Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1321 Arriving at the Immortal Pond! (2 updates)

" are deliberately targeting me!"

Lin Mu clenched his fists, stared at Biluo Shengji, and said bitterly: "Except for his slightly lower cultivation level, Brother Ling ranks among the best in other tests, why don't you accept him!"

"If you don't accept it, you won't accept it!"

Biluo Shengji shook her head, "Okay, Xiao Mu, it's time for you to leave, I'm going to practice."

"you you……"

Lin Mu was so angry that he wanted to beat his chest, but he also knew that it would be useless even if he said something about what his sister had decided.

"I'm furious!"

Lin Mu glared at Biluo Shengji fiercely, then flicked his sleeves and left angrily.

Not long after Lin Mu left, a short, skinny old man jumped down from the beam. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a sigh of relief: "Huh, I almost got caught by that brat." Bed!"

The corners of Biluo Shengji's mouth twitched fiercely for a few times, she glared at the thin old man, took deep breaths several times, and then said angrily: "Old Turtle, please respect yourself? Stop talking nonsense!"

"Hehe, Xiao Biluo still has such a good character!"

The thin old man stared at Biluo Shengji's heaving breasts and smiled, causing Biluo Shengji to roll her eyes.

However, Biluo Shengji knew that this old man had always had such a personality, so she just frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Why does Mr. Turtle want me to make things difficult for a junior? You should know that with that young man's achievements, it is more than enough to enter the inner sect. For this reason, Xiaomu can’t help but hate my sister again.”

"Of course I have my plans, Xiao Biluo, it's better not to ask any more questions."

The thin old man shrugged and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, it's time for me to inform the other hall masters."

After saying that, the thin old man waved, a green light flashed, and a huge old turtle emerged from the void, carrying the thin old man, and disappeared in a flash.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance that this old turtle was the same magical turtle that carried Lin Mu to the volcanic island in the foggy sea that day!

Biluo Shengji shook her head slightly. This old turtle was one of the three half-saints of the Dongling Immortal Pond. He had always been cynical and had some unspeakable quirks. However, he was a very approachable and approachable senior expert.

It seemed that he was quite interested in the young man named Ling Feng and wanted to test him. If that young man passes the test, perhaps it will be a blessing for that young man.

Even if you can't be accepted as a true disciple, it is still a great opportunity to get some guidance from a strong semi-saint.

At noon on the third day of the Demonic Snow Ridge today, Ling Feng and his party finally crossed the dangerous Demonic Snow Ridge and arrived at the Dongling Fairy Pond.

At this time, some people had already arrived at the foot of the Dongling Immortal Pond, and they all stared at the floating fairy islands in the sky, dumbfounded.

The entire Dongling Fairy Pond is like a fairyland. There are eight huge floating fairy islands floating in the sky, connected by huge iron cables. Three of them are slightly higher than the other five fairy islands. .

And in the middle of all the floating fairy islands, there is a small island with a radius of less than a hundred feet, which is overflowing with spiritual energy and sparkling waves. On this small island, it seems to be a huge pool.

Dongling Immortal Pond is named after this Immortal Yao Pond.

"So... so big!"

"Hiss... Just a fairy island is more than a hundred times bigger than the entire Iron Ice City!"

Among the islands, there are towering towers that reach into the sky, towering and majestic, overwhelming the heavens.

Under the eight floating fairy islands, the magnificent snow-capped mountains are nothing more than an inconspicuous dot compared with the palaces on the fairy islands in the sky.

In front of everyone, there was an extremely huge abyss, which seemed to separate the Dongling Immortal Pond from the outside world into two completely different worlds. If one forced their way into the Immortal Pond without the owner's permission, they would have no choice but to die in the abyss.

Those talented heroes who had arrived at the Dongling Immortal Pond a long time ago were all dumbfounded. Even though they all came from major forces in the countries of the Eastern Spiritual Realm, they had never seen such a magnificent handiwork.

This place is simply like a fairyland!

Mo Sanqing also widened his eyes. Although he had heard all kinds of legends about the Dongling Fairy Pond, the feeling of arriving here in person was that hearing it a hundred times was worse than seeing it.

Looking from a distance, one can see people flying in the wind or riding precious animals and exotic pets, talking and laughing in various postures on those fairy islands, making people feel ashamed.

Can they really enter this paradise on earth?

"As expected of the Holy Land of the Human Race!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the fairy pond in the center of the eight fairy islands from a distance. The aura of the entire Dongling Fairy Pond, and even the energy source that made the eight fairy islands float in the air, seemed to come from this fairy pond. pool.

If you can take a bath in the Immortal Pond, it will be comparable to practicing for a hundred years in other places!

However, if one dares to attack the Immortal Pond blatantly, he is probably asking for his own death.

After all, in the Donglingxian Pond, there are not only powerful emperors, but also existences that have the strength to reach semi-saints. Even a guy who is greedy for money like a cheap donkey does not dare to act rashly in the Donglingxian Pond.

Time passed little by little, and warriors continued to come out of the Demonic Sky Snow Ridge. Among them were Princess Qianling and Lu Tianyi. Although they were a little embarrassed, they had basically passed the first-class path. In addition, they were in The results in the qualification examination and admission to the inner gate are a sure thing.

Finally, at dusk, under the fairy island, two majestic giant doors opened, shooting out a white ice edge, spanning the cliff thousands of feet, standing in the sky, turning into a bridge thousands of feet, reaching the snowfield where they were.

From behind the giant door, two silver figures flew up, one man and one woman.

The man is incomparably handsome, tall and imposing, and he is a middle-level human emperor!

The woman has bright eyes and white teeth, a beautiful figure, and a cold aura all over her body, which adds to her aloofness. Her cultivation is even better than that of the men around her!

Two people, one on the left and one on the right, one person and one bridge, just like this, they are flying across the thousand-foot ice bridge in the sky, as graceful as immortals.

"I, Zu Xiaotian, am responsible for guiding the inner disciples." The handsome man stood proudly on the ice bridge with his hands behind his back. He glanced at the disciples on the ice field and nodded slightly.

"I am Feng Ling, responsible for welcoming the outer disciples."

The beautiful woman's red lips slightly opened, which also explained her purpose of coming.

"Next, please turn in the qualification tokens in your hands."

After Zu Xiaotian said that, everyone took out the qualification tokens. Zu Xiaotian rolled up his sleeves and put all the qualification tokens away into a black box.

The box emitted a ray of light and compiled everyone's information and achievements into a detailed list.


Zu Xiaotian nodded and said calmly: "The final result has come out. Now, please invite the disciples whose names I read to follow me into the heaven."


Immediately, someone's eyelids twitched and they asked questions.

Zu Xiaotian curled his lips, pointed to the fairy island above, and said proudly: "The fairy island above is the heaven, full of spiritual energy, and the inner disciples and above are qualified to enter. The lower part is the earth, where the spiritual energy is thin. It’s a place for outer disciples to practice.”

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