Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1320 Biluo Shengji! (1 update)

After recovering some physical strength, Ling Feng returned to the cave where he temporarily lived. Both Mo Sanqing and Tuoba Yan inhaled the fragrance of Dark Soul Incense, so they were still unconscious.

However, this dark soul incense has no side effects on the body. They will probably wake up by the time they sleep until dawn.

"It's rare for this guy to show his kindness for once."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, slightly changing his view of Mo Sanqing.

After straightening his body and letting him sit on the rock wall, Ling Feng walked into the cave. Tuoba Yan fell on the temporary stone bed, breathing evenly, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly, as if he was sleeping. It's quite sweet.

Ling Feng slowly sat down in front of Tuoba Yan and frowned slightly.

In Mu Renjie's memory, Ling Feng also found out some things about Tuoba Yan.

It seems that Tuoba Yan has been favored by the master of Huanyue Temple and wants to accept her as his direct disciple. For Tuoba Yan, I don't know whether this is a good thing or not.

"Then Qing Xuanzi repeatedly warned not to hurt Yan'er. It seems that the Huiyue Saint Princess is not hostile to Yan'er."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and thought for a moment. It was a great opportunity for Tuoba Yan to be a master of one of the three temples. She had no reason or right to deprive her of it.

One night passed quickly.

Dawn breaks, and a new day finally arrives.


Mo Sanqing jumped up suddenly, touched himself all over, and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he was not injured and his head was still on his neck.

"Hey, isn't that right?"

Mo Sanqing was stunned for a moment, then looked around and found Ling Feng sitting on the other side of the cave entrance. He looked quite embarrassed, and his clothes were in tatters, almost like a beggar.

"Ling..." Mo Sanqing looked at Ling Feng in surprise, and said slowly: "Brother Ling, could it be that you... beat... the old man from the Mu family away?"

"So be it."

Ling Feng shrugged. In fact, Mu Renjie was not beaten away, but had already burped.


Mu Renjie swallowed hard, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

A junior in the Divine Sea realm defeated the peak human emperor!

Oh my God, the earth!

Is that human being?

However, this is the only explanation. Otherwise, in the situation last night, could there be soldiers and generals coming from heaven to save them?

He didn't believe that Mu Renjie would suddenly show kindness and let them go.

"Okay, just keep it in your stomach about this matter, and don't say anything more if anyone asks. It won't do any harm to you."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said lightly.

"Yes, I understand!"

Mo Sanqing smiled coquettishly. He was now completely convinced by Ling Feng. Remembering that he had always wanted to go against Ling Feng before, he felt frightened.

If Ling Feng hadn't cared about the kindness of the two village owners, he would have died hundreds of times!

Thinking of this, Mo Sanqing secretly sweated, and already regarded Ling Feng as a person who could not be provoked in this life.

"Yes." Ling Feng glanced at Mo Sanqing, nodded slightly, and went to wake up Tuoba Yan in the cave. The three of them were on the road again, heading towards the East Lingxian Pond.

This test of the Demonic Sky Snow Ridge is not too difficult for Ling Feng. It is only a matter of time before he reaches the Dongling Fairy Pond.

at the same time.

Lin Mu, Ning Guichen and his party, relying on the teleportation circle, arrived at the Dongling Fairy Pond in just the blink of an eye.

After returning to Donglingxian Pond, Lin Mu said goodbye to Ning Guichen and returned to their respective branch halls.

After taking Yu Linglong with him and returning to the Earth Spirit Palace with ease, Lin Mu dismissed Yu Linglong and asked her to go back to rest, while he went straight to the tallest and most magnificent building within the boundaries of the Earth Spirit Palace.

Here is the residence of the master of the Earth Spirit Hall, his sister, Biluo Shengji.

In the entire Earth Spirit Hall, Lin Mu was the only one who dared to trespass here.

"Sister! Sister! Are you there?"

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Mu shouted loudly, and saw a green light, shooting from the air, holding him firmly.

The next moment, Lin Mu only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and was caught by the green light in the side hall. The person sitting cross-legged and meditating in front was not the Holy Princess Biluo.

I saw a veiled woman sitting quietly on the embroidered cushion. She has a graceful figure and exquisite curves. She is dressed in flowing white clothes. She looks like a fairy descending. Her temperament is unparalleled, dignified and elegant, giving people a sense of mystery. A woman falls into the mundane feeling and refuses to eat any human fireworks.

"Sister, there's no need to drag me in like this every time."

Lin Mu frowned and glared at the masked woman, humming softly: "I don't want to lose face!"

"You are going up and down the Donglingxian Pond, what kind of dignity do you have?"

Biluo Shengji opened her red lips lightly and said slowly: "This time I asked you to go to the mountain to recruit disciples. Did you cause me any trouble again?"

"Sister, do you just look down on me so much? How could I get into trouble? I have chosen a peerless genius for you, sister!"

Lin Mu walked up behind Biluo Shengji with a smile, and tapped her sister's shoulder very "obediently".

"Stop it!"

Biluo Shengji shrugged, avoided Lin Mu's palm, frowned and said, "I would like to thank the gods for your ability to calm down for two or three days."


Lin Mu grinned and said, "Sister, why don't you ask me about that peerless genius?"

"Could it be that if I don't ask, you won't tell me?"

Biluo Shengji rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, "You are going to say it anyway, so why should I ask more?"

"She is really my biological sister!" Lin Mu sat down on the cushion next to Biluo Shengji and said with his lips: "That's the Ling Feng Ling brother I told you about last time. It's really easy to catch up with him this time. I've already Give him the qualification token of our Earth Spirit Palace, sister, you can arrange a powerful elder for him to be his master!"

"I think Elder Taixu is pretty good. Our number one expert in the Earth Spirit Palace has the magical power of Sanyang Kaitai. Even the old guys from the Three Palaces don't dare to take advantage of it!"

"Otherwise, Elder Zuo Yan is not bad either. Although this old man is a bit rigid, he still has some skills!"

"Otherwise, sister, if you accept him as your direct disciple, haha, when he sees me in the future, he will be a generation shorter and have to call me uncle, haha, interesting!"

Lin Mu kept talking, and Biluo Shengji didn't find it annoying. After listening quietly, she shook her head and said calmly: "Xiao Mu, I can't take that friend of yours into the Earth Spirit Palace."


Lin Mu's eyelids twitched and he frowned, "Sister, why?"

"Can't, just can't."

Biluo Shengji's face was as cold as frost, and she said slowly: "If he accepts it, you can let him go to the outer door, step by step, and enter the inner door based on his ability. By then, the door of my Earth Spirit Palace will be open for him at any time. Of course, if he doesn’t want to, he can just leave.”

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