk deeply, why bother?"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the boy came here partly to thank the owner of the village for taking in my unlucky brother."

"Take in your brother?"

Mo Qiuhua's eyelids twitched, "You mean, Mr. Ling?"

"Not bad, not bad!" Lin Mu nodded repeatedly, "Haha, Brother Ling is here with you as expected. Master, there is no need to say any other polite words. Take me to see Brother Ling quickly."


Mo Qiuhua smiled bitterly, "It turns out that Mr. Lin is here to see Mr. Ling. Please wait in the main hall for a moment. I will ask my servant to call him."

"So good, so good!"

Lin Mu politely found a seat and sat down, then casually pressed Yu Linglong next to her. Strangely enough, this strange girl had to keep a distance of ten steps from other men and even touch her a little. , it will immediately stimulate the strange power in the body.

But there was no reaction from Lin Mu's side, just her pretty face turned red, her head lowered, and her heart pounding like a deer.

Mo Sanqing on the side became even more furious when he heard Lin Mu's words.

It's that Ling Feng again!

Naturally, Mo Sanqing put this debt on Ling Feng's head.

If it weren't for that Ling Feng, he would never have suffered such humiliation today.

Some people are like this. They clearly have no ability, but they resent people who are better than them. This is probably the psychological distortion.

Not long after, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan came to the main hall together. The two "old friends" reunited, which was naturally an exciting scene.

"Brother Ling, I have wronged you so much!"

Lin Mu stepped forward, pressed Ling Feng's shoulders, and cursed: "It's all the fault of that nosy Qin Wuyang, if I get a chance, I will have to pluck out every hair on his body. "

"..." Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "You didn't often do this kind of thing before, right?"

"How often!" Lin Mu pursed her lips, "I used to grow his hair!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. He felt that the reason why he was targeted by Qin Wuyang was inseparable from Lin Mu.

This guy is so cool! He probably picked up all his obscene habits from the "sexy old man" the turtle called him.

"Well, I'm here in person this time. I'm sorry that Qin Wuyang doesn't dare to hold it in." Lin Mu took out two qualification tokens from his hand, handed them to Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Good brother, this order Take the card, and we will have someone to take care of you in the Donglingxian Pond from now on! At least, we will have a companion when we are tricked by that little witch!"

"Little witch..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. The little witch in Lin Mu's mouth was naturally referring to that girl Jiang Biyi. Speaking of which, the strange appearance of this girl after putting on the ring really made Ling Feng a little curious.

However, Ling Feng still pushed the token back and said slowly: "Brother Lin, I do need this token, but I can't get it this way!"

"Uh..." Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, "Brother Ling, what do you want?"

"Of course I got it in public and with strength!" A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he said coldly: "I want to let the Blazing Sun Temple see whether I am qualified to get this token. ”

Ling Feng's move was undoubtedly a provocation to the elder Qingxuan, but with his courage, it was within Lin Mu's expectation to do such a thing.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being the man that I, Lin Mu, like!"

Lin Mu laughed loudly, "If you really want to evaluate the qualifications, even if all those bullshit geniuses are not qualified, you, Ling Feng, have the qualifications! Okay, then as you said, give those self-righteous guys a hard slap Big mouth!"

Ling Feng felt a chill all over his body, rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Lin, please don't fall in love with me! I don't have that kind of special hobby!"

"Get out of here!" Lin Mu made a move to kick Ling Feng. Ling Feng stepped aside and the two of them looked at each other and burst into laughter.

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