Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1322 High score and loss! (3 updates)


Many of them were disappointed. There was a huge difference between heaven and earth. They thought that the elimination during the qualification assessment was cruel enough, but they didn't expect to understand what true cruelty was when they actually worshiped the Dongling Fairy Pond.

Except for some geniuses who have already been determined to enter the inner sect, the remaining young talents all have serious expressions on their faces, hoping that they will be lucky enough to be selected as inner sect disciples.

The final results are all out. On the list, Ling Feng's overall score ranks third, just below Tuoba Yan and Princess Qianling.

Of course, this is mainly because Ling Feng's cultivation level is low, and when he tested his physique, it was only the Celestial Spirit Body, not the Holy Body.

Just when Nazu Xiaotian was about to announce the final results, a god-like projection suddenly condensed in the void above, a huge figure like a mountain, hanging high in the sky. Nazu Xiaotian and Feng Ling suddenly raised their heads, and immediately He knelt on the ground and said loudly: "See the Holy Princess Huiyue!"

Most of the other warriors had heard of the name of the Holy Lady Huiyue, and they quickly knelt down to worship her. Even if it was just a shadow of the Holy Lady Huiyue, they could not look directly at her.

Ling Feng glanced at the phantom, and then turned to look at Tuoba Yan beside him. He knew that Huiyue Saint Princess was probably here to take Tuoba Yan as her disciple.

As the master of a palace, she actually came to pick up Tuoba Yan in person, which shows that she should attach great importance to Tuoba Yan.

In the sky, the image of Holy Princess Huiyue did not even look at outsiders, her eyes focused on Tuoba Yan, her eyes were like autumn water, and she said lightly: "I am the master of Huanyue Temple, are you willing to worship me as your teacher? You should be able to feel the aura of the same origin in me.”

Tuoba Yan raised his head and glanced at the Huiyue Saint in shock. A single projection could suppress the world and had such terrifying power. How strong was the Huiyue Saint?

"What are you still doing?"

Ling Feng pushed her behind and whispered: "I want to become my disciple!"

"Oh..." Tuoba Yan bit her red lips. She knew that Ling Feng was probably going to the Earth Spirit Palace, so she also wanted to go to the Earth Spirit Palace with Ling Feng, but now there was such a powerful person who wanted to accept her as his disciple, and Ling Feng asked himself to become a disciple again.

After hesitating for a moment, Tuoba Yan bowed to the phantom in the sky and said, "Greetings, Master!"

"Okay, come with me!"

The Huiyue Shengji had neither joy nor sadness on her face. With a wave of her sleeves, Tuoba Yan immediately rose up in the wind and was led into the high sky by the Huiyue Shengji.

Tuoba Yan's beautiful eyes looked deeply at Ling Feng, full of reluctance and tenderness.


Huiyue Shengji saw Tuoba Yan's gaze and followed her gaze. When she saw Ling Feng, she couldn't help but frowned slightly, and immediately took Tuoba Yan with her, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


One after another, envious eyes looked at the direction where Tuoba Yan disappeared. Being able to become the direct disciple of the Lord of the First Hall, his future achievements will definitely be limitless.

Mo Sanqing also swallowed his saliva, with an expression of envy and hatred on his face, "It's good to be born with a holy body. I didn't expect that Miss Tuoba participated in the assessment of the Five Spirits Palace, but she was favored by the master of the Huanyue Palace! "

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. With Tuoba Yan's talent, it would be a waste to follow him and join the Earth Spirit Palace.

This should be the path that suits her best.

After Huiyue Shengji, another inner disciple of Xuanlei Palace came from the fairy island and took away Princess Qianling, which made everyone jealous again.

At this time, two more figures descended from the sky, and everyone could clearly see that they were Lin Mu from the Earth Spirit Palace and Ning Guichen from the Flowing Fire Palace.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

"Brother Ling!"

Seeing these two people heading straight for Ling Feng, the talented heroes who had finally passed through the many dangers and reached the Dongling Fairy Pond couldn't help but look at Ling Feng with envy.

It seems that the third lucky person is Ling Feng.

Moreover, he was also appreciated by two major spiritual palaces at the same time!

Mo Sanqing also looked at Ling Feng with envy, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Ling, congratulations first. You can definitely be admitted to the inner sect, but I can't say that."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. Even if Qing Xuanzi had some status, he probably wouldn't be able to interfere with the decision-making of the master of the Five Spirits Hall. With him, he was far from being able to cover the sky with one hand in the Dongling Immortal Pond.

Lin Mu and Ning Guichen landed in front of Ling Feng. Ning Guichen had a smile on his face, stepped forward and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Ling, I came here specially to welcome you into the heaven. Haha, Earth The Spiritual Palace is a pretty good place to go!”

Lin Mu, on the other hand, had a grimace on his face and furrowed his brows as he said, "Brother Ling, I'm sorry. I think it's probably because I've committed too many sins on weekdays, which made my sister hate her so much. She...he didn't want to put her You enter the Earth Spirit Palace..."

"What?" Ning Guichen's eyelids twitched, "Junior Brother Lin, didn't you promise that as promised?"

"In the end, my sister has the final say in the Earth Spirit Palace."

Lin Mu's face was full of shame, he clenched his fists and said: "Brother Ling, although you can't enter the Earth Spirit Palace, you did very well in the examination of the fifth palace and ranked third in the final score. The other palaces will definitely not miss your peerless performance. Genius. It’s the same when you worship in other temples!”

Ling Feng frowned slightly, but soon felt relieved and said with a faint smile: "It's okay, Brother Lin, you don't have to feel guilty, you have tried your best to help me."

Ning Guichen, who was on the side, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "It seems that Junior Brother Ling is not included in the admission list of Flowing Fire Palace. I thought..."

Ling Feng's heart "thumped" again. Neither the Earth Spirit Palace nor the Flowing Fire Palace had his own name, and the Five Spirit Palace was already ranked second. Could it be said that he actually failed to win the election with his outstanding third place overall score?

After about a stick of incense, Nazu Xiaotian finally spoke again and said loudly: "There should be no direct disciples now. Now, all the junior brothers and sisters whose names I have read will follow me into the heaven."

"Lu Tianyi, Xu Dayou, Ye Shao... Mo Sanqing,..."

Zu Xiaotian read out eleven names in a row, and then said with a smile: "There are many disciples who can directly enter the inner sect this time. Okay, come with me. I will take you to Tianxin Palace first. I will meet you then." The elders of the Five Spirits Hall will come to select and decide your final destination."

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Mu frowned and said in a deep voice: "This senior brother, why is there no Ling Feng's name? Did you miss it?"

Zu Xiaotian shook his head and smiled, "There are only a dozen names coming back and forth. Although Zu is not talented, he will not miss it."

"Fart, Ling Feng's name isn't even there, I must have missed it!"

As he said that, Lin Mu snatched the list with his hands. After taking a closer look, the corners of his mouth twitched, "Damn it, it's unreasonable. How is this possible? Are you blind? What kind of elders are those in the Five Spirits Palace? They are all Blind? Damn it!"

With Lin Mu making such a fuss, everyone realized that Ling Feng, who had the third highest overall score, had actually lost the election!

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